Thursday 12 March 2015

profession- farmer

SYSTEM DOMINANCE- bony + muscular + brain with sufficient vegetative system to nourish rest of the system

1.       ECONOMY-(savings in prudent way) deep-lap, a peculiar fold of fat and muscle under the chin and fullness of cheeks.
2.       LOVE FOR YOUNG (means have parental instinct) - the scallop of upper lip forming beautiful curves like cupid bow.
3.       ALIMENTIVENESS- a wide mouth with full red lips and fullness of cheeks.
4.       HOSPITALITY- fullness of cheek below the molar bone.
5.       PNEUMATIVENESS - wide large nostrils, high and broad nose, breadth of face externally to eyes, red or pink ears, brightness of eyes, good fresh colour complexion, clearness of skin, red lips and gums. Slightly receding forehead and sharply defined outlines of nose and chest.
6.       FORCE- large convex eyes, round or oval face, large mouth, heavy and wide lower jaw, wide nostrils, square jaws, strong and square bones, low, broad forehead, round head, heavy eyebrows, an abundance of coarse hair and round muscular ears setting well out from head.

7.       SANATIVENESS- full temples, breadth of face outward from eyes, high and broad nose and nostrils, full cheeks, full lips, broad chin, healthy colour of skin and arid bright eyes.
8.       HOPE- downward projection of septum of nose below the aloe or wings of nostrils. Brightness of eyes, bright clear coloured and fresh complexion full cheeks, plump body.
9.       IMITATION- downward projection of tip of nose.
10.   SUBLIMITY (sense of grandeur and magnificence) - rounding of outer corner of tip of nose, large and full eyes and symmetry of body parts.
11.   IDEALITY- width of tip of nose more appreciated in muscular system dominance.
12.   HUMAN NATURE (intuitive perception of human character) - height of tip of nose above the plane of face causing it to stand far out and above the surrounding part.
13.   CREDENCIVENESS (to have faith in mysteries)-  high arched eyebrows as if dividing forehead into two parts.
14.   CONSTRUCTIONS (ability to build) - rounded out at sides/ alae just below the bridge.
15.   SELF-WILL - Fullness of muscles at root of nose at its junction with forehead.
-          Fullness of muscles back to neck.
-          Curved lower jaw
-          Rounding out of sides of forehead
-          Large full convex eyes
-          Short rounding ear
-          Thick round nose
-          Short thick muscular hands with tapering finger
16.   FORM- width of bony structure between the eyes.
17.   SIZE- width of ethmoid bone which join nose with forehead forming a ‘V’ between the inner terminus of eyebrows and root of nose.
19. LOCALITY (capacity of recollecting positions, direction, places once visited and relative position of objects to each other)- fullness of muscles around the eyes near the forehead.
20. ORDER- bones of forehead exhibit square appearance at side.
21.  TIME- according to system providence.
22.   CALCULATION- Flexion of eyebrows upward.

23.   REASON/ ANALYSIS- septum of nose.

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