Wednesday 24 April 2013



The dictionary definition of hypochondria is a mental disorder in which one is so much indulgent about one’s health that he starts to have whims that him or her is diseased. Every second of the passing day he keeps observing about his phantom symptoms and tries to diagnose himself with any fatal malady. Wikipedia have made their job easy and increased their agony. The present moments of their life are lost and every second the fear that something evil may befall linger in their mind. The life become as if living in a rabbit hole!

Many self manuals states that our power of thoughts can make things really happen whatever it maybe the universe will definitely bring it to us so it totally depends upon us what we really ask for. Even most of the Hindus believe that one moment in the whole day goddess Saraswati sits on our tongue and at that moment whatever we utter comes true and elders advice us to always say good and positive things.


“Doc! You don’t know how it feels like what I am going through each and every day of life. I am almost forty years old and entered the menopausal age, the age where my all hormones will give me final adieu and exposing me to various diseases. God save me!” Well these are the words of the woman with creased forehead and the fretting habit.

Well she is whole medical encyclopaedia, as for every symptom as small as a little sneeze to a stomach-ache there were always a differential diagnosis. When she came to me she brought four bags full of recent medical reports dating back few months which included fifty laboratory reports of complete blood count, same number reports of blood glucose count, approximately the same number of urine analysis and at least ten ultra-sonographic reports as I remember accurately. This happened to be all normal.

I looked at her three times with almost three weird expressions before uttering a word and when I was about to utter I was stopped and then suddenly it started the flood of lamentation and brooding. She pleaded for help which wasn’t requiring at all but she kept asking and asking until I declared all well with her. she have already shunted many doctors who declared her well and couldn’t state out even a single anomaly in her but she came to me from a very strong recommendation, hence couldn’t defer my words of wisdom.

She listened for a while, but the expression of dissatisfaction could be deciphered from her face. At the end she asked me to at least write her few test to clear away her doubts. I looked her in eyes and gave a again weird smile and said politely that she needs no further scanning of her body as she was in her perfect health. She argued that now she was but since the menopause was near she could have many diseases in future. She asked for prophylactic treatment.

My explanation was same and this time it happened to be the last straw in doctor patient relationship. She went away, never to return to me again, till off recently.


Until recently I caught her in the market. She was the same and nothing was there to forget about her. I was curious to know which doctor was treating her so I made my advances towards her to ignite the conversation. I was a bit dicey whether she would recognize me or not, but she is blessed with the marvelous memory.

Apart from all the things that I came to know about her the most important was that she actually found herself a suitable and well qualified doctor to treat her. six months back she got her uterus removed because it showed the signs of little seedling fibroid s which were asymptomatic and her PAP’S SMEAR report was also normal, ruling out any chances of malignancy, but she got it removed.

Couple of weeks before she suffered from the discomfort at the right side of her shoulder, the pain radiated from right side of upper abdomen. There was doubt of gall bladder stone. USG confirmed one small minute stone which won’t have disturbed her if left untouched but she was schedule for surgery next week.

I tried not to give expressions but to listen to her. I only asked her the name of her treating doctor, but the total unexpected answer let me realized my mistake of not treating her, as she was really really sick.

“Doc! Don’t mind. I need to fight to survive and if you people are not capable of taking decision, I need to take them for myself and I did exactly what I need to do. I can’t womb any disease inside my body and given an option I opted to get it out. I am my own treating doctor.”

I left a hypochondriac person unattended and now she is mutilating her body. How much I feel to reverse the things, I know, but its beyond my control now.


High raised eyebrows
Small eyes
Thin tapering chin
Deeply furrowed forehead


“Row, row, row,
Your boat, gently down the stream.
Merely, merely, merely, merely,
Life is just a dream.”

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