Saturday 13 July 2013


                                            LOVE SMITTEN
                                                   SERIES – 2  
                          THE LAST MAN STANDING 

Mills and Booms are the brand ambassadors of Romance all over the world. They have fancied the feeling of love into rainbow colors and sell it to young hearts. But what happens when the ardent follower of the books face her first romantic movement? Does she believe in love at first sight?


Though living in Delhi, but her native place is in Sonipat. All her relatives live there. Five years back, when she was nineteen, there was a big wedding ceremony held at her native town. It was not just a simple marriage ceremony but five adult members of her family were stepping into holy matrimony.
According to the astrologer, that day was so auspicious, that the couple tie knot, were actually soul mates from various previous birth.
But the girl was least interested in all that stuff, all she wanted to do was to party.
It was a grand ceremony and it seemed all the people in the world were there to bless the couples.
This young girl, who was more of the tomboyish in nature, swayed from here and there dangling her short hairs vigorously in the air. She was accompanied with two of her friends and the threesome were enjoying at the fullest.


After the dinner they decided to have something sweet, one of them went to fetch herself “rausagulla’s”, other went for “jalebee” but our girl with a more modern taste buds went for “Ice-cream”. And when she was about to return to the meeting point where her other friend were waiting, her feet got tangled between the wires on the floor and she lost control and was about to fall, that Looh and Behold a gentleman appeared from the crowd, who must have been observing her every subtle movement, refluxed out and saved her. While he was busy saving her, his own foot got tangled in those wires and he stumbled to the ground. The girl who had not fully gained balance, follow the league but instead of falling on the ground, fell on him, her right elbow landing straight on his chest and the ice-cream in her hand fell on him, smearing his black shirt and his fair check.
[PS- This is not an extract from Mills and Booms, neither fragments of my imagination. This really, really happened five years back on that so called auspicious day.]
After imbibing the initial shock, the girl got up, from above the boy. For the first time she looked at him. [Now, totally contrary to what you would be thinking, didn’t happen] She started to laugh unceasingly. The boy was embarrassed, but still the girl kept on laughing.
The boy got up, the girl was laughing. The boy cleaned up but still the girl was laughing.
The boy felt embarrassed, angry and still passionate, but he couldn’t say word because the girl’s laughter attracted lots of undue attention.
The event ended and this was the first missed chance for blooming of the prefect love story. On the subsequent day of the great wedding carnival, for the first time the boy and girl were officially introduced to each other. It turned out that the boy was an acquaintance to one of the distant cousin of the girl. As soon as the girl saw the boy, she started to grin, the boy became alarmed and before these grins could convert into monstrous laughter, he deviate the girl into thread of conversation.
And for the subsequent five days of the wedding carnival, all they did was talking, talking and talking. For the girl, she found a new buddy, totally ignorant of the feelings of boy.
And for boy, I think, he stumbled over the love of his life, that too at first sight.
On the last day the phone numbers were exchanged and for next one year they kept talking, on phone, chatting on internet and keeping each other update about the events of their life.
Sometimes the boy felt jealous, when the girl used to talk about other boys, which lead to small and pity alternation between them leaving the boy pissed off and the girl confused. The girl was always rendered flabbergasted and used to discuss the whole situation with her mother, with whom she was quite frank. The mother used to joke that she should stop talking to the boy or one day she would end up marrying him. The girl used to reply irritatingly, that even if he would be the last man in the whole world, then also she won’t consider him as a prospective for marriage. For days, they won’t talk and finally the boy used to give up his puffed ego and used to call the girl and then they would continue their chit chat till another alternation.


After one and the half year of their introduction, they had one big quarrel when the boy asked her to behave in a mature way and in a commanding tone asked her to grow her hair long. The girl who has never been reprimanded by her parents, this was too much for her to take. She became so irritated, that she called off the friendship.
It has second devastating missed chance, which could bloom into the perfect love story.


It took seven miserliness months for boy to realize that the girl that was driving her crazy was actually non replaceable “Love of his life” and even if he want, he can’t live his life without her.
After weighing all his option, he rekindled his friendship with her. The girl, who clandestinely missed her best buddy, threw few tantrums before forgiving him. This time the boy took his chances and proposed her. He told her honesty, how he has felt for her from very first day, when he laid his eyes on her.
The girl took it as a joke first, but when she felt the depth of his feeling, she didn’t know how to revert; she liked him and though missed him but never loved him. After momentary silence, she refused. Their talks reduced to negligible and the frankness of their relationship mutated to formality. They fell apart and the boy missed the third chance, in fact there was no third chance.


The girl have totally remodel, she have now inherited more girly traits, acknowledged by her long hairs and weighed words and graceful gait. Her parents were busy finding groom for her. It’s been a year they were searching but their every effort went in vein.
Co-incidently there was another grand wedding ceremony taking place at their native place and the large gathering was expected. The family decided to take a break from groom hunting and tuned themselves in the party mode.
The providence brought boy and girl face to face again. This time it was all formal.
The boy had turned into a responsible handsome man, who had a stable job with a good income.
Though the flame of love rekindled in his heart looking at her as she have become exactly same as, what he ever dream of. But this time he kept those flames subdued and left things in hands of providence

[Comparing MEN AND WOMEN]

Nearly 50% of men and women get convinced that they have found love even before the end of their first date

§  A study of 1000 adults, which was conducted by the travel firm expedia, has found that men fall in love women, the daily express reported.
§  A quarter of men admitted they were head-over-heels at first sight while 29% were hooked within hours.
§  It was suggested that only 18% of women were infatuated with their men after the first meeting while 29% were besotted after just one date.
§  The study revealed that women are more likely to judge potential on personality and interests, rather than looks

                                       THE GOLDEN CHANCE

It so happened that apart from boy, this time boy and his whole family got so impressed with the girl that then and there only they kept a marriage proposal in front of girl’s family. Both families, totally ignorant of the happenings of last five years, became very interested to finalize the deal.
It turned out, astrologically, they were a good match and the boy fulfilled all the requisite of good groom for the girl according to girl’s family. The girl finally said ‘YES’ and she got a husband in his best friend. The boy on other hand got his life back. And the important thing to be noted is that they are having an “ARRANGE MARRIAGE”





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