Wednesday 8 May 2013


              48 MINUTES OF DEATH

What’s a difference between a living body and the dead body, they almost weigh same?  What is death? How it happens and what the person suffer at time of dying? How much time it takes for a person for the completion of whole process of death?


“Chandhog Upnishada” answers these questions. It gives the detail about the process of dying.

The whole process of dying takes about forty eight minutes.

Here is precise detail of it how it happens.....

The process of death start with shutting down of five karma indriyas {organs of actions} also called “vak”.  The five “Karma Indriyas” are as follows:
Organ for elimination – anus
Organ for procreation – genitalia
Organ of motion – legs                                
Organs of grasping – hands
Organs for speech – voice.

So, once the “vak” shut down, the procedure of failure of “Gyan Indriys” {sensory organs} is initiated.

The person start to lose the power to see, hear, taste, smell and touch.

Then starts the failure of “manas”.
 Manas comprise of mind, intellect, memory and ego.  The dying person will be confused, won’t be able to solve simple mathematical questions {for example two plus three}, would have a weak memory or total loss of it and there would be absolute lack of ego, the vocabulary “me” and “I” would disappear.

And finally comes the failure of “Pran” {the life force}, which in the presence of “Tejas” {heat} leaves the body rendering it lifeless.

This is the forty eight minutes of process of death. It is the total reverse of the procedure of beginning of life. The process of life starts with the presence of pran, followed by development of manas, the gyan indriya and finally the vak.


Again when all the sciences of the world are silent about the brain death, Vedic science has its explanation.

Brain dead person means that person who loses whole control of his brain stem reflexes and at same time the rest of the organ function continues. A state of deep comatose where partial part of the body is dead and partial is working. How can the living force be partial to different parts of body?

Well here lies the answer to this enigma:

The functions of the body are controlled by five “Vayus”.
Pran Vayu – it controls the brain stem reflexes
Apan Vayu – it controls elimination process like passing of stool, urine, menstruation in females.
Saman Vayu – it controls the gastro- intestinal tract functions
Vyan Vayu – it controls the circulation
Udan Vayu – it controls our connection with God, once this connection is lost the body becomes nothing but the vegetable.

At the time of death the pran vayu connects with the udan vayu combines together and leave the body with tejus. The rest three vayus work independently, hence a brain dead organs can be kept working for long long time.


All that you gain throughout your life is lost with one blow of death. Hence Vedas caution us to live wisely.

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