Wednesday 10 April 2013

three murders in a day


Many people have phobia, some fear darkness, some fear crowds, elevators, dogs, water, etc, etc. few can trace back to the cause of phobia and have a very interesting stories to tell, that how they landed up in this situation. I bring forward one of such story of a man, writing it in the first hand, as he told me.


I was five when this thing happened to me. I was very cool kid and had nothing to worry about in the whole world and suddenly one day my life turned upside down in those summer days when I went to my native village to stay with my grand parents.

It was good sunny day. I woke up early, went to the fields and enjoyed running there and after my lunch again went to roam around. Being there was heaven on earth as there was no one to stop me doing whatever I wanted to do and there was no one pushing me for studies. When I returned that evening, I was still not in any mood to give up the fun so I took my hard leather ball and started to throw it on the wall and catch it over and over again. I must have done it hundred times and my hands were feeling the fatigue from it but my mind was not willing to give it away and hence I continued. Finally I thought that this would be my final throw. There was the watch hanging on the same wall on which I was bouncing the ball. As soon as the ball left my hand, simultaneously a lizard came out from behind the watch.

My eyes widened up and my mouth dropped, I ran towards the ball to interrupt its projectile motion, but it was too late for me to intervene as the ball landed on the exact spot where the innocent lizard was and in one stroke it fell down lifeless on the ground.

Oh! My god, I killed a lizard. There came a shriek out of my mouth and my granny came running to me thinking I was hurt but when she came to know the whole thing she pushed me out of the house and asked me to go and take the bath at the well. She didn’t even allowed me to pick my belongings, she just pushed me out and send a servant with me with my clothes.


When I reached the well, I asked the servant to leave my clothes at the foothold near the well and then to leave me alone to have my chastising bath. I sat there pulling the water out of the well and pouring it on me. I was five then, it took me half hour to take the chastising bath along with the chanting of manta that my granny told me, to nullify the sinister act of killing a living being. I did it and I did it with all my heart.

But, as soon as I was through it and removed the wooden plank on which I was sitting, there lay one more dead lizard. I killed another lizard with my weight this time.

I was knocked and shocked. Well, this time I knew a drill, what to be done after killing a lizard. But before that I dig a mud grave for the dead lizard and lay her there with all respect and chanting few mantras to give peace to the departing soul. Now it was time to take bath again along with fifty one times chanting chastising mantra that mean another half an hour.


After one hour when I returned home, it was dark outside. I had already killed two lizards and I was sad. But my mood was changed as soon as I saw my grandpa walking inside the house. He brought me sweets. I jumped in happiness. Seeing his affection and to impress him more, I volunteered to pick his bag and kept in the closet. I just threw the bag inside the dark closet, didn’t even wait to on the lights as the delicious sweets were waiting for me on the dining table.

Next day too I voluntarily brought the bag from the closet when my grandpa was about to leave to go to his workplace. It was not dark inside as the sun rays were pouring in from the small windowS on the wall. I picked the bag and carried to the owner, but there was something strange hanging at the bottom of the bag. I thought it to be the dust and tried to wipe it off but the strange jelly like thing stick to my hand.

When I saw it, I was petrified. A mangled body of, once very healthy lizard was sticking my hand.

I just had my breakfast and seeing the dead body in the morning made me puke out in the closet.

I killed three lizards in a day without any intention.


The servant took the whole day to cleanse the closet room.

My granny this time brought the whole tumbler filled holy water of Ganges to bath me and after that holding my hand took me to the priest of the temple who with his peacock feather fan hit me many times on my head to nullify the effect of three lizard spirits and warned me to be careful of the lizards as their brethren will take revenge from me.

And since that day, I am thirty five now; all lizards are on vendetta against me. I have become a lizard magnet and as soon as they see me they lose their grip from the wall and directly fall on me as if punching me, sometimes they are already in my clothes and as soon as I wear it they start to tingle. One of the aggressive lizard who was on full blown vendetta even tried to commit suicide by falling into my hot bowl of sambhar. I saved her, but still my relationship with them is never ever going to improve, what ever I do.

And since then I do not enter my room or any place where I spot even one lizard on the wall, after all the only option I am left with is precaution.


High raised eyebrows

Small nose

Retracting chin

Protruding ears


Mountain dew tag line says –
  darrr kea agee jeet hai...........
{There is victory as soon as we overcome our fear}

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