Sunday 4 October 2015

Does GOD repent?

Does GOD repent?

This question often haunted me but after an incident this persistently hovered in my mind. Can GOD really commit anything by mistake or whatever he does is part of his great scheme which we are unable to understand?
I was always made to learn and in fact I always believe that he always thinks and gives us the best at the right time, taking away the good and better from us. But we are so engrossed in lamenting the loss of good and better being taken away that we are unable to appreciate the best he bestowed upon us.
Now the question “Does GOD repent?”
One of my close friends, who was also my rakhi brother died suddenly. I talked to him a week before and the next week I got the news of his untimely demise. I was shocked. He was a teetotaler, very religious and simple person. A person full of life , had a lovely wife and son, living with his mother and brother’s family. Everyone was shocked to hear about his death. His family was inconsolable
especially his mother whose life was back to square one as she had lost her husband at a very young age. Luckily she had got her husband’s job. The mother took control of her family, brought up her two sons, gave them education in a good school, bought a home and settled her sons. Now was the time to relax and enjoy. But the son’s death devastated her.
How could GOD be so cruel? Does GOD exist? Why he? Why only good persons are called by him? Like these many unanswerable questions were raised. Even I was baffled by his death and the questions haunted me too. Then one day his younger brother called me to inform that he was blessed with a baby boy. I congratulated him. Later on I realised that the baby boy was born exactly after 9 months of my friend’s death. I called up his brother and talked about it. He told that everyone feels that he is back.
Now was this a coincidence or GOD was trying to rectify his mistake?
Did GOD send him to complete his unfinished tasks or was it an incarnation? Well, I was perplexed and now and then console myself with the belief that he is the best planner, judge and event manager. Maybe I wouldn’t have been affected by it, if I had heard from someone else but this was my first person account. Though it’s been more than two years but the question often haunts me “Was he really sorry?”

By- Bharti Kikan

this is the writing of one of my reader.

My Views about the topic
whatever happen in our life or the vicious circle, its all our karmic justice. god never interferes with it. what we did in the last births, we don't remember but all we see in the canvas today is the workout of this life. we can't formulate the report card on just first term exam, the report cards are made at the end of the year after entire year assessment.
but we can ask God for his help. if he becomes our personal tutor we can actually get out of this karmic circle.
as only president have the power to nullify the death sentence, similarly only God have the power to change the course of life. so we should ask for their help and not come to any conclusion or raise finger on his intention, for the universe work on the balance sheet of our Karma.
what happened was very sorrowful but happiness and distress are like summer and winter, they are bound to come and stay for a while and then go away. the person who maintain their sanity in both, is the one i like. {Bhagvad Gita}

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