Sunday 12 January 2014


                              BATTERED BABY SYNDROME
What can parents do to make sure for the success of their children? Answer is anything.
Now this word “Anything” is a two option process, one being they can get him best of school, best of education, take huge loans for him, give him a stress free emotion, be an epitome of sacrifice.
The other option can be…….

This boy had a whole scholarship to his foreign based post graduation course. One of the alumina of Delhi university, he credit all his success to his mother.
Any parent would be happy to hear that from their Kid, but…….
The script of his success started when he was five years old. His mother that time was teacher in an eminent school [now she is the principal of the same school] had a strict disciplinary regime in the house. Any default on their part was reverted by a strong reprimand. Each and every day, he and his sister faced the music of brutality on the name of demure.
It started with making them grounded, not allowing any amusement of any kind. As they grew up, she became abusive, first verbal and then physical and then to certain extent that they would land up in hospitals. Instead of love, fear developed in the young hearts and by the time they grew up they became very revolting. 
The abuse made their skin impervious to any kind of punishment.
Boy used to shut himself in room for hours and indulge himself into studies. His only aim was to get out of this house and away from his mother and his only escape route was scholarship outside the country. His sister had already revolted and moved out of the house to set her business. She didn’t return home thereafter. The rift between the kids and the mother has turned into dark abyss. Finally, he got what he wants.
Fifteen years later he is all packed to leave Indian soil and fly away, far away. Now his only dream is to never to return and work so hard that he could establish himself in the foreign land and brings his grandmother there.
After all she was the only source of maternal love he has received.
When the kids receive brutal treatment from their parents or guardians to such an extent that they land up in hospital, these kinds of injuries are classified under Battered Baby Syndrome. And this is a medico legal cases in which parents or guardians are liable for punishment under judicatory of the country.

Laurels of future should not hide beneath them bruises of the past.  

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