Sunday 1 March 2015

PROFESSION- fashion designer

PROFESSION- fashion designer
SYSTEM DOMINANCE- there are two combinations
a)      Muscular + brain system dominance
b)      Bone + muscular dominance along with good share of brain and vegetative power.

1.       FORM- width of bony structure between the eyes.
2.       SIZE- width of ethmoid bone which join nose with forehead forming a ‘V’ between the inner terminus of eyebrows and root of nose.
3.       COLOR- clearness of skin, veins showing plainly through the skin.
4.       IDEALITY (capacity of improvement in aesthetic taste) width of tip of nose more appreciated in muscular system dominance.
[NOTE- when brain and nerve system are dominant the nasal signs are not so well marked like in case sign of ideality the width won’t be as great as seen in muscular system dominance.]
Secondary signs of ideality
-          Straight outline of nose
-          Fineness of texture of skin
-          Finely arched, long narrow and even eyebrows
-          Large bright clear eyes
-          Sweet intonation of voice.
5.       CONSTRUCTIONS (ability to build) - rounded out at sides/ alae just below the bridge.
6.       IMITATION- downward projection of tip of nose.
7.       EXECUTIVENESS- height and breadth of nasal bone and development of pyramidalis nasi muscle.
8.       SELF-WILL (violation and spontaneous decision)
-          Fullness of muscles at root of nose at its junction with forehead.
-          Fullness of muscles back to neck.
-          Curved lower jaw
-          Rounding out of sides of forehead
-          Large full convex eyes
-          Short rounding ear
-          Thick round nose
-          Short thick muscular hands with tapering finger
9.       SELF-ESTEEM- length of upper lip
(NOTE- length of upper lip also indicate the strength of spinal column)
-          Erect carriage, erect shoulders
-          High head
-          Chin carried slightly forward
-          Feet turned well outward
10.   CALCULATION- flexion of eyebrows upward
11.   APPROBATIVENESS- dimpled cheeks and dimpled chin
12.   MEMORY OF EVENT- fullness of upper and middle portion of forehead.
13.   ORDER- bones of forehead exhibit square appearance at side.
14.   TIME- according to system providence.

15.   HUMAN NATURE (intuitive perception of human character)- height of tip of nose above the plane of face causing it to stand far out and above the surrounding part.

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