Saturday 5 October 2013


                                             THE GAME OF COURTSHIP
                                                               Series- 3

Earlier two blogs I have already discussed men and women preferred targets and pros and cons related to the selection. But once the eagle have spotted it’s prey, how to reach it and grab it is a total calendestine manevaur, surpetiously executed.

It seems on the face value that the courtship process is started by the men, but it is not true. It is just the flames we see. The real fire is ignited by the women. It is a five steps process.
Step I - The women spots the man that suits her whims and fancies she gaze towards him till he notices her and then for approximately for 5 more seconds she holds that gazes and then turns away. The man becomes confused, so now he keeps watching her to see if she repeats it again. Averagely the women have to do it at least 3 or 4 times before an average man could understand what exactly is happening. If the gazing and eye contact process increases couple of more times, it marks the beginning of flirting games.
Step II - Now after having her man’s attention, she would give a quick half smile which is a green signal for man to approach, but unfortunately men are not good at reading these signals, hence they give it a pass. Hence the whole courtship mission is aborted at level 2 but few smart men do reach level 3.
Step III - If the man is still confused whether or not to approach the lady. The women still gives them plenty amount of hints. Only smart brains can read it and make moves, the other are nothing more than dead brains. She adorns herself and shows off her beast features. She tries to sit straight with parallel legs or if she is standing she would give a pelvic tilt. She will start grooming herself. [Detail gestures would be delt later in this blog later]. The smart brain men, after decoding this matrix, would reacting by standing up straight,  chest out and stomach in position, would groom themselves by adjusting his coat, touching his hairs and tuckling his thumbs into his belt and then slowly and slowly move towards the lady in question.
Step IV - The best approach to break the ice between the two attractive strangers is, to talk, which starts with a tailor made sentences and then convert to usual conversation. A little chit-chat is always a good idea.     
Step V - Between the conversation women look for an opportunity to initiate a light touch, which may at first appear accidental. A hand touch shows great level of intimacy. And then she frequently repeats it to check out whether or not other person is happy. An example of soft touch could be a quick handshake too.


Women have many arrows that she one by one, put her on the arch and bombard target men with. But since men are testosterone high, reading, seeing and understanding these courtship rituals becomes very very difficult for them. They mistake friendliness or smiling for sexual interest as they see the world in terms of sex and blow up their chances for TRUE LOVE.
On other hand, women though acquainted with so many tricks in their box fail to attract the men of their choice and end up being disappointed thinking that he may not be interested. SO, here I tried to decode common courtship rituals, which are so hard wired in female brain that they are either used consciously or unconsciously.
Here are the most awaited, RULES OF THE GAMES, BOYS,
[Caution: Keep your-cards close to the heart, not just see but watch the moves and then play your cards right, if you WANT TO WIN]
Here is what women do, when she is in vicinity of the man she fancies.
1.      She would flick the head sideways or back and fondle with hairs tossing them hence forth. She becomes cautions about her looks and she want to present her perfectly.
2.     She would wet her lips either with saliva or lip gloss and there would be pouting of lips [like famous Angelina Joli Pouting]. This gives her seductive looks. And to enhance its effect, she reddens them with lipsticks.
 [Fact- use of lipstick is an Egyptian trend which became viral all over the world to give women her famous seductive aura].
3.     If the woman is more lethally attracted to her male counterpart, more intimate level of courtship would be self-touching. She would softly touch or stroke her thigh, neck or throat. This is one of the green light signals for the men that if they put things in the right block they would get the opportunity to touch women on those places.
4.     Another green light signal is her playing with the cylindrical or phallic shaped objects like dangling earrings, cigarette, her fingers, etc. This shows level of intimacy she want to go in the relationship.    
5.     A limp wrist shows the submissive signal exclusively used by women to seek attention of the males as they get an opportunity to dominate them.
6.     Stealing glances over the raised shoulder brings the mysterious aura to the women. The raised shoulder represents her curvy body and gazing and then stealing it away attracts the men’s attention.
7.     Exposing the soft under skin of the wrist is also crystal signal for men to approach the women. Though this signal is not properly understood that weather it is inborn signal or properly practiced one, but it clears all the perils in man’s flabbergasted brain and indicates the clear route, it could be either done by the help of props like pen, cigarette or stick of the eye glasses or shades glasses.
8.     Accentuating the hips by highlighting the pelvic region through stilettos, rolling hips while walking and giving a pelvic tilt while standing all brings in limelight her standards in front of target men, as the healthy women who could take the responsibility of bearing his child and hence conserving his genes, which he is very proud of. So no prizes for guessing, why cat walk is so famous among the man.
9.      When one leg is twinkled under the knee points out towards the man of her like. This cools down the formality out of the conversation and brings a friendlier aura between the two. Hence mark the beginning of closeness between them.
10. Another relaxed gesture is dangling of her shoes in her feet or thrashing her foot in and out of the shoes. With reasons not explained this gestures unconsciously unsettles the men and give him indication that he have stepped into higher level of the game.
11.  Women’s handbags have been always considered in the realms of unsolved mystery by even the smartest man. They dare not touch it, leave inside peeping inside it. Since this intimate object is, so intimate for the women that it is considered as the personal extension of her body. Therefore during a conversation if it is kept in close vicinity of the man, so that he could touch or see it indicated emotional vicinity.  Near the bag to men, easier it becomes to reach the target for men. Farer the bag goes, the mission seems to become impossible for them.
12. Women while drawing the attention of the men have a very patent sitting gesture where one leg presses over the other giving an appearance of leg twin. It shows her muscle tone and it is most appealing gesture as rated by men.  

Hence, I have completed twelve zodiac rituals by women. So boys, be smart, don’t only see them but read them to play your game well.


Male on other hand have very crystal clear signals which are not at all subtle. Their Rituals unlike women are very very loud.
Since it have been priorly elicite couple of times before. That men look for attractive women and on other hand women give priority to the credentials of the male, their status, education, earning capacity and etc.ect. Therefore male courtship revolves around show off of POWER WEALTH AND STATUS.
Apart from talking about their cars, house, other luxurious things in their possessions, they also love getting into challenges with their peer to display this power. Now-a-days, men have also become self-obsessed about their looks, hence the males have revolutionalized themselves into Metro-sexual males copying female style of manicures, pedicures, waxing, colouring their hairs, having cosmetic facial surgeries, hair transplantation, etc. There are no doubt salons and gyms are emerging as great money generating ventures.  


As soon as the male spots his target and get ready to approach her, these are the things preceding it. He will straighten his dress including tie, collar and shirt and coat and would brush off imaginary dust off their clothes.


The magic trick for women is her sideways upward looking innocent and child like smile, that’s men’s personal favourite. Same way smart men have their personal magic trick which is very famous among the women is TALKING. They would talk for hours and hours and in great length about intimate details of his or her life and win bonus points in relationship. For women., talking is like a way to reduce her stress and when she indulge in such a activity, it gives her eternal happiness and she starts to trust the other guy as talking increases oxytocine hormone in her body which builds new trust circuits in her brain and at same time shutting down critical censor circuits. Men would deliberately deepen their voice while talking women as it again displays their macho power.

Unfortunately, this talking only continues only in courtship period. Once he gets the woman and marries her, the men gears back to monosyllabic and taciturn mode, hence this is the commonest complain of most of women about their husband. For men, “talking” is only their courtship charm.


Crotch adjust is biggest male’s blunder. To display their crotch by thumb in belt gesture while standing or spreading their legs while sitting in a chair, wearing a tight fitting pants or dangling the car keys near the belt socket, is one of their masculine trait. But it is really horrified when during a conversation; suddenly and unconsciously the men reach out for their crotch adjusts it or start to handle it. And it enhances their horror many folds when men with same hand with which he had earlier adjusted his crotch then proceeds to get her a drink or greats people with hand shake. This is a common complaint of women all over the world.
Therefore it is a strict No-No in front of women. After all they get lot of time adjusting their crotch when they are among their competitors to show off their masculinity example a very common scene in the cricket field apart from batting, bowling and fielding.


Since women are the one who trigger the courtship process, hence the rules of the games are made and controlled by them. They have the upper hand in it. For men, they need to decode it properly to play their cards well so that they could ultimately end up in WIN-WIN situation irrespective of the fact being manipulated.
Though it is initiated by females but the men can decide how it ends which totally rely on how well he plays. So, always keep your hopes high and always believe that there is going to be a God send person for you in this world, maybe right now, in the room you are sitting and reading my blog, all you need is a keen vision and prudent mind to spot it and woo it.
Therefore, BEST OF LUCK!

To be continued.........

Next week catch up the final instalment of THE GAME OF COURTSHIP, THE BREAK-UP. See how it starts, how it runs it is course and finally how it terminates breaking hearts.

Check it out next week....

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