Sunday 29 December 2013


                              EPILOGUE TO CON -AIR
Co-incidentally like the above story of con- air, I came across one more similar story. But the whole scenario was not based on lust but self esteem and fast justice.
For thirteen years they have been into matrimony which addition of two years of courtship. But instead of filling different colors to her black and white dreams, it brought misery and pain to the lady. For thirteen years she dealt with her husband different flings and extra marital affairs. When caught red handed, his sugar coated words and promises would provide temporary band-aid on the bruises. To find some solace she gets involved deep in her business, she dedicated her blood, sweat and tears and gradually it shined beyond her dreams. But her personal life depleted with every passing day.
Finally she took a bold step to divorce her husband, but since she was the golden goose, her husband was not ready to leave her. It was getting very difficult, but as they say, when it gets tough going, tougher gets going.
Suddenly the things changed and she was easily given divorce and legal guardianship of their two sons and he agreed to exit from their life as if he was never ever there. And how it happened?
“Before your attack, understand your enemy’s weakness and then strike on his weakest link”. She says.
 Her husband weakness was ‘lust’ therefore she hired a beautiful girl to have an affair with him and finally after couple of months when they were at acumen of their love affair, the beautiful girl demanded a marriage to seal their affair. The man had fall so deeply for her that he instantly said “yes” and it was the same time when his wife proposed a divorce again. Seeing it as a sign, he signed the dotted lines and broke off with his wife. As soon as the procedure was completed and so was the assignment given to beautiful girl was over and soon after she vanished in the thin air leaving no signs of her existence. The man lost every thing he once had and realized the value of it.


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