Friday, 10 July 2015

Sure Shot Way To Lose Weight!!!

      Sure Shot Way To Lose Weight!!!
       In this size perfect looks frenzy world, at what extent you can go to           lose weight? So here are the ways to do it in convectional type:-
-         Diet and Dietary supplements
-         Diet pills
-         Starving , fasting
-         Exercising , power yoga , aerobics , Zumba, other likewise fitness regimes
-         Two glasses of boiling hot water, empty stomach in morning
-         Exotic, Erotic food supplements with tongue twister name.

How sure shot are they?
Your experience, my experience and experience of any other woman in the world will unanimously sing that they all have only jiffy chances to click that too after signing the dotted lines of the contract of abundant abstinence and patience.
There is no highway option in above stated statement but then my intensive research made me stumble on the way that I think would never fail. It have 100% accuracy rate to hit the bull’s eyes.
Now, you would be pulling your hairs and rolling your tongue outside, desperately waiting to know about it.
The legendary method so conveniently overlooked and easily ignored is...
wait for it....
Take a deep breath....
Oil your ears....
And brace yourself...
Are you ready?
Okay, fine!
It is.....
Finally, the “Green Eyes Monster”jealousy!!
Do not dare underestimate it, ever! It is slowly gaining pace to be number one reason for anorexic nervosa related death rate in our medical statistics. When Chanakya, the most intelligent Indian that ever walked this earth, pointed that no two beautiful women could ever be friends, he was very right to say it.
The oestrogen related rivalry does start to take place and sometimes such battles do turn brutal and evil.
And end up being 100% guaranteed way to lose weight even though if it comes at very expensive rate list. In one such case that came across me, it happened so.
This woman, let’s say her name is Mrs. ‘A’, was married for about ten years. Two caesarean surgeries, one gall bladder removal procedure and unbridled taste buds on her tongue definitely manure her 105 kg body weight. She was happy in her skin and was satisfied to be classified under a foodie until one day her brother-in-law got married.
The new lady in the house, let say her name be, Mrs B was not again classified under perfect figure statistics but weighed much less than Mrs A . She was just 75 kg, though still overweight for her BMR and height.
For one year of Mrs B marriage, Mrs A tried hard to ignore that 30 kg weight rift between them. But she soon reached the end of her rope. No amount of ‘Pranayam’ and ‘Art of living’ course could keep that green eye monster at bay. Once the virulence of that infestation reached peak, she started her weight loose regime. She was so serious that she took a blood oath on the burning candle. She still has that first degree burn on her right palm which acts as a constant reminder to her cause.
When the convectional weight loss regimens begin to turn futile for her frozen adipose laden physique, she knocked the door of advance sciences, also named “COSMETOLOGY”. Plenty cycle of liposuction and a bariatric surgery (getting half her stomach stapled) helped her to jump cover that 30 kg rift between her rivalries. Mrs ‘A’ was 75 kg now. She was happy and smiling. But not for long!
Mrs ‘B’ too tried deep breathing to dust off the news of Mrs ‘A’ reaching  her landmark weight, but soon she was too sting by the jealousy monster. She joined power yoga in morning, Zumba fitness programme in afternoon and gym in evening. She hired a dietician too, to cut short her calories in her edibles and melt away the hanging adipose off her body.
Three months down the line and Mrs ‘B’ could feel the change coming. For Mrs ‘A’ rift was again widening. She sweated, bleed and went under the knife to mud it. She couldn’t let all her hard work go in waste. The sand was slipping off her fingers, she can’t sit on her hands, warming her seat.
The war was openly declared with whole neighbourhood as the spectator. Both the women were on die hard procedure to lose weight. They were ready to pay the price. Even the shedding off of 500 gram was applauded by the crowd.
They did things that were beyond their human limits to do and are beyond my medical acumen to understand and write it so publically. But do understand, they did things, real dark things to themselves.

One year later....
Mrs ‘A’ = weight = 44 kg
               Height = 5’4
               Past History = gall bladder removed, two caesarean babies
 Present medical history
-         Has been hospitalized thrice for jaundice
-         Latest USG (ultra sound- whole abdomen) reveal liver enlargement with fatty grade II changes.
-         Osteopenia
-         Iron deficiency anaemia
-         Low Vit D3 value
-         Next to nill Vit B 12
-         Categorised as Anoroxia patient.

Mrs ‘ B’ = weight = 48 kg
             Height = 5’5
              Past history = NAD (no abnormality detected)
Present medical history
-         PCOD ( poly cystic ovarian disease)
-         Hyperparathyroidism (depleting all calcium from her bones making her prone to osteopenia and osteoarthritis)
-         Twice had fracture, once of ulnae bone and once in tibia ( both hair line fracture )
-         Grade II fatty changes in liver
-         Multiple vitamin deficiency
-         Cholocystitis ( stone in gall bladder )
-         Currently under treatment for primary infertility ( haven’t been able to conceive not even once)
She has been married for 3 years now.

“    Dead body surely weights less!!”    

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