Wednesday 10 April 2013



Twice in the years come the eight or nine days of navratras in which the different advents of goddess Durga is worshiped. Once they appear in, March or April and again in October or November depending on the dates of Hindu calendar.

The religious reason to keep navratras is that since goddess Durga is known as one of the wish granting goddess, therefore remembering her in the pious days and following austere of fasting would definitely land us with perks.

Medical reasons

Eight days of no cereal diet detoxifies the body.

Navratras are the holy palliation for diabetic patient. Insulin resistance come down in navratras hence they bare treatment for diabetes mellitus {DM}.
Low carbohydrate diet would reduce the dependence on DM drugs by 40% and omitting carbohydrates {mainly potatoes} will reduce it till 60%.

The people suffering from high cholesterol and high triglyceride should also fast as it helps in reduction of alarming values. Your lipid profile report is going to be awesome after you fast.


For DM – don’t take heavy meals at night as it can cause hyperglycemias {increase blood level of sugar}.

Avoid Trans fats.

Avoid hydregonoid oil.

Instead of using kuttu flour use samvek rice.

Limit the uptake of potatoes.

Increase dairy products and milk.

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