Friday 24 May 2013



The biggest troublemakers in medical world are Incurable diseases and one of the disorders that really get on nerves of the sufferer and the treating Doctor is Cancer. Why is that, the rate of cancer so increasing in today’s time? Why is that, there are no references of cancer in the Ancient times? Our scriptures are bereft of any incidences of death related to cancer. So that means they have the means by which they could prevent such incurable nuisance.

What do we actual mean by cancer?
Our whole existence is based on the procedure of cell division. One cell divides into two, two into four and so on, and various organs of the body are formed and slowly the whole being is formed. These divisions are controlled by God based timer, but when this timer blow away leading to unbridled divisions of cell it leads to an unwanted growth inside our body which we call CANCER.

Another question arises that what cause cancer?
Since, till now there is no specific aetiology to demark the reasons for cancer, but our Vedic knowledge gives us few tips to live a healthy life and prevent the life style disorders such as Diabetes mellitus 2, Hypertension {high blood pressure}, IBS {irritable bowel syndrome}, hyperuremia {high level of uric acid in blood}, high level of cholesterol and triglycerides, etc,etc. The main reason why these diseases make inroads in our system is because our so called modern diet, which cause many fold increase of production of insulin in our body. And this hyper insulin in our body is one of the predisposing causes for the cancer cell to make its niche here.

What are our best options?
So the best prevention is to lower insulin diet which is always the fibrous and vegetarian diet. The non vegetarian diet and fermented drinks like alcohol are the en route for increase insulin level in the blood. Our Vedic knowledge help us to prevent such diseases, here are our best options:


Chandyog Upanishida gives us the escape route to prevent such ungodly nuisance in our body. Fasts in Indian culture are not just only to make us accustomed to the process of renunciation but at same time work on the principle of detoxification of the body which, now-a-days are the principal bases of the treatment of Health Management Advisers. Here is it what it says:
One day fasting should be observed in a week in which the diet should be milk and fruits. This detoxifies the body.
Fast of Ekadashi should be observed twice in a month, Nirjala Ekadashi {Ekadashi in which water is prohibited to drink} which comes before Poornima {Full Moon Night} should be kept as during Poornima body have the tendency for water retention, which could be balanced by observing Nirjala Ekadashi couple of days before Poornima. Especially beneficial for people suffering from Obesity, Dysmenorrhoea {Painful menstruation}, hypothyroid, PCOD {Poly Cystic Ovarian Disease}
Eighteen days of fasting of grains to be observed in whole year, hence we have Navratra coming twice in a year. Especially for diabetic and heart patients

Principles of food hygiene are explicitly elaborated in Bhagvad Gita. Since our religious scriptures say apart from human only food have consciousness {vegetarian food} which remains in it for few hours, once the process of putrification starts the consciousness leave the food and this food when taken rather than providing any advantage to our body hampers our body cells. Here is the extract and its elucidation from Bhagvad Gita, where lord himself enlighten us.

Bhagvad gita- Shloka 17.8
Food dear to those in mode of goodness increase the duration of life, purify one’s existence and give strength, health, happiness and satisfaction. Such food are juicy, fatty, wholesome {rich in fibres} and pleasing to heart.

Bhagvad gita- Shloka 17.9
Food that are too bitter, too sour, salty, hot, pungent, dry and burning are dear to those in mode of passion. Such food causes distress, misery and disease.

Bhagvad gita- Shloka 17.10
Food prepared more than three hours before being eaten, food that is tasteless, decomposed and putrid and food consisting of remnants and untouchable things is dear to those in mode of darkness.

PURPORT {by Srila Prabhupad}
The purpose of food is to increase the duration of life, purify mind and aid body strength. This is its only purpose. In past, great authorities selected those foods that best aid health and increase life duration, such as milk products, sugar, rice, wheat, fruits and vegetables. These foods are very dear to those in mode of goodness {satvik}.
Some other foods, such as baked corn and molasses, while not very pat able in them; can be made pleasant when mixed with milk or other food. All these foods are pure by nature. Fatty food as mentioned in eighth verse has no connection with animal fat obtained by animal slaughter. Animal fat is available from milk which is most wonderful of all foods.
Milk, butter, cheese and similar products give animal fat in a form which rules out any need for killing innocent creatures.
Protein is amply available through split, peas, dals, whole wheat, etc.
Food in mode of passion {rajasi} which are bitter, too salty or too hot or overly mixed with red pepper cause misery by reducing mucus in stomach, leading to disease.
Foods in mode of ignorance or darkness {tamsik} are essentially those that are not fresh. Any food cooked more than three hours before it is eaten is considered to be in mode of darkness. Because they are putrefied {like liquor}, such food give bad odour which often attract people in this mode and repulses those in mode of goodness.

Think  before  you  eat.   

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