Friday 3 January 2014


The skiing accident that caused Formula One legend comatose for five days in the French hospital has shocked everyone. There have been haemorrhage and blood clots for which he has been operated twice. Though he is showing slight improvement but he still looms in the danger zone.
Head injuries are the most dangerous as the symptoms may appear after many hours revealing the actual nature of the impact in the first place. So is in the case of Mr Schumacher, he collided with the rock and then was airborne and finally falling, head downward on the snow. Haemorrhaging and clots followed.
Let me define Impact/ Collision here, the force with which initial impact happened was first faced by his helmet which broke it into pieces and then the rest of the force of collision was faced by his head. Doctors said that if it was not of the helmet, he won’t have survived the fall. Therefore some amount of energy was absorbed by the helmet, but when its threshold exceeded and it broke, and the rest of the energy was faced by Mr Schumacher head. This unwanted energy called PRIMARY ACTION, triggered the body to respond in equal violence as compliance to the Newton’s third law {every action have its equal and opposite reaction}. Therefore body responded back in form of clots and haemorrhage as its SECONDARY ACTION. {Aphorism 63, Organon of Medicine, by Samuel Hahnemann, English translation by R.E Dudgeon}. Doctors are managing it through surgical removal of clots and clamping the haemorrhaging vessels, so that body can go in healing mode. But even after two surgeries his condition is still critical.
Applying the above concept, as soon as the primary action of the impact exhaust, body will stop its secondary action, but since his body is still showing the signs, that means unwanted energy transferred due to impact is still stirring his system and making it life threatening.
What if the action of this unwanted energy is reversed or its action is made to exhaust fast, so that once the stimulus vanishes, the unwanted response of body against its own vitality would go away and then the procedure done on the body would stay and it will get back into self healing mode.

HUMBLE SUGGESTION- this can be done by introducing Homoeopathic medicine to his system and continuing the judiciary management. Reviewing the case of Mr. Schumacher superficially, Homoeopathic medicine like ARNICA MONTANA can help in reversing the pathology, if frequently and judiciary repeated, may be in 10 M potency {again on superficial assessment}.  ARNICA not only control haemorrhage but also absorbs clots {ALLEN’S KEYNOTES, Ninth edition}. May be it could turn tables and do wonders.

I will rest my case just saying HAPPY BIRTHDAY Mr. Schumacher and GET WELL SOON.


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