Friday 17 May 2013



“We are humans!” is the excuse we give when we are caught red handed doing something wrong. We have all the vice of the world and we are the only species to have conscientiousness of virtues but still we all say we are humans. Wisdom tells “as we sow, that shall we reap” and for all the moments of our God given life we forget, the only enlightenment coming when we are in big hell of abyss or at dawn of our life. very few of us get chance to rectify, most of us again repeat same mistake again and rest of us don’t even get chance, but at the end of the day we still say “we are humans”.


She was a budding dietician and with grace of god her practice was good. Once upon a time she had this patient with removed gall bladder and ten kg overweight. She helped her up losing weight and after months and months of hard work finally reaped results and she lost that extra weight. Her slimmer look got her lots of compliment and finally one day she thought that if that lady can work wonders for her, she should try to learn the science herself and start with her own business of dietics. She thought it was a child play.

The lady got herself enrolled in the one of the dietics course. Entering the course she thought herself as the one with the whole knowledge and the course was just a formality, she started to consider herself as the doctor. Now the basic need was to have some tinge of acquaintance of patient dealing so she revert back to her Doctor and humbly requested to learn from her.


It is only when you spend time with someone that you know about his true temperament. No one can mask themselves for very long, their true colors are revealed one day and same was the case scenario with our protagonist. As she sat with her doctor learning from her, she couldn’t bear the crowd coming to her. The green eye monster of jealousy overwhelmed her consciousness and she started interrupting, correcting her mentor, proving herself more talented than her in front of her clientele.

The Doctor ignored it first but then she started to get irritated and finally one day, the Doctor made a reason that since the privacy of her patient is compromised and since few patients have objected, she couldn’t allow her anymore. The lady gave a twisted smile and without thanking her for all the knowledge bestowed by her, she walked away, confident enough that she would strike the gold.


Within a month into the practice she realized it was not at all child’s play. There were rarely any patients marching her doors, all she had the free advice takers. She was frustrated at first and then sadness came and finally the feeling of worthlessness. She tried various ways to endorse herself, holding campaigns, designing a website, giving free advices in the kitty parties, wedding ceremony, printing advertising pamphlets and telling boisterous stories of her imaginary success.

When one of many would ever get convinced of her orchestrated words and pay her visit, she wasn’t able to deliver results. It was just all words and no show affair for her and finally one day our confident lady dropped the idea of becoming a doctor and went back to her plaintiff life style.

Jealousy paved her way straight to self worthlessness.

The other doctor, on the other hand, rose to unimaginable fame.

To be humble, is the first step to the ladder of success.


Eyebrows meeting in between the eyes

Small eyes

Narrow nose especially the tip of the nose



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