Thursday 16 July 2015

PROFESSION- sculptor

PROFESSION- sculptor
(Have salient points of both mechanic and artist)
SYSTEM DOMINENCE- brain and nervous system + bone and muscles (for measurement and calculation)

1.       CALCULATION- flexion of eyebrows upward
2.       AMATIVENESS (procreative energy, physical passion) - fullness redness and moisture of centre of upper lip, convex eyes, rounding muscular body, round limbs.
3.       WEIGHT (natural perception of the law of resistance, gravity, momentum, direction and balance) - fullness of supraciliary muscles at junction of this muscle with ethmoid bone or at inner terminus of eyebrows.
4.       REASON/ ANALYSIS- septum of nose.
5.       IMITATION- downward projection of tip of nose.
6.       SUBLIMITY (sense of grandeur and magnificence) - rounding of outer corner of tip of nose, large and full eyes and symmetry of body parts.
7.       IDEALITY- width of tip of nose more appreciated in muscular system dominance.
8.       CONSTRUCTIONS (ability to build) - rounded out at sides/ alae just below the bridge.
9.       FORM (the capacity of remembering and forming shapes) - width of bony structure between the eyes.
10.   SIZE (capacity of remembering, judging and reproducing the size of objects) - width of ethmoid bone which connect nose with forehead. When it is large it gives width between inner terminus of eyebrows and form V shape on upper part of nose, just below junction of forehead.
11.   LOCALITY (capacity of recollecting positions, direction, places once visited and relative position of objects to each other)- fullness of muscles around the eyes near the forehead.
12.   FORCE- large convex eyes, round or oval face, large mouth, heavy and wide lower jaw, wide nostrils, square jaws, strong and square bones, low, broad forehead, round head, heavy eyebrows, an abundance of coarse hair and round muscular ears setting well out from head.
13.   LOVE OF HOME- fullness at sides of lower lip.
14.   MIRTHFULLNESS- dimple and wrinkle at corner of mouth.
15.   LOVE OF YOUNG- scallops curving of upper lip like a bow of cupid.
16.   FRIENDSHIP- the fullness of upper and soft part of cheek over and below the malar bone.
17.   PATROTISM- fullness of chin under lower lip.
18.   CONSCIENTIOUSNESS- broad chin
19.   FIRMNESS- protrudence of chin slightly forward

20.   INTUTION- fineness and clearness of skin

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