Friday 20 December 2013



 Once upon a time she was a very popular girl in school and one of the favorite of all teachers. She had excellence in studies along with prodigious vocabulary skills hence always landed with laurel in debates, extempore and other curricular activities.
She was so busy with her high profile life that she had time for no one and one day she realized she have been left bereft of friends worse have the fleet of rivals standing against her. She was confused, what have she done to deserve such a treatment?
But since she has all the limelight, she cared at least about what others thought. Unaward about her rival plans she continued her ways to one day ending up in the vicious circle that was exclusively netted by her very same competitors.
She was trapped and left frustrated when one day, out of sudden, all the boys of the class turned against her. Calling her names, playing pranks, hiding her belongings, tearing away her assignment and the list of their deed went on and on. In one of such encounters she slapped a boy in middle of the class and walked out of it slamming the door behind her in the presence of teacher. She was called to the principal room, where she revealed all her misery. But when she got to hear boys side of story, the land skipped beneath her feet.
 All the boys in chorus complained about her badmouthing obscenities about them. She have condemn them to their worst expectation along with have generated hoax rumors about them. She is kind of CEO of the gossip unit of the school which not only defame its pupils but sabotage the teacher’s reputation.
 Now, not only the boys but few teachers also turned against her. She was petrified and pleaded not guilty but her all pleads feel on deaf ears. Only with some support she manages to survive in this atrocious evuriron. When the other girls stared enjoying her misery and with hold any kind of support, the clarity began to return to her mind clearing mist of confusion as for now she could see the whole picture in crystal. It was the ploy of other girls who were envious of all the attention she gets and they heard around to blotch her personality. It was because of them her life was made a living hell.

But it was too late as nothing could be done. Her any explanation or any atonement could weave away the unworthy enmity with her peer.
It became too much for her take and finally she decided that she will not attend school anymore. She took a long sabbatical, first on pretext of her father ailment and then with her sickness though both were hoax.
She only attended school to appear in exams and then vanished in thin air. And as the time passed everyone forget about that girl. The limelight and the colorful success which she enjoyed once upon a time were brutally stripped from her.

·        Girls approach their menarche early
·        Teenage Acne eruption on the face
·        Excessive self flaunting gestures.

“Hormones can mess your brain, convert a decent girl to a vamp”.

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