Sunday 23 June 2013


                                                   THE ROCKSTAR

The first thing that comes to mind after hearing the word ‘ROCKSATR’ is a tall man with long hairs and toured jean with guitar hanging in his neck, reverberating the whole environ into vivid and lively magnetism.
They become ideal and Demigod for commoners likes us. We look to them with awe and don’t even blink once, when they are in front of us.

I am definitely not writing this story about any such Rockstar, but instead on full contrary I am enumerating the incidence of a life of a girl, with no exceptional look or talent, who could be easily missed like a rock on the side of the road.

Family of five, three kids and two parents were living fairly happy life with day to day minor problems in a 90 square meter house. The father had a good business and mother was housemaker and the only business of kids was to be either naughty or study.
But suddenly the dark clouds start to accumulate over their house. The father had a amicable family business with his brother, but gradually, starting from minor alteration things started to become worse and one fine day, brothers decided to apart their ways.
The man with the three kids being the youngest in the family was given a small share of the total family assets and liabilities. The man with high self esteem accepted it without a word and was confident enough that he would re-establish himself with the meager resources he had in his basket.
But, eventually he was proved wrong, his business went into severe losses which couldn’t be recovered and gradually everything in their possession was sold, first it was gold and then their ninety square meter house.
Their once luxurious life was transferred to the condition of utter poverty. They went in small house but with pocket boring rent. The business was shut and inch by inch their saving accounts were going down.
The head of the family become depressed and to make condition more worse, got into the company of ideal philosophers who spent their whole day in park just cursing the government and practicing blasphemy.
The eldest girl of the family was fifteen years old and the other two siblings were two and four years respectively junior to her. They were all taken out from private school and shoved to government school. In three years times the eldest girl was out of school.
The condition of her family was not good, her father earnings were negligible and the savings were almost on the verge to get vanish but only thing that was high was the needs of the family, so she decided to sacrifice her fancies and entered into real world of hardship for her siblings.
She took admission in a correspondence course in Delhi University and at same time took a part time job play important part in family income.
She did her graduation, instead applying for post graduation studies, which was always her dream; she took a full time job, to meet the growing needs of family. Her brother took admission in Charted Accountant Programme and in due course of time her youngest sister took admission in an engineering college.
Each and every day was a fight for the young girl. Each and every day had new challenges which were to be met.
The growing burden was too heavy for her to bear, but she tried hard, at the cost of her health, at the coast of her dreams and never complaint.


One day that girl fell ill so bad that she was admitted to the hospital for a very long time. Her absence at work place cost her job, terminating all source of income.
It was only then that her father realized what was he doing, he was playing with the lives of his kids.
He got rid of his false ego and took a low paying job. In due course of time he started to get good offers and on the other hand the girl also improved.
Now the father and the eldest girl both shared the responsibilities and the condition begin to look good though the needs were still there.


Darkness of night is broken by a single light of dawn. Four years later, the girl’s brother completed his Charted Accountancy and got a job in Multi-National Company. The youngest sibling was on the verge of completion of her Engineering.
And after all those years of sacrifices the girl thought to take a break and resumed back to her studies.


Big eyes along with shine in them
Adequate spacing between two eyes
Adequate width of tip of nose
Convex appearance of the length of the nose
Slightly protruding chin
Round, small and well placed ears



Sunday 16 June 2013


              WHITE  ELEPHANT

Economical use of money is the example of prudence. Being a miser or a spend thrift, will either get you audacious nomenclature or bring you only good time friends respectively. But what happens when you actually screw up the things on an impulse? Answer is just one single word – Disaster
Here is one such story of “Disaster” by a very impulsive and compulsive spend thrift which in literary world are coded as “WHITE ELEPHANT”.


This happened couple of years ago. The lady in her early thirties, married to a government employee and settled with two kids, had a so called normal life. But our protagonist never ever settles for ‘normal’, she always wanted spice in her life, therefore she wanted to abandon her housewife tag and incarnate into Avatar of Business woman. She invested her five years saving into artificial Jewellery Business. She took a shop on rent and on one auspicious day, started her business in all the zeal.

As a rule every business requires time to bloom and definitely would have initial teething problems, but at that time it is said “THE PATIENCE IS THE BIGGEST VIRTUE.”But not for our lady, couple of months down the line, she became bore ,sitting ideal whole day , moreover it became difficult for her to shuttle between the household chores and business calling, as a result she became irregular to her work place and finally when the account sheet started shouting losses, she decided to drop an axe on her, once so much hyped Business, shop was closed ,jewellery was either sold at half price or was used as gifts to her acquaintances on various occasion for next six months.
Only a meager account of her investment was recovered and rest was washed away in drain.


Year after the business debacle, she was again bored being laid back in home. This time she became a health freak. She joined the Gym. This time she promised herself that she would be economical in her spending, therefore she just paid for one month Gym classes.
After one month hard work, she was ecstatic to lose few inches from her body. This elation clouded her wisdom again and in an impulse paid for one whole year.         
Following the weight loss diet and excessive pumping and sweating in gym with dreams of size ‘zero’ wardrobe couldn’t be prolonged more than three months. Her body couldn’t bear and gave up in mid-way. Each and every bone, muscle, cartilage and ligament in her body started to ache and finally the gym idea was also vexed.

She asked for refund or adjustment but that was against the policy of endowment. She thought to go light over her body and joined aerobic classes but she end up paying for the classes which she never could attend again.


Once you fall, you learn, twice you fall you learn, but if each time you fall and you owe never to learn, the consequences could be sabotaging.

Last year, near Diwali she thought to dump her old house and find a new and well furnished house in better locality. The only problem selling old house was that it was not free hold, but there were hot rumors in air that government would soon be passing law to freehold the properties in her area.

She thought that all stars are in her favor. She couldn’t let her dream house slide away from her hand. The plan was to give token money for new property and then she will have three months to pay rest of the money and by the time she would get her old property free hold and sell it away.

Five lakhs bucks exchanged hands near auspicious day of the year. It is said, deals made on Diwali never fails, only condition applied is that you should be smart enough to weigh all the pro’s and con’s. Three months later, her bank account showed a huge debit amount of five lakh which she stared while sitting on the chair in her non-free hold old house.


Marked sign of prudence in economical management is seen under the chin, at proximity of beginning of neck {also called sub-menti area}.
 ‘White Elephants’ have totally flat muscles under the chin, contrary to misers who have dewlaps hanging down their chin.


“Every scar have lesson to teach,
  but punch is, learn the lesson.”

Thursday 13 June 2013


                     FOOL’S GOLD

“Akshay Tritiya” is one of the most auspicious day of the year according to Hindu calendar. It is said, that it’s the best day of the year to buy gold and a good day to start any new business venture or to get into holy matrimony. This year ‘Akshay Tritiya’ was on thirteenth of last month. It was Monday. Maybe most of you must have missed it like any other day but for special few it became epoch in the time.


“One day, I would definitely get married to woman of my dreams” was his pet dialogue. The boy, twenty five years of age with no exceptional looks and with little adipose belt around his tummy was male version of Alice in Wonder Land. He was so spell bound by the virtual surreal world of movies that he lost his prudence to decipher both worlds. He held a proud record of seeing DDLJ {Dilwale Dhulaniya Lee Jayange} Nine hundred ninety nine times among his peers and the one thousand’s viewing was post pond till he found his special one and a special occasion with his special one.
Parents, siblings and friends all tried to wake him up to real world, but all went futile. The diehard Rhonda Byrnes Book follower {The secret and the magic} wished his only fantasy, every minute of every hour of every day for one whole year, that one day Universe got so fed up of him that it decided to grant him what he wanted. But at same time everything has a tag price.


Since being the eldest in the family, parents started a bride hunting for him. They actually were successful in their endeavours and found a descent and beautiful girl of the respected family. The boy agreed to marry her without any hustle. They were engaged and were due to marry on the most auspicious year of the day, ‘Akshay Tritiya’ 13th May 2013.
But here comes the twist in the tale. It was four days to go for the wedding that suddenly groom went missing along with the gold and lot of money. The kin smelled a foul play, searched him for days and finally reported to the cops.
The woman of the family fainted, few made visit to emergency unit of nearby hospital.
The family of bride was informed and all hell fell loose on them too. Under the breath, worse was being speculated. As the days passed, the hope of seeing the boy alive started to faint away.

A  WEEK LATER ......

It was exactly a week later, on 20th May the door bell rang in midst of the night. And when the door was opened, there stood that boy. The wave of happiness ran in the whole house but it was short lived , the boy entered with a wife, whom he married on 13th May in a temple at outskirts of Delhi and then they went to their honeymoon in Kullu- Manali.


The girl was none other than a month back appointed sales girl from a very poor family, but she was blessed with exceptional beauty and a very sharp minded. It didn’t take her much time to read the psyche of the colorful boy. She weaved a perfect web and with super duper speed, for days and nights, fatally attracted him, even saw DDLJ with him.
The boy got confused, couldn’t decide whom to choose, his parents selected bride or the woman he dreamed throughout his life.
Finally, he gave up to lust over his family pride and the bewitched by her without giving any damn thought about  his folks, just four days before the marriage ran away with the girl.
The moon started to wean and the money start to bereave the pockets. The honeymoon was over and it was the time for honey to meet the family.


Boy’s family was shocked, they couldn’t believe their ears. It looked all as a nightmare. They knew their son was a fool but they never thought even in their dream that he was the king of fools to take such a sabotaging step and play with his life.
After initial reprimands, they dropped the axe and beret him of the property and wealth of the family. Same midnight, in which he returned, couple of hours later, was dragged out with his beautiful witty wife.
Another person who was shell socked under the stars was the girl. With so much sweat and hard work she got a rich boy under her spell and within days he has been converted to the popper of the streets.
The boy took the girl to his friend’s house and stayed there for two days, but in those days he started to see actual colors of the girl which left the boy shocked. The girl wanted to go back to the in-law house and pressurized boy to do the needful.
The girl’s mother was much more smart then her. She knew that unnecessary fighting won’t lead to a good end. So she came up with a plan.


The plan was that boy would be taken to the girl uncle who would for time being employee him in his firm and whilst the boy could find himself a suitable job. The accommodation was also promised. But this plan was to be kept under covers. The boy was not allowed to call anyone, even his best friend who helped him other night.
The boy smell a rat in it. He was supposed to go the Shadra area but as soon as the car turned towards Dariya Ganj, the boy’s suspicion turned real. He could decipher the actual plan that his new wife and her mother planned to kidnap him and ask for a ransom from his father, for the first time his life he started to use his brain to map an escape.
When they neared a metro station, he excused himself to relieve his nature’s call and as soon as he got an opportunity to step out of the car, he ran away from there.
He only had two rupees in his pocket with which made a call to his friend who came to pick him.


The girl and her mother were left red face when they saw their golden bird flying away in the independent sky.
Now, the girl wanted revenge. Very next day she filed the case against the boy, “An attempt to rape.” Culprits of “Attempt to rape” cases would straight away go behind the bar for twenty years according to new laws.
The police came to the boy’s house and started to harass the family, accusing them for saving the boy by ambushing him and the evidence.
The family was not over one shock that the sky came falling for the second time. They themselves were not aware about the whereabouts of the boy. The family counter filed the complaint against harassment and tried to prove their innocence.
Boy, who was undercover, came to know about the status quo and this time for his family surrendered. He cried in front of his parents and pleaded for help and seeks their forgiveness.
Family is family; they will always stand for each other. The boy’s uncles and cousins collected the evidence against the girl, proving that attempt of rape case was fake as they both were married. The snaps were showed and the priest who married them was called as witness.
The girl’s perjury was confronted. The girl wanted to go back to the in- laws house and the boy wanted a divorce.
But the prudent judge spilled water on their desires. The honorable court ordered the boy to legally marry the girl and they were abide to live together for at least one year, before  they could apply for divorce, in absence of following the judgement he would be subjected to seven years in jail.
On other hand, the girl was restrained to go to in- laws house and would live where ever her husband live.
Finally, they are getting married, this time legally on 13th June, exactly one month after their fake dream wedding. Today is the day for our dream boy but his eyes are red and swelled.


·        High raised eyebrows
·        Outer corned of the lid pointing downward
·        Up turned tip of nose
·        Small, round protruding ears
·        Shiny eyes.


‘’The roses are red, Violets are blue,
   Oh! My darling!  I LOVE YOU”

Think twice before you recite this nursery rhyme in front of anyone.

Friday 7 June 2013

THE Crimson LIFE

             THE Crimson LIFE

Red is the color of roses and Red is the color of Blood. Red is the color of apple and Red is the color of emergency serine light beeping endlessly on an Ambulance.
Our lives fluctuate between the spectrum of crimson, sometimes taking us to extremes of ecstasy or abyss of distress. Whatever it is, it’s just a crimson life.


She was born as a very lucky girl, nicknamed as “SHREE” {Name of goddess of fortune according to Hindu mythology}The day she was born, all the debts and losses her family was suffering miraculously turned upward down. The family which was going in hellish dooms, resurfaced again and the money started to shower like rain.
As she grew up and started going to school, she became the star because of her phenomenal memory power. Whatever she did, she excelled in all the endeavors. She also became used to all the limelight and worked more hard to keep collecting laurels to her name.
She took medicine as subject of preference but end up excelling in accounts. She was so brilliant that where ever she went, she was selected above the crowd without any second thought.
It was in college that she met a very tall, slightly dark, very intelligent and handsome young man. You call it love at first sight or made for each other couple, they were an instant hit. Days of the college life was approaching the dusk when the boy proposed the girl and she said ‘yes’.
The boy was from the lower middle class family and the girl from upper class. After the little hustle from the girl’s side, her parents finally settled for the boy’s smartness.
The boy at that time was in government job and with that golden luck; definitely the lady was not going to sit quiet. With a rented one room accommodation she started a coaching institute and at same time she convinced her husband to give little time after his office timing. To conserve money, she used to utilize sunlight over artificial light to make her notes. For two hours every day, she sat in the park investing time for her future business project.
She is a luck magnet, and as it was quiet predictable the couple got success very soon. The boy quit his job and started to invest whole and sole time to their coaching institute.
Meanwhile, on family front, she gave birth to two boys subsequently in four year.
There were the perfect couple, perfect family, and perfect business duo and in the most flawless relationship for an onlooker......


Though, it seemed as a fairy tale for first time listener, but the reality was quiet different. The ‘ego’ was the major culprit in their relationship. Their difference started from the very next day of the success of their first business venture.

The boy couldn’t tolerate his limelight attracting wife and the feeling of worthlessness started to germinate inside him. How hard he tried to make his point or prove his worth but the lady with the luck would effortlessly come up with a better plan complacent to their needs.
You call it jealousy or bigotry of manhood, he started to act differently, which was first ignored by his wife but later on it became intolerable for her to bear his morbific behavior. It started as first parting their business and then followed by various unworthy accusation from both side and finally ending up in the extra martial affair of the boy.
It was too much for woman to take, and after giving her husband various chances for improvement she finally filed a divorce. Husband, at first, tried to reconcile with sugar coated word but when saw his golden bird struggling to fly away, came up on full vendetta.
He tried to scare her and for hours enlighten her with the cons of a single mother with two kids. But this time the woman was like a hurt lioness, not ready to fall for the rubbish.
For years their divorce case went on in the court and finally after two years she got a divorce. The woman and her two kids required no one, they could manage their own and as a team they could face any evil of the world.
The boy was furious, he tried to destroy the lady business and was quiet successful in sweeping away her clientele. Next, he spread the bad word about her to an extent that their acquaintances started to maintain distance from the lady, later on got married for the second time and disowned his children from his life, his love and his will.


Lord Krsna says to Arjun in Bhagvad Gita “O Son of Kunti, the non-permanent appearance of happiness and distress, and their disappearance in due course, are like the appearance and disappearance of winter and summer seasons. They arise from sense perception scion of Bharata and one must learn to tolerate them without being disturbed.” Bhagvad Gita 2.14             
“It’s all the perception” she thought after reading this shloka from Bhagvad Gita. So she shed down all the fear of slander and resuscitated herself like the Phoenix Bird.
The things started to look bright again. She signed the deal with one of the premier institute and regained back the name of her institute. Further, she joined the religious society and took the oath of renunciation. She cut short her expenses and with the savings and a bank loan took a big land which is now her full fledged coaching institute and in couple of years she again sweep the whole trade.
In the end, if you question her how she could manage to do this magnanimous job single handed. “Oh! Because Krsna says, it’s all in perception.”