Wednesday 24 June 2015

Destiny Encored

           Destiny Encored

Do you believe in stars, astrological calculations, all those rotating planets in the Milky Way deciding over your fate?
How weird it may seem but how true it gets when you have firsthand experience with them. For us it may be the misery of being humans but for some it is living nightmare.

            The Story of Three Sisters
They were 3 sisters, each born after the 3 years interval of one another in an open minded mediocre Indian family.  They were not only accepted open heartedly but were made to pursue their academic dreams. Successful in one way or the other in academics or extracurricular, they were apple of their father’s eyes. The proud daddy never felt tired singing the praises of the precious three diamonds he possessed.
One day, out of a blue moon, he decided to show the birth chart of his daughters to a local astrologer. A fling that was supposed to be a time pass thing turned out to be a disaster for him.
The revelations of the occult skip away the very grounds under his feet.
The fate has call in its verdict, how successful they be but they would be widowed in their forty sixth year of their life. Not one, not two but all three of them. They have come down with those black embedded lines in their destiny.
The proud father turned into the worried old man. Three expertise consultations with same conclusion made his heart weaker every passing day. He kept it secret only sharing it with his wife, who on other hand tried to defy it with logic and science and called her husband superstitious idiot.
But the worried daddy had comforts in no words. From pillar to post, from temples to church, from mosque to gurudwara, he went and bowed his head, begging desperately for the happiness of his daughters. It took a toll on his health and in growing depression destroyed his immune system and he died with the conviction of bad fate in the forty sixth year of his life without getting any of his daughter hitched.
Their mother was a bold lady. She couldn’t afford to let such convictions rule her mind. She shoved them away in deep earth and shouldered in for the mighty responsibility. After years of hard work she got her daughters married in nice families with decent guys respectively.
Each married at three years interval of each other.
The prophecy of ‘forty sixth year’ was forgotten with passing time as a bad memory. Everything was going picture perfect until the providence started to encore its performance.

The eldest sister in her ‘forty sixth year’


Husband died of acute pancreatitis. 
Time for treatment of husband – half day, died suddenly in evening after the diagnosis in morning of same day.

The middle sister in her ‘forty sixth year’

Status – widow

Husband died of an unknown fever which was not diagnosed until and till his death. 
Time for treatment of husband – treated at home as a simple fever with anti-pyretics but when he started vomiting blood the gravity of disease shocked everyone, died on the way to the hospital.

The third sister in her ‘forty sixth year’

Status – widow

Husband died of rare undiagnosed cancer which spread in his entire body in matter of days, even before the doctors could decide over the treatment plan.
Time of treatment – he was vacationing with his family in Andaman and Nicobar island when he had severe pain in his lower back. For 3 days he stayed at the local hospital of the island town but when the severity of disease scared the doctors over there, he was shifted to Delhi where he died four days later.

All the three sisters became widowed in their forty sixth year of their life at the interval of three years from each other.

In one similar other incident a girl when she was just a child was told by a palmist that she don’t have the matrimonial bliss in her life. Her life purpose is to be a saint. Her parents  ignored it like a pile of buffoonery, but years later when she was married the prophecy do came true.
When she was married for first time her husband turned out to be a playboy who already had plenty of affairs. Within months of marriage she filed for divorce.
And second time when she was married her husband turned out to be a debauch. His over indulgence into intoxication made him a wild animal. After year of domestic violence when she had no bone left to be broken she went on her separate way.
Today that woman is living in one of the ashram run by a spiritual society and is working on her spiritual enlightenment away from the material world.

Think twice before when you book your next appointment with your beloved astrologer or palmist. Occult once revealed can take your breath away!!

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