Sunday 11 October 2015



It is true that we realize the value of   people only when they have left the world otherwise they are taken for granted. Till the person is alive we are busy in criticizing, pinpointing shortcomings, mistake, arguing, fighting. Once the person is gone, we become saints. Suddenly heaps of praises, obituaries start pouring in from every nook and corner. The deceased becomes epitome of goodness and virtues which were previously hidden. I think we don’t mourn the deceased but we cry for the benefits we received from them- one of them being taking away the job of critic. This holds true specially in case of ageing parents.

Respect and Love the person when the person is still around you. Celebrate the life and spend time with them (you don’t know when will be the last moment). Don’t spend time with memories (this in any case you are bound to do).NO point in doing ‘Shraad’ or ‘Barsi’ when we made the person die slowly when he/she needed company ,love ,respect and our time(which we are always short of)

Expression and communication are the essential nutrients for any relation to survive. Express your love by hugs, kisses, gifts and most importantly LISTENING TO THEM, SPENDING TIME WITH THEM. After they are gone, what you do does not matter at all (at least to them). DO WHAT YOU ARE SUPPOSED TO DO NOW.

But it’s always easier said than done. Preaching has always been easier than practicing. Well, I learnt the above lesson in a hard way when lost my mother. As they say departed souls become stars, so I want my star to know how much I loved her. How many things were left unsaid and how badly I miss her. The following poem I wrote is just a way to tell “our baby doll” (as she was fondly called) that she was right in so many things. History repeats itself and life takes a full circle because my kids find me outdated, boring and not at all up to date. She always said, “ jad mein challi jaavagi teh mainu yard karengi”. Mamma, I really miss you-----

             मेरी माँ

माँ की कीमत माँ  के जाने के बाद समझ आती है
माँ की बातें माँ के जाने के बाद याद आती है
वो बेसिर पैर कि बातेंंबेमतलब कि बातेंं
मतलब से भरी नज़र आती है
पर माँ के जाने  के बाद
ही यह बात समझ आती है
वो दुनियादारी की बातें
माँ ही तो हैं जो सिखाती हैं
गिले शिकवेसलाह मश्विरे किससे करे
माँ की कमी सच में बहुत सताती है।
वो जब थी तो खटकती थी
 कभी कभी आँख की किरकिरी  भी लगती थी
उसकी बातेंं पिछड़ेपन की याद दिलाती है
पर वक्त का सितम है
आज मेरी बेटी भी मुझे यही जताती है
आज आईना भी मेरे चेहरे में
उसका अक्स दिखाता है
उसकी परछाई भी उस जैसी ही दिखेगी
यह समझाता है
'जब मेरी उम्र की होगी तब पता चलेगा'
उसकी ये बात बहुत सताती है
उसकी सब बातेंं बहुत याद आती है
क्योंकि माँ की बातेंं
माँ बननॆ के बाद ही समझ आती है।

Bharti Kikan

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