Monday 29 July 2013



Long long ago near the river NILE, there lived a very beautiful woman, whose beauty was applauded all over seven seas. All men in the kingdom wanted to woe her, but she had already made her choice. She selected the headman of the king’s army as her boyfriend. All men were jealous of him.
In the kingdom near the Nile there used to be an annual championship where all the brave men, display their amazing talent. And the ministry choose the bravest of them all and he was declared the winner of annual championship.
This year’s championship had something very dangerous which have never been done before. There was big blind well dug in the middle of the amphitheatre. The inner walls of the well had small bricks protruding out at certain distance like a small staircase, to climb out of the well. In that blind well, there was a hungry lion let loosed, whose deafening roar could incite fear in the heart of the bravest of bravest men. Every man in the kingdom was challenge to go into that blind well of death and to come out alive from it.
No men dared to accept the challenge.
The fairest maiden sat on the seat very near to the well. Seeing no men jumping in the well, she gave a tilted smile and then looked across the well, where she saw her boyfriend standing, who was incessantly seeing her. Her smile broden, she took off the ivory color glove from her left hand, held it in her right hand, walked towards the well and dropped her glove in the blind well.
She looked up again, across the well, to her love, in a seducing way. The man was amazed at her act. He looked her in eyes and then looked inside the dark well. He again tried to recheck by looking again into her deep blue eyes, but there was no difference.
His pupils contracted muscles of his arms and legs stretched and with one jump he climbed the parchment of the well and with the second jump he was inside the dark well of death. All the people were surprised and appalled.
Everyone’s eyes were inside the dark well, although nothing was visible inside the well. There were only deafening roar of the beast and the struggle of the man.
Every heart was beating rapidly, chills were running down the spine and what will happen the next second was hidden in the moments to come, suddenly there was deafening roar and then everything felt silent.
For few moments everything stood still and then from that blind well emerged out a man, all smeared in blood. Every part of the body was scratched, blood oozing out of his wound revealing the story of his struggle with the beast.
As he jumped out, there was huge round of applause among the audience of amphitheatre.
“Bravo! Bravo!” everyone shouted. The fairest maiden was so happy that she ran towards her man. She wrapped her beautiful arms around his neck and was about to kiss him, that the man who had just killed a hungry beast, pushed her away with such a force that she fell on the ground. She was appalled to see such unexpected behaviour. The crowd felt silent.
The brave men took out an ivory colored, blood smeared glove from his pocket and threw it, on the face of the woman lying on the ground and then walked away.
As he walked, he raised his both arms in the air and the hall which was silent couple of minutes back, again ignited into deafening applause forgetting totally about the women lying on the ground.

                               A SMALL TOWN  STORY

Years back there lived a very jubilant and loquacious girl in Cathel, Haryana. She was born and brought up there. She was the one who brought colors to, otherwise, dull neighbourhood. She was famous among her peers.
Though she could keep no secrete but surprisingly had an clandestine affair with the boy next door. The Christian boy was so impressed with her vivacious nature that he proposed the Hindu girl. They used to spend lots of time together and everyone thought that since they are in same college, they go together and study together. It was now, one year since they were successfully having an affair. But boy made one thing very clear since beginning that since he is a Christian, his family would never ever accept this Hindu girl, therefore this affair won’t ever materialise publically. The girl used to be heartbroken every time when he used to say these words. But she was so madly, deeply, truly, heads over heels in love with him that she was confident that one day she would break this jinx in his head and would not only make an entry into his house, as a wife and his heart as his true love for this life.
The vivacious, though innocent girl carried out this way for seven years but the poor girl couldn’t break that rock solid ideas of his.
One day she came to know through her mom that the guy was getting betrothed with a Christian girl that his parents have found for him. She couldn’t believe that, the boy didn’t have even little curtsey to tell her that he have been engaged, she was almost in tears with shaky voice, she called the boy and asked her to meet her at their spot.
When the boy came, the girl was already waiting for him over there. Looking at the girl’s terrified expression and her smudged eyes (Which showed that she have been definitely crying) he notion that the girl now knows about his engagement.
Before she could speak a word, he said, “This was supposed to happen and you were very much aware of it, so why cry now?” The girl was shocked; it seemed as if all the hell broke loose over her.
“But I thought....”she choked.
“I told you not to think. But you never listened to me.”
“But why to start it in first place?”
“Come on why you are acting so needy. I told you, I am a Christian, It isn’t going to work. All I did was, like you and seek your company. And you continued it for seven years. Even you had needs which I fulfilled.”
“Oh! My God!” and the girl busted into tears.
He took out his hanker chief and wiped off her tears and let her keep her head over his shoulder. He could feel his shirt getting wet. He moved his hand in array’s of her hairs to console her.
“Please don’t do this to me. She said between her cries.
“I am so sorry. Please, don’t do this. Don’t cry for me. It hurt my heart seeing you like this.”
“Do you forget everything we had for seven years in just one moment?”
“I didn’t forget anything. It’s all with me and it is one of my cherished memory. I am going to be here, we will still hangout and still spend time with each other. Rose, know about you, oh! That’s the name of my finance. She knows how special you are for me. You are my special girl.”
The girl was taken aback; she lifted her head from his shoulder and in utter disbelief looked into his eyes asking him, what the hell he was saying.
But when she sensed the coldness and indifference in his eyes, at that moment, suddenly, magically, miraculously she was self enlighten and instantly she freed herself from his embrace. The boy continued, unknowing of the difference in the girl standing across him, “promise me you won’t cry. Just promise me.”
“You are right. I won’t cry, definitely. I promise you.”
And then she walked away.


The boy was happily married and now has a one year old baby boy. One day while returning from his office, he spotted the girl. Though the girl saw him, but choose to ignore. The boy ran and intervened her path.
“Hey! Long time. Ah! So when you came back?” he asked.
“Oh! Hey! Yesterday.” she said
“Well, it so good. I hope you are going to stay for long.”
“No. Just a week.”
“In that case, I hope to catch up with you for old times’ sake.
 “But I am busy. Running on tight schedule.”
And she was about to walk away again, that he again intervened “Come on. Since when we talked last. I think two years back. Then I got married and then in six months you got married. I stayed here and you shifted to Delhi. God! We have so much to talk about and update each other about.”
“Well we have nothing to talk about; you have already made that clear.”
She said and walked away. But suddenly she stopped after taking four steps, she turned and retrieved her steps back to the original spot and continued, “I am sorry. I have been rude. In fact we have something to talk about.”
The boy smiled, “see! I told you. For old times sake.”
“Yes! For old times sake. I forgot to thank you. Thank you for refusing me, thank you for not getting biased and end up marrying me after seeing me in flood of tears, because I was blind, I would have settled for less than what  I deserved. You can never ever be even half the man to whom I am married now, thank you. Thank you very much” and then she hugged him and gave him a little peck on his cheek. The boy was flabbergasted and then suddenly a six feet high men appeared in the picture.
“Honey! We are getting late.”
The girl turned towards him and smiled, “Yes sweet heart, but wait I want you to meet someone special.”  
And she introduced both men to each other. The husband said in a smile, “Oh! You are that man. My wife has all praises about you. Sometimes I thought, she would have end up marring you but I think, I am the lucky guy to get her. But still you two share a very special relationship.”
 “Yes he is special one, for old times’ sake. Honey! We are getting late.” She said and this time she was really smiling, not only with her lips, but with her eyes.
The boy stood there petrified seeing them disappearing in the crowd, but suddenly he saw the girl again returning towards him. She stopped just in front of him and in tilted smile said, “Now! Now it’s over. You started it and I thought I should take the responsibility to end it. You must appreciate, I ended it in vogue. It’s not always you get to have chance to make curtains fall. This time I snatched it from you.”
And then she bended and picked her hanker chief from the ground and within minutes disappeared in the crowd.
The boy stood there red faced and his ears buzzing with her words.


ü Small eyes – smaller eyes indicate only licentious feelings.
ü Excessive bulging of the centre of upper lip – Amorous feelings.
ü Excessively protruding of the chin in forward direction- very obstinate, obsessive and shrewd
ü Very long nose edging downward – selfish and self centred.
ü Small and pinched lower lip- Bereft of traits like kindness and benevolence.


“The best revenge that you can take is to live your life fabulously perfect.”





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