Saturday 14 December 2013

Mean Girls-1 “The story of Hairy Girl”

Mean Girls-1
“The story of Hairy Girl”
“Mean Girls” are one of the typical species of homo-sapiens which are increasing in drastic number in today’s world. You can spot them easily and probably you have one or other anecdote to talk about one of your encounter with these typical kind of species.
Well I have tried to compile of mean girls tables here.

AGE GROUP 7-13 years:
The table dates back ten to fifteen years back; it’s the time of mid nineties, when I used to study in Manav Sthali School. There was a girl in the school about my age or a year more who had these typical kinds of shoulder length hairs that waggled excessively when she walked. I mean, what ever you were doing, you would stop for a while and notice her locks waggling weirdly in the air. The “hair girl” attracted lot of undue attention because of it.
One day in an assembly ground, when each and everyone in the school were on ground, there occurred an incident which petrified everyone who saw it with their naked eyes. The hair girl had an argument with one of the bad boys of her class and when the things seemed to be verbally settling the boy in the heat of moment, pulled her hair and the very next instant her whole locks of hairs were in his hand and her bare scalp shined in the sun.
 “It’s the wig?” echoed in the ground. The hair girl couldn’t bear such an embarrassment she snatched her hair back from the boy and ran inside the school with trails of tears running down her cheek. When the disciplinary action was taken against that boy, another dark secrete was revealed. He was aware of the “wig” [which was the most gaured of her secret]. How could he know it? Further interrogation revealed that it was revealed to him by “hairy girl” so called best friend, the only second person in the school who knew about it apart from the girl herself.
She was ditched by her own kind, who on superficial level sugar coated and deep inside had a diabolical mind.
The boy was suspended from the school; there were no evidence against the best friend so she stayed. As far as hairy girl was concerned, she took a sabbatical for two months, till her hair grew back.

The girl with no hair on the scalp was suffering from an infection called “Tenia capitis” in which there appears a different bald spot in the head. Since these spots are quite scattered hence to have the full assessment of head, doctors recommend shaving off the head.

Hormonal surge can turn a good girl into a mean one. As soon as the girl enter her teenage, there start an unannounced sexual, rivalry war with her peers and this is hormone controlled. Aggression in both males and females is controlled by androgen and the 3 main androgens that make women aggressive are:
1. Testosterone
3. Androstenedione
Female aggression is kind of subtle cold war thing. Their basic tool is to spread the rumors about her rival and hence erasing any trails reaching to her. This way they can bond as well as sabotage her rival at the same time.

Check out next one more story of Mean Girl along with signs to recognize one.

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