Monday 5 August 2013

Innocence manipulate V/S Manipulative innocence

Innocence manipulate
                           Manipulative innocence

What is a family?

A family is a group of people either related through blood or social rituals that stand together, in happiness and distress, in sickness and health. They are meant to watch each other’s back. And in the time of darkness, sacrifice the self and think about the bigger picture.
So, this is what a family do!
Quiet typical, so does these typical reaction happens spontaneously in atypical situation, every time, without fail or the status of types of so called typical reaction keep on manipulating.


Her father was a wholesale merchant of clothes in the famous clothe market of Ashok Vihar. The family of five comprised of father, mother and their three girls.
All of them were Daddy’s little girls and had a fabulous childhood. They were the bunch of real beauties. And since they have been over shadowed by the pampering of parents, they were little spoil brats. Since childhood, in their innocence they used to always ask their father who among them is his favourite daughter and he used to postpone answering it and would wisely say only time would tell.
Time, on other hand, was in favor of them; it seemed that every day was Diwali for them until one fateful day.
Though their father business was separate from his brother’s, but the astute elder brother was always looking in for chances to take over it and one day, he was actually given an opportunity.
The fateful night, suddenly their father had heart attack. He was rushed to the hospital, with heroic efforts of doctors, his life was saved after a major open heart surgery and he was put to bed rest for coming six months. One problem solved, another one arise, who will take care of the business now?
The elder brother confronted and volunteered himself for the responsibility. For one whole month he took care of shop and once so flourished business started to down slope in abyss of losses. It didn’t take much time for family to figure out what was happening under their nose.
But the questions remain the same, and then who is eligible to do business of the man, who had three daughters and no son.
The eldest girl of the family was affianced and was to get married in next six months. The second one had just paid a huge fee for her post graduation and the classes were due to start in a month and the third girl, well she was just a child in high school. All three had their subsequent errands to do which occupied whole of their time. Who would sacrifice and stand for the family supporting its basic foundation?
Ultimately, after lot of thinking, the decision was made; the uncle was thrown out of the business and one of the girls walked the male dominant business market abandoning all her dreams for her father’s sake. She was only twenty one then and she had to face the orthodox logistic of the market but she did. This incidence dates back to year 1996, when still, the society entangled with its fixed bigotry ideas, but the second among the sibling who took the first step, promised herself that there won’t be any looking back.
For one whole year, as her father recovery was extended, she fought; she struggled and with earnest effort learned the tricks of trade. She got her elder sister married at the decided time and definitely it was a fabulous wedding, as it has been expected of their family. Moreover she got her younger sister into extra-curricular activities, for over all development of her personality and tried to live in her dreams which she couldn’t fulfil.
Though she struggled hard and tried to smoothly carry on the responsibility bestowed to her, but she couldn’t overcome the damage that was done by her shrewd uncle. After one year, to recover the loss, they had to sell half of the shop at a very low price.
That day, in tears, she came to her father and cried the hell out apologizing for letting that happen and mostly letting him down. The father smiled and embraces her to his heart and proudly said, “Sweetheart, if it would have been me, I won’t have been able to save us half the shop that you have saved us, after those drastic losses, but it’s only you, who could adamantly stand there in male mushroomed society of the cloth market and do such a good business. My heart swells with pride and I feel so lucky to have you by my side, my favourite daughter.”


Once upon a time, this man, around whom this whole anecdote revolves, was a very robust, uptight and excessive self esteem man. During his childhood days, back in Lahore, his step mother didn’t treat him well, and when he grew up, his brothers ditched him in family business and since then they went different ways. As many scratches, faith put on his humble life, without a complaint he stood up again and again.
He had two kids, elder daughter and younger son. He married his daughter and soon she had a baby girl. When the little girl was just 3, her father died and lady became widow. The man adopted the baby girl and re-married her daughter.
Couple of year later he married his son. The daughter-in-law was not a very adjusting kind, in due course of time she started to object about their adopted daughter. Due to these everyday cat-fights, man was very much annoyed and it was after the death of his wife [who had always and always been there for him in all up and downs of life, who was love of his life] he decided to vend off the property and divided the share equally in three parts, one for his son, other for his daughter and one, he kept with himself.
The son brought a shop and a house from his share and shifted to Dwarka, where as the man shifted to the same housing society where his daughter lived.
 The growing age started to show on once lithe body, but still his mind was as sharp as his days of his youth. He continued with his business and gained awesome profits through it and his bank balance was always on increasing trend.
His daughter used to come and look after him once in a day, as she was also a working woman. The man was so happy with his daughter care that out of grandeur, he lent out hugs amount of money to support her lavish lifestyle. Few years down the line, with his money his daughter buy a very big house, five bedroom house in same housing society, though man continued to live in his two bedroom house. The man appointed a driver, two servants for her, whose salary he took care of.
In all these years, his adopted daughter [actually his grand-daughter] grew up and was now of marriageable age. He found a suitable match and in all pump and show organized a very expensive, ravishing party and with huge dowry send her to her husband’s house, and in subsequent occasion used to shower his limited family comparing of his daughter and grand-daughter family with highly expensive gifts. In return they used to pay visits in his lonely house and lonely life and that too with demand list.
His daughter also had one more son, from her second marriage, whose education was taken cared by the man. After his post graduation the man gifted him a ‘SUV’ car, striking sliver greyish color. Everything was so perfectly placed when, the faith have it, REVERSAL of FORTUNE started to happen.
The man started to lose weight, started to grow weak and often used to fall unconscious. His daughter took him to his house and got the investigation done. And his investigatory report revealed that due to ignored and untreated high blood pressure, his kidneys have failed and toxins were accumulating in the body. And since I bear an acquaintance with the family, I was called to their home for an opinion.
His urea level was so high along was his createnine values, clear-cut indicating Acute Renal failure which required immediate hospitalization and frequent dialysis. His age was 79 yrs and therefore they thought to take a second opinion.
Second, third or fourth opinion but the answer was same, inevitable hospitalization and dialysis. It took them almost one month to take him to the hospital that too, when his condition got so worse and couldn’t be managed at home. Doctor’s at the hospital became very critical of the family members and reprimanded them. Immediate dialyses was performed and along with further investigations were carried on which lead to a revelation that he was doubtful for Prostrate carcinoma, but looking at his condition, the biopsy was avoided.
Whole this time his daughter was in constant touch with me and visited my clinic frequently. Here is the extract of the conversation with her.

“Doctors at that hospital are so inhumane. They talked to us like that. They all think of making money. So much of the money is being washed in drain on my father’s treatment, I can’t tell you Doc? But anyways, now he feels better. But since he has been diagnosed with these complaints and since we run in his genetic line, please write us this investigation especially for our kidneys, to be on a safeguard for future. Write it for my daughter and son, also.”

“I am here to show you our reports. My father is fine, though he is undergoing dialysis twice a week. He is staying at our home. You see, doc, now one whole room have been occupied by him and we feel so much space restrained. Moreover, money is being spent on the attendants we have kept for him. God! They charge so much. Even the costs of Adult diapers are so high, and two of these diapers are consumed every day. Our monthly budget has totally shaken up.”      

“Doc! His condition is worsening day by day. He has started having hallucinations now. He has become so needy that he always wants one of us to stay with him. My son is away for his job at Indore and my daughter already is too busy with chores of her family and her three kids, and if I stay at house, absenting myself from the job, how on the earth, would we bear the expense of my father’s treatment. It’s been so much stress for me. My husband is asking me to take a break and for two days he is sending me to my son, even my daughter would also accompany me, a short vacation. My sons have planned the itinerary for the weekend, but look at my father; he is behaving so childish and not letting me go. Seriously, now I need a break, otherwise my asthma is going to aggravate. You can see under my eyes; these black circles have become so evident now. You won’t believe, it’s been months, since I have called my beautician home.

VISIT 4   
“Doc! His conditions have become worse. We are planning that he makes his “Will” now. Can you please come as a witness? Well, I will send you a car. It won’t be a regular one. You see, these kids are taking ‘SUV’ to Mohali, to catch latest IPL match. My son has brought an “Endaveour” recently. I asked him to wait, but these boys don’t listen. Look, he even bought 51 inches LED television last month. He was also going to buy whole home theater system; I have to stop him God! These boys are too much.
Please, Doc! Do take out time to come, it is important. And, now since his condition is worsening, it would become mandatory for us to inform my brother, though he would come and create a mess only.”
There was no visit 5, but an emergency call, where the lady was shrieking on top of her voice. The man had fainted and was rushed to the intensive care unit where he was put on life support system. That night, I was the last and only person to pay him visit in the I.C.U. and by looking at him I knew in my heart, that this would be the end of his misery full life.
And I was proved right, the next morning, he went away, I don’t know where, but I hope, may be to the realm of peace and happiness.
After his death, next time I met the family at his eulogy meeting. The duo of mother and daughter approached me. They had something to tell me. The daughter said, with broadening her eyes, “My mother had a dream yesterday, he saw her father and he said he was really happy how her daughter took care of him. He is very much proud of her. Doc! My mother has been a good daughter to him, isn’t she?”
 And then both looked at me for a response.
 “I guess so!” all I said.


·       The degree of manipulation is represented as a broad forehead tapering downwards into sharp chin, which on other hand is protruding forward.
·       It depends, if chin protrude averagely this becomes a good trait, representing worldly wisdom and the power to execute it in a good way. These classes of people are adamant to their words.
·       But, in case where the protrusion is excessive, it leads to astute, shrewd nature along with obsessive compulsive behavior and self centered nature.
·       Excessive fats on the cheeks especially near the lips also represent selfish and self centered persona

All relationship are measured on test of time”      




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