Sunday 31 March 2013


                      BUDDHA’S FOUR HORSES

Life teaches us lessons each and every day, some of us lean it easy way and some us have to go a whole road down to grab our piece of share, but at the end of the day we all learn. What matters is that whether or not we have learned it in time. It is best explained by Buddha’s four horses.
The first hoarse learns his lessons of riding as the process of growing up, like from birth only he understood what his goal for this humble life was.
The second horse learns his lesson by seeing the other horse being trained in the stable.
The third one learns when his neighbor horse is being trained, just in front of him and the fourth and the last hoarse only learns when the rider sits on him and wimp him with a stick.
Actually, at the end, it’s our choice which horse we become.


At certain point of our life, we all get confused about the choices we make for our future. It may be the career choices, job choices, relationship choices, etc, etc and at that time we seek people’s advice that they at that time look so wise to advice us and sometimes we blindly follow them. Sometimes it turns out good for us and sometimes well, I don’t know where we end.

I, myself, never ever had a fantasy of holding a stethoscope around my neck or being a person from the field of science. But it all happened by default. It was maternal uncle, so adamant to make the eldest kid of the family to be doctor and he imposed that decision on me. At that time I was angry, bit revolting but later on I went with the flow and end up being a doctor. Well, I don’t say I regret it now; in fact it turned out to be one of the best thing universe had to offer me. But no one after me, neither my sister nor my cousin linage took medicine as their subject. I feel unique and good.

Sometimes we have to leave it on other to decide.

What I experienced ten years back is being experienced by lots of students now and among the lots, few come to me to decide for themselves and here is the story of one such girl I write here.


She is a very bubbly girl but little lazy {she will debate with me that she wasn’t and sometimes got angry from me to call her lazy} who came to me in 2o11 for the treatment for certain ailment and we started out well. She was in her 12th standard at that time and was confused what to take ahead as a career choice. Only two options that people thought for her were either CA {charted accountant} or CS {company secret ate}, and she couldn’t point out what is best for her. She asked me the same question what to do. I told her do, what she wanted to do. Since I am not the accounts person, she started to recapitulate statistics in front of me; I cut her in between and again asked her what she wants. She thought for a while and told me that although her interest is in being a CS, but people say CA is better.

Well I told her my pet story. Once upon a time so happened, there were two brothers, one of them studied very hard and the other one was least interested in studying and all he did was to play, play and play. The first brother being studious one had decided goal for his life and he knew how much he have to work hard for it, contrarily the other one gave no heed about future and always took easy way, listening to the people. They grew up together in same school and same home environment being treated equally, but one became a CS and the other couldn’t even get through his graduation, he didn’t even attempted to clear it and again relying on people to decide for him the easy way, end up opening a small departmental store, where he sat whole day killing time and taking home the meagre earning of the day. What people say, what is the easy way, which he opted, made his life come at the standstill and as rule stagnant water gives nothing but unpleasant effluvia and same thing happened in his life. Frustration piled up and made him angry with himself and everybody.

On other hand the  brother who became a CS, got a good paying government job in income tax department, which he did for a while and then gave up to start his CS couching institute. It started from a scratch and slowly transformed it good profit generating business house. Today the CS brother holds a big business building and various properties in different part of capital and is now on the verge for more expansion as he is soon launching his satellite classes. The difference being that he decided for him. Maybe, initially he also fell, took risk giving up his job, had teething problem establishing a new business venture but at all time he didn’t took the easy path or what people told him, all he did was all he wanted to do.


Bright and shiny eyes

Broad forehead

Slightly or remarkably convex nose

Sharp tip of nose pointing downward

Broad chin


Outer angle of eye drooping downward

Small forehead

Concave nose with blunt tip

Small chin pointing forward  


The girl was lot of inspired by the story. Shed away her laziness and instantly decided what she have to do. Scored excellently in her 12th standard board exam and took up CS coaching. Recently I got her message that she is enjoy doing her CS and is very happy with her decision and her results were awesome, scoping her out in the cream of the group.


As Shakespeare said, “all wells that ends well”

But the hunch here is we need to start with, “all wells”.

Sunday 24 March 2013



It is believed that there is the city which is made totally of gold, called Elerado. Some says that it is mere fiction but few have fables to brag about it as if some of their ancestors have been there in the past. There have been various search missions to find this missing city which got hidden during the evolution of the earth. Till now all efforts have been futile and so many researchers have faded without any preconisation of their efforts.


Fifty years back, when DDA {Delhi development authority} were allotting plots to people, one man so adamant to have one, filled in the form, although his pocket being financially constrained. By luck he was allotted one in Kalkaji area, that time totally rustic area, now one of the posh colonies of Delhi with a very high circle rate.

Going into back flash again, he seek help from his wife’s brother to fulfill the deficit amount. So as per the agreement it was decided both the parties put equal halves and attained fifty fifty percent rights to the property. Five years later, the man whose original idea was to bring the plot had enough amount to get the property in his name, so he asked his brother-in-law to take the money and give him the full rights to the property. He was ready to give him the raise rate of property, he even offered that he could put an interest to the principle amount and it would be fine for him to pay back that.

But till then there was the news in market that sooner or later the rate will be sky high and who so ever have the property there would definitely strike gold. The brother-in-law couldn’t miss the golden opportunity and he backed up from the agreement. The man asked him to pay him the money with interest and enjoy the whole property. But he was not even willing to shell out extra amount, he asked for the settlement of five years back rate.

It was outrageous and this couldn’t be accepted. The relationship became sour between once closely related families. The elders of the family sat to resolve the conflict between them, but they reached no solution. No amount could be decided for settlement.

The man became so angry that he decided to take a legal action against his brother-in-law. The wife couldn’t accept the matter of family to go to court, so she requested, pleaded and cried in front of her husband not to do such a thing. Seeing the piteous cries of his wife, he became silent for a while but still held the grudge in the heart.

Ten years passed since then. His wife became seriously ill now. The doctors had given up on her condition. Family accepted the news and were preparing themselves for her demise. On the death bed, lady asked her husband her last wish, which he somehow had intuition of. She asked her again and again that after she has gone, he should maintain a peaceful relationship with her brother and should not ever drag him to the court of law. He promised, but still his wife died with the doubt in her heart.

After the thirteen day of her death, the man sends the legal notice to his brother-in-law. It’s been thirty five years since the battle have been fought in the court of law for the golden piece of land.

The battle had gone ugly with false accusation, bad names and sometimes it was too close to get violent. The legal battle went on and on, and it was so prolonged that the both opponents died before reaching a conclusion. Their further progenies carried on the ugly battle.

And finally the decision of the court was out which shocked both parties.


Slightly protruding upper jaw, in certain cases excessive protruding upper lips

Appreciable Spacing between the teeth

Slightly raised surface of the side of the nose above the nostrils

Outer angle of the eyes slightly bowed downwards


Suddenly there came in the third opponent claiming the rights of the disputed property, so strong that opponent that court couldn’t refuse it and neither could appeal in the higher court.

The opponent was DDA itself who claimed that the land was to be taken back for the government development project and both parties was given half of the decided circle rate, which was meager amount compared to the amount that all was already been spent on the thirty five years old battle.

What was left after walking the fantasy road of Elerado was the bitter relationship and big shame.


In the fight between two cats, there always comes a monkey who gets the key advantage.

Sunday 17 March 2013


                             “NAME SAKE”

Shakespeare said, “What’s kept in name”. But as a matter of fact I opt to differ. When a child is born in a Hindu family, there is a name giving ceremony. Priests presiding over the ceremony do their astrological calculation and take out the alphabets from which the child is then named from and definitely the child lives with that name throughout life and trying to live up to that name.

But have you thought that sometimes a wrong name can change anything in the life. It’s a mere superstition or it has some divine deeper interventions. Well I have three examples.  


According to Hindu mythology, long back ago there were two sisters Aditi and Ditti. It is so believed from Aditi came all the demigods and from Ditti came all the demons. So it is common to come across the name Aditi and never Ditti, but I was contradicted when I started treating a three years old girl named Ditti, two years back. Oh! My god, she was a complete menace. She used to distraught my clinic from its basic anatomy and when stopped from doing that her atrocious cry would be so harsh that it felt that it would deaf me and my all patient. I preferred to see her first to save everyone from the dreadful miseries bestowed by the little monster.

She was same at home and so at school. It was her teacher who was first to point out the error in her name and advice her mother to change it, otherwise she will always be a problematic child. Her mother consulted me and I told her to change the name was her call and I can’t have any opinion about it, but I could help her daughter by treating her behavioral disturbances.

She agreed for the treatment and after six- seven months she started to shunt from hyperactive mode to more stabilize demure. I was happy that she was doing good, that one day while giving her the consultation, I called her name Ditti. The little girl was surprised and said that now no one calls her with that name. Her mane is now Harsha. When I looked towards her mother for a conformation, she smiled and told me that she have changed her daughter’s name to Harsha, which means happiness.

 I was shocked and asked her when it happened and she replied six or seven months back.


They are orthodox Hindu family from West Bengal and one peculiar thing about their family is that all the kids in their family are named from letter B. They eldest member of their family is a ninety five years old man who is still a priest in the famous temple of their area. He believes that if the coming generation in his family will be named from B, no ill could ever affect them and in case if the rule will be broken all hell would break loose on the offender.

The eldest of the family married a very open minded woman, who didn’t believe in all these superstition. When her first daughter was born, she was named according to the family tradition as Bhumi, meaning mother earth. The daughter –in –law was new at that time so she couldn’t have a say in naming her first child and more or less she liked the name. But four years later when her second daughter was born she couldn’t accept her being named Bharvie, the goddess of death and she revolted and named her differently from other letter. She named her Pratibha, meaning the one with immense talent.

Her second’s girl childhood was little crappy. She was always sick with some or other petty thing. Her grandfather again warns against the consequences, but his voice felt on deaf years. When the girl turned sixteen she started to have fits. The fits were sudden and she started screaming and crying without any reason. And after couple of minutes when it got over she couldn’t remember what she has gone through.

MRI, CT scan, EEG, Brain mapping, hormonal assessment, all was normal and nothing abnormal could be diagnosed in her case. Petit mal epilepsy, TIA{transient ischemic attack}, etc all were rule out in her case, but why that was happening, allopath had no answer at all. Her grandfather again repeated the warning. Since the attack had no fixed pattern, neither there was aura before it; to put her on allopathic drugs were out of question.

She was some referral case. I saw the video recording of her attack and they were the most pitiful screams I have ever heard. I took the case, started the treatment and she started to show improvement. At first the frequency reduced and it’s been a quiet a time since that attack. Two months back I stopped her treatment and till now what I hear is that she is doing fine, preparing for her medical entrance exam, surprisingly without a change in the name.


Four year boy who is a regular visitor to my clinic, at the rate of, at least two emergency visits and four regular follow ups visit every month. His name was Pratham Kohli, his name meaning the one who comes first. And keeping the pace with his name, he was the first one to enter my clinic influenced by the weather changes. Severe case of Maxillary sinusitis with allergic rhinitis, sneezing all his way to my clinic. The parents were very disappointed by his frequently falling sick.

It so happened one day that the granny took the boy to an astrologer and a very shocking fact, in fact the blunder was revealed by him. He said, it’s all in the name, he has been wrongly named and this is the reason for all his miseries and to put a full stop to it, they need to change his name. And the family feared the prediction of the pious man and changed the boy’s name from Pratham to Ankush, which means complete stop.

Next time the boy came to me, he was Ankush Kohli, surprisingly, surprisingly and surprisingly, since that day he became less sick and his visits to my chamber reduced rating up to two in a month or sometimes he was absent for couples of month.

His latest PNS X-RAY, showed a clear maxillary space and reduction in the size of his adenoids, the reason behind his alternate sneezing and nose block with high grade fever at every change of weather.

It’s all in name the granny chuckled last time when she came with the boy for his follow up examination, contradicting Shakespeare.


Big protruding eyes

High arched eyebrows as if dividing the forehead equally in two parts

Sparse hairs in eyebrows

The tip of the eyebrow quiet far away from tthe outer angle of the eyes

Protruding round ears


The power of name is here truly explained.

Seven centuries before Chaitanya Mahaprabhu, preached the power in chanting the lords name and stressed on chanting HARI-NAM MAHAMANTRA.

He weighed on the fact that

“ hari narmo, hari narmo, hari narmo eva ca kevalam,
Kalo nastev, nastev, nastev, gattiranthamam”

“Only chanting the krsna’s name, krsna’s name and only krsna’s name in this age kali, will nullify, nullify and nullify the affect of this age and deliver us to salvation.”

Wednesday 6 March 2013



In today’s world the only thing that matters is the money, money and money. No relationship, no friendship and no humanity are worth than the crackling sound of the currency bills. There are different ways to gather money some are classified under morel and some are classified under guile. The money earned through deceit and fraud is astute ways which are famous in this Yuga of Kali. But the question arises to which extent can a person go for it?


The old fragile figure of the woman climbed slowly the steep stairs of the bank in which the pension money of her dead husband is deposited every month which she uses for her modest survival. Although all her bank work is done by her grandson but once a year she have to drift her frail body to the bank to give the proof of her living so that the money keeps on coming and today was the day to show her off.

She was dropped by her grandson on the gates of the bank and he went away for some errands to return to pick her after half an hour. She was always in praise for her grandson who took so much care of her.

She reached the main desk to complete formalities of paper work; she thought that since she is here why not check the amount in her account. When the amount was revealed she couldn’t believe, she got it checked thrice and at last it was confirmed that computer was making no error.   

Luckily she brought her pass book which she immediately got completed. To her shock there was twice the amount of money debited from her account than what she asked for. There was only one person who managed her accounts and it was her grandson. The whole picture was in crystal clear in front of her.


Small eyes

Small gap between the both eyes

Eyebrows running in proximity of each other

Pointed chin

Dramatic jaw {the jaw angles just before terminating in chin}

Pointed nose, with the tip of nose pointing downwards

Marked or slight protruding cheeks

Look for the dark black, bulgy, remarkable size mole on the face


The lady was angry and shocked. She couldn’t believe how could her grandson, to whom she raised with love and so much care could do that to her. She won’t give away easy. She returned home with her grandson without giving him the faintest hint that she had just catch hold of his con schemes.

Two days later she called her grandson that she wanted some money from the bank and requested him to do the needful. She asked her to go now as she required the money immediately. As the very obedient grandson he reckoned his granny’s request and left.

Meanwhile the lady called her daughter and asked her to meet in front of the bank. She asked her not to ask any question and strictly not call anybody, just be there. Her daughter reached the decided place, only to find her mother ambush behind the tree. She joined her mother befuddled by her gimmicks. The granny didn’t say a word and gestured her to be patient.

Couple of minutes later they saw the target entering the bank, as he climbed the stairs, both ladies followed him up. He went to the desk and withdrew the money from his granny’s account and then he left without smelling a rat. It was a common procedure for him.

When they were sure he has left the bank premises granny along with her daughter revealed themselves to the accountant and asked for him the details of the money withdrawn and asked him to give in writing to them. The daughter was clueless but still her heart could sense something odd as it kept on fluttering frequently.

They both went home and eagerly waited for the man to come and handover money to the lady. It was then she told her daughter about the deeds of her son. She couldn’t believe what she told and argued her. Granny asked her to wait as the truth will be revealed shortly.

The boy came and handover only half the money withdrawn from the bank to the granny. He still didn’t sense anything wrong even seeing his mother there.

“Thaa”, echoed the noise in that silence room, when the mother hit the boy. With tears in her eyes she felt disappointment and embarrassment because of him.

The boy was caught red hand stealing from the granny. He promised that he will pay back her deficit money. Anyways the smart granny was not going to fall for it again, she not only restricted him from his bank accounts even disowned him from her will. The boy till date has return ten thousand rupees, seventy thousand still remaining to be paid back.


“What  goes  around  definitely  comes  around”