Monday 28 April 2014


Due to the increase pollution quotient in the country, the profile environmentalist came up with an idea of waste management and they gave a famous triad of Reduce, Reuse and Recycle. Well, this mantra would help in long run. Moreover this concept is now being used in other fields also. But recently, I stumbled over its weirdest application.

Saving the sperms of the young male patient diagnosed with cancer and undergoing chemotherapy, is a pre-requisite procedure. It’s side effect of chemotherapy that it could bring damage to reproductive system. Therefore saving sperms of such patient give them hope to start their own family when they become cancer free.
Other than above criteria, I haven’t heard of any other medical emergencies to save sperms until recently, I got an update to my present knowledge.

It so happened, this girl that I know, had an affair with a jaat guy for three years now. It was a school time affair which was running its course even in college days. But they were too young to move to next level. Reason being both being at their sorority level and were unsettled professionally.
Suddenly one day the boy came up with a notion that he is bored with hanging out and want something more from the relationship. All the other boys in his gang have dawn to next level, if not plenty times but at least once had the lustful pleasure with their girls except him. Therefore he too wants to go for that eternal ambrosia with his girl. He found nothing wrong with that after all he would end up marrying her.
The girl was not ready to lose her virginity neither give up on her boyfriend. This was taking a toll till another of his boyfriend tantrum surfaced, which put her in a great fix.
Her boyfriend blackmailed her that since she is not ready for an intercourse, then its better to have a vasectomy done. He blackmailed her that it is now or never. Because he won’t leave her and even if she ditched him, won’t let her marry another guy. And ultimately all roads in her life would lead to him and then she would be force to live with a man who couldn’t beget any children. In all literal sense it was blackmail. The girl laughed over it.
The guy again forced his belligerent words over her. This time the girl adamantly told him that it’s better not marry any man rather than marrying one with whom she can’t have kids with. The boy tried again but girl stood to her salt.
Frequent refusals aired the embers into full blown forest fire and next day in same impulse he went for the procedure. He even called her from there. The surgeon was busy so he was given the appointment of next week. The guy returned to the girl with acknowledgement form to show her, how he stood to his guns.
It was no more matter of light fun. Things got pretty serious. The girl was hell worried. She ran like mad, consulting her wise friends. But all her efforts turned futile as no viable solution was found to her enigma.
Subsequent day the mercury peaked more and things became pretty much hot when the guy went and saved his sperms in sperm bank that in future if he wished to have babies, those sperms could be used. After all he wanted to go ahead with the vasectomy procedure and show the girl that his decisions hold water.
The girl was terrified. She pleaded, begged and prayed him. But the guy was obstinate. Nothing moved him, not even the girl’s tears.
The question here is whether or not that nineteen year old boy went for vasectomy or whether or not that girl lost her virginity to him? The thing to be noted his obsessive behavior, that he could go to any extent to achieve it even at the cost of his future.
Such are the guys that lay ground for the medical anomaly called PSYCHOSES.



Friday 18 April 2014


                                                STUCK IN DEEEP WATER

The voyage to the real life depends upon, how well you could swim. At any point of time if you dive in without a life jacket and your limbs go in lethargy, failing to continue you will be destined to drown and die. So life is all about, how good swimmer you are.

Every story starts the way it always start with blind love. The girl fell for a boy, who picked her cues and responded. The school time affair continued to the college and finally both families were happy to fix the match.

But suddenly after years of courtship, the girl begins to have doubts in the eleventh hour. The cards of the wedding were printed and distributed. The due date was just at the corner and the wedding bells could be heard from the distance that girl started to have symptoms of reluctance. The girl family became worrisome. The boy was called and talked. But nothing surfaced up as big problem. The boy, the gentleman he was, discussed with her family and said that since they were all relocating in foreign land therefore probably the girl was having some insecurities. He promised the girl’s elder sister who flew from Australia to attend the younger sister wedding, that he would do everything in his power to keep her happy. The boy really had zing with words that made everybody believe him and trust him blindly.
Now, only few days left for wedding to happen but the girl dilemma was at peak. She was paranoid and didn’t want to go in the holy matrimony. The only problem was she had no valid reasoning to counter. Finally she subdued to family honor and the espousal took place as planned.
The newlywed and the boy’s family relocated in the foreign land just months after the marriage.
Everything seemed picture perfect but in truth was quiet different from the beautiful wedding portrait of them hung in their living room.
One odd day, there was an international call beeping on the girl’s father mobile. Whatever conversation went on that cellular made the very ground beneath his feet skipped. The boy’s family asked them to take the girl away. They can’t keep her anymore and they were done with her melancholy and depression. They even went on accusing the girl, that she had a very low libido and have proved no good wife to their son. The girl’s family ran to get hold of their daughter. The beautiful bride, she once was and now turned into the withered pile of mass which have not only aged so fast physically but all her brain juice have also drained out. She was asked for endless hours by different members of family in countless ways but she maintained the demure of the grave silence. The mystery about her fall from the honor remained unanswered.
Finally the family pries her to take a job and she was posted in Pune. She went there half heartedly but worked there diligently. Two months later she came across the news that her mother was diagnosed with ovarian cancer. The little vigor she had gained to live again withered in the storm. A month later to that news, she got into an accident. She stumbled over few steps, fell on her back and got herself injured on L4 and L5 vertebra, the gravest spot to get injured. Now, she couldn’t stay there in Pune and hence returned home. For months the family lived under the black clouds of misery and uncertainty that one day lightening stuck them again. The boy had sent her divorce notice.
She was just pushed down to the bare ground with scratches and oozing wounds. The girl family again went on interrogating mode but the silence of the lamb persisted. The girl’s father ran from pillar to post to answer the legal notice. It’s a time consuming and demoralizing process but the family went through such humiliation.
Finally they had something to cheer up about. The girl had miraculous shoved away the self pitty mode and started to participate the household chores. She not only went wardrobe shopping for her parents but took interest in cooking. For past week, family misconstructed that she have magically become the charming girl she once was. The refrigerator filled with vegetables, every dirty cloth in the house washed and ironed. Every nook and corner dabbed clean. The parents slept with the hope of a bright morning, but woke up finding their girl’s body hanging with the ceiling fan.
She committed suicide and left a fifty pages suicide note eliciting every tiniest bit of details of the mental and sexual harassment along with domestic violence she went through in that foreign land in the hands of her in-laws. It was only in death, the curtains over her life story were withdrawn but it was too late for any rectification.
No words could console the family and what pain they went through can’t be described with words.
"the bubble of life blurt fast!"
Though the cops came up with the suicide note but they couldn’t do much as the boy was not only financially strong but now a foreign national.
The old father couldn’t do much, he dragged his heels as much as he could but with present judiciary system, the justice hanged in thin air. The mother lay on the death bed desperately waiting for death to come as she saw it as her only chance to reunite with her daughter, who had gone into world beyond.
The pit line between the septum of nose between the nostrils
Once hope is lost, everything is lost.

Sunday 13 April 2014



She “The girl with green eyes” was on cloud seven. After all, she had an awesome boyfriend with looks, compassion and brains. BINGO! What a girl wants more, after all.
But the question here is not, what girl wants more but what girls don’t want at all? The answer is the super ex-girlfriend of her guy who keeps on haunting their relationship.
The bollywood turn in her fairy tale occur when, her Muslim boyfriend’s ex-girlfriend returned into his life. Even the hell won’t have that fury that the super ex-girlfriend bestowed on her. Apart from humiliating and hitting her in public, she went to an extent to stage a suicide. The boy was grinded between his past and present. The things became so ugly, that finally one day, the boy dropped the axe on his relationship with this girl and returned to his ex. She was devastated. The tears didn’t stop and all her make-up drowned in them, giving her phantom look. It was the first time she tasted her own bitter medicine. The fate had at last “final laugh.”

Small and long eyes, there is a remarkable distance between the inner and outer commeasure of eyes.
Excessively fuller, red and moist center of upper

All of you, who are feeling sorry for the girl, well, please don’t! Because, STORY ABHI BAKI HAI MERE DOST.

                                  RETURN OF THE GIRL WITH           DRAGON TATTOO
The Almighty Lord has a soft corner for this girl and he sends her the guy, gift wrapped to wipe off her tears soon. This new entry in the story is called the ‘METRO BOY’ because they first met in the metro and clicked-on since then. She enjoyed but still missed the guy, on whom she was completely bowled over.
But whatever, she even got a dragon tattoo like the one, on her present boyfriend arm, on her back. This fling also went her on for a while till one day…

Till one day, when this boy took her to some job interview in Gurgaon. It so happened, the job interview had multiple rounds to go for and the boy didn’t have the clue that it would take five to six hours. Now the question for the girl was how to pass the time? She is a talented girl and always ready with her predator instincts. Her antennae beeped as she spotted a vulnerable guy. She required amusement for the dry run. It was matter of seconds that she gelled in with the new guy.
Suddenly and instantly she felt, the life with the metro guy was turning boring and she required a thrill and lo and behold, the new guy appeared with all the vigor.
She dumped the metro guy for the reason that he left her unattended for 5-6 hours. He was held culpable for the break up. The poor guy couldn’t say anything.
The girl was happy with new colors in her life. But unfortunately this relationship didn’t even run the standard course, because the new guy, engineer by profession, was now posted to Bangalore. Long distance relationship was a new flower; she thought to put in her hairs. But the “total attention grabber” girl this thing was just a wishful thinking. And as everyone knew, the fate of this particular relationship, the things happen in same scripted manner, another break-off in her bucket list.
Past years have been little tiresome for her both physically and emotionally (it’s not easy for her to forget the Muslim boy). For a while she has retrace her steps to a humdrum existence bereft of the spirit of adventure and denuded of lust of living.
Well that’s the story of the girl with green eyes till now. If I get updated you too would be.
But, for all of those who feel sorry for the end of the story, I mean a “little time off” part, so here is something that would cheer you up a little.
The girl may not be in a relationship or a fling but she still have guy drooling all his affection over her, but haven’t received any green light signal till now. Though he has just earned marks as her back and call guy, whenever she require any transportation. He and his screeching sounding bullet Enfield bike is still in waiting for an open heart invitation from the girl.
                                  Oh! God! This girl has oomph!
Duck Tales- the whitey and her seven flings (please spot the white duck in the rare)


Sunday 6 April 2014


Youth bring with it zeal to live, grow, enjoy and blossom. It’s making heart fearless and makes it seek for unknown adventures. It’s the prudence and wisdom that bridles those wild horses of youth and at last put the life to its utmost utility which many writers describe the “higher purpose of living.”

But there are plenty exemplified scenarios when those wild horses cut off from the cart and run astray in the world. What happens to their fate? Who have the last laugh, them or the destiny?

check out the girl's eyes
Everyone called her the innocent girl living just at the street end. Her baby smile and puppy dog eyes could melt anyone’s heart and could generate altruistic love for her. Was she blessed with the mutant power to camouflage or years of practice made her perfect to soil people’s eyes.

Here’s how it all began…     

She was in tenth standard when the youth slipped in her life triggering on the lust button that she suddenly felt the need to have a boyfriend. And low and behold he appeared in front of her in the computer institute in which she went as a part of short summer vacations computer course. The boy was years elder to her, but since when love (or in her case, lust) ever discriminate on age. The relationship went on for couple of months, ran it’s course and finally headed for an ineminent break up. Initial pampering phase of boy was over and he want to take a step ahead. But the girl was not ready. Getting physical at sixteen was still a taboo in her mind. Finally things didn’t work and they broke off. There is a saying that, “Difficult times either break you or make you.” Well our is the Bournvita drinking girl. She took the break up in positive stride and geared up for future.

She waited for at least two years for love to knock her doors again. And finally out of blue suddenly she had a secret admirer in the school who bestowed her with lavish flowers. And one fine day, he decided to bring cat out of the bag and came in front of her confessing to his love for her. Though not exactly her dream boy, but at least having a boyfriend makes her into league of mature, hot girl. Again the relationship completed its course period, like a self limiting viral fever, which comes, stays for few days and go away leaving a person little drained off. Suddenly she started to find the guy uglier. His teeth were tainted with tobacco and his breath awful. After all now she is stepping into college, she has to work over her standards. But how could she get a reputation of “BITCH” by ditching him, so she came up with a plan. She fanned the embers of rumor about the boy that he was double dating. The small spark spread as the forest fire. Now she has motive, means and opportunity to publically ditch him and so she did. She has learned how to sharpen her edges.

Well, since her childhood best friend was adamant taking admission in the girl’s college, so she fell in that well with her. But then well was empty and she went head first, so deeply hurt. No boy even in the 5 kilometer of radius, how could she survive?? God have been very kind to her and finally one day her prayers were answered. Her kid brother had friends with college boys and one among them made the trip to their house. Second year computer engineering student (very good!) He must have a bright future. She batted her eyes, just four times, or probably five, the boy came drolling over her. They went strong for some months and then the viral fever course happened, after all girls have demands to be fulfilled. This guy was the worst guy to date because he had all girls trait. When they went out, he used to be hell scared, if someone spotted them. The extensive, exclusive night chit-chat on phone gave him headaches. He was allergic to Romantic Rainy weather because it springed back his urticaria rashes (itchy skin complaint) and empty cinema halls running flop movies were strict- no on his itianary. Like people do work from home, he wanted to operate love affair from home. With another girl, maybe he could click, but this girl…NEVER. She had a reputation at stake.

She was sick tired of his present boyfriend and when he turned her down for a meeting on Valentine’s Day, well! Even the last straw holding, their affair floated away. She ditched him and ready for the love game.
Whenever she is in a need of boyfriend, magically someone appears. But this time, it seemed that “LOVE GOD” have impersonated himself to satisfy her. It so happened, as soon as she entered the mall basking with the glories of heart balloons, to celebrate her first lonely valentine’s in four years, her eyes got stuck on the world’s most beautiful man. He was damn handsome. She checked ten meters of his radius on all sides, no girl, not even a single one. It was a sign and he was the man she has been looking for. It looks her ten flapping eyelashes to just get his attention. OH! GOD! All her previous records, the fleet that she made in years, were breaking every moment of this one single day. The high dose of excessive mascara and the black eyeliner and excessively red lascivious lips all aligned in the “Marlyine Monroe” seductive style made the man to leave his chair and walk towards her. First time she realized its complete sweating hard work. But at last it paid. The guy was mohamdan from Kashmir. So what! Instead of taking marriage vows in temple they would do it in front of mosque. Oh My God!! What was happening to her just in one meet, she was so love smitten that she was thinking about future with him?
The relationship went with full on strength.
Is that it! Was he the ultimate Mr. Perfect for the girl with green eyes? Was this the end of her story?

The answer is NO! Check out the anticlimax next week….