Thursday 29 January 2015


               ROAD SIDE CON GAMES
Astute people with good brain material plan deeper games to have a prize catch but then there are armatures who settle for small fish in the pond. Mediocre people commonly come across these starters and become prey to their beginners luck. I have two to discuss today.

This particular woman is known to be very week hearted. You utter one harsh word and million tears starts to pour from her tanked eyes. She has a habit to dig deeper meanings to everything said to her and because of it she had got the reputation of ‘Drama Queen’. Though it was wired into her DNA, there was nothing she could do to nullify it.
Her anxiety was turning into anguish and hence she stopped going out alone, in this hostile world. She was dependent on her husband and kid for even pity daily outdoor routines. But as the fate had it at that point of time, she was forced to face the extra terrestrial environment outside the house all alone.
She urgently had to reach some relative because of some unavoidable circumstances. Her husband was at its workplace and kid at college. The unavailability of back up support system was the reason of initial stammering but she thought she will hire a direct auto rickshaw from her house to her destiny. It will not only cut short her contact with outer world but also, what could possibly go wrong while she travel without shunting many public transport facilities.
Her plan and her jaunt were almost successful till she reached the last red-light of her destined location.
It was still two minutes left for light to turn green that she was confronted by that red light bagger who by displaying the images of deities seeks for money.
The ragged man approached her and asked for money. She first refused but when he started prying her she succumbed. Actually he was asking her to shed dough so that charity would bring good luck to her family or else her refusal could make her pay bigger price later.
The sentimental queen went into emotional shock and in no time opened her purse and caught hold of a stray ten rupees note and handed over to him.
That was her first mistake that she broadly window displayed her vulnerability factor. The rusted man had just warmed up a little till then. He again tried to mud the water for a bigger catch. He told lady that she should take out the biggest currency note from her wallet and get is blessed by the deities he carries for good luck.
Her inner self was euphoric, she have just stumbled over a good luck formula. In her inner happiness and satisfaction taking it as a sign of providence, she took out a five hundred bill to get blessed. Well, that was the last time she saw that in her hand.
The next time all she was holding was the deities in her hand and her eyeballs were busy tracing the marathon run of that con man.

She was a rich man’s rich wife with the habit of flaunting her pleasantries. Another thing that hiked in her charts was to update her with the latest gossip going around the town.
So one day, like any other common winter day, she went out to enjoy the winter afternoon with her buddies. While they were through discussing the news updates and breaking news for two hours, it was a time to part away fully satisfied about the quote of the day, she started her journey towards home.
She was just a block away from the house that she was confronted by two men who blocked her way and started to scold her.
“Are you insane lady? Do you know there have been a theft and murder in the house at corner of the street and look at you; you are all dressed up with all these sparkles walking on the road so carelessly. Are you waiting for something to happen to you and create more mess for cops like us? Here take out your jewellery and let me hide it in this newspaper and give it back to you.”
The lady was taken a back a bit but the next second her petrifaction changed into curiosity to know about the murder and theft in the house at the corner. While the cop number two was filling the blank spaces for her, cop number one was busy handling her valuable carefully. He nicely rapped her two gold bangles and two rings and one locket in sheets and returned to her. Finally when they parted, the lady was beaming with firsthand knowledge of active crime scene and on other hand all praises for vigilant cops of her town who took good care of her.
Her happiness was short lived. When she noticed, her gold have turned into a blunt metal with gold paint. It was then she realized that she have part and parcel of first hand robbery.
Though the CCTV cameras captured the whole modes operandi and pictures of her assailant but the real police have yet to make any arrest.

Eyes of con artist
       Small, almond shaped
        Foxy eyes with outer commeasure of eyes are running upward.
Sometimes eyes are bigger one. These are people who could trap fishes by their sweet eloquent style.

Eyes of the prey
         Outer commeasure of eyes are dipping low. These are the eyes of easy believers.


Deep trenches dug deep are ambushed on the common path. Be careful while you walk that path.

Thursday 15 January 2015


You must be well aware about the story of the girl who got hurt sleeping over a pea though it was ten mattresses below her. This peculiar, hypersensitive behavior is called idiosyncrasy.

CCTV life...
She is a five year old girl. She looks normal, talks normal and walks normal nothing different from any other five year old. But only thing that make her odd one out is the constant twenty four hour surveillance on her.
She isn’t a daughter of some high profile entrepreneur or apple of eye of some bigwig. It’s because she is daddy’s little girl.

The mother of the child thinks that since there is increased in number of crime against children, hence the father is being little careful.
[There is a vast difference between being careful and being paranoid. The girl’s father is more or less imagining things. He leaves her girl to school, stands there till she enter the main gate and in the afternoon he is on the same spot way before the last bell rings. If he had his ways he would have been attending classes with her but it is against school policy, so he subdued.
He stays in for her post school hobby classes. And other thing to make sure that all the boys should maintain five arm distances from his baby girl irrespective of their age, creed or religion. Even no two year old male child is allowed near his prized possession.]
The hysteria was too much for me to take and hence one day out of severe curiosity I confronted him.
Now, here what the Daddy said...
[I tried my level beast to put in same words and meaning]
“I know you think, I am insane but I am not...the thing is doc, you have no idea what goes inside the boys brain. There are things that I can’t come open with you too.”
[It was nowhere near the answer I expected. I looked at him at point blank rage]

“Fine! Here is what you would prefer to hear. I. . . . (He took a very deep breath)... had twenty two girl friends each year. And my track record was that I never repeated any girl. Out of all the girls I dated, things went pretty long and serious with eleven ones. And out of that cricket team I zeroed it to top three contenders whom I would have seen as my life partner but I end up fighting with the father of girl number one; the father of girl number two didn't approve our relationship and the girl No. 3....”

[Let me guess, is your wife. The sparkle in my eyes made him read my thoughts. But I was so wrong.]

No, the girl number three is not my wife. She broke up with me when she came to know that I gave her the last proposal preference after being refused by number one and two respectively. And finally I got knotted in an arrange marriage.
You see, all boys are dogs. They would hyper salivate and waggle their tail as soon as they see a hot chick but when it comes to commitment it’s only the mamma’s brought girl they like and this goes out without expectation, leave the rare scenario.”

[My eyebrows narrowed]

“Don’t question my judgement, I know better... I started very young and fortunately or unfortunately I practically wrote the rules of the game. All I am doing is to protect my little girl from those love mongers scattered in sixes and seven all over the city, that’s set.
God serve us right, every playboy do have a daughter to teach them a lesson of life. I think my anxieties would really kill me one day, I can die of heart attack...”


Phrenology of caution
      Long and thin nose

Phrenology of playboys
       Small almond shape eyes
       The centre of upper lip is bigger, brighter and red.

(The moral of the story have been strongly suggested by my patient.)

In his words, “A dog dies a dog’s death.”

Monday 5 January 2015


                     ULTERIOR MOTIVE  =  LOVE BETRAYAL 

For few personalities life is an open book but for few it is full of clandestine affairs, sometime not less than any suspense Bollywood thriller.
Any amount of knowledge or any amount of studies digging deep in layers of human psyche can’t reveal the darker shades of the ulterior self till the their agenda is full filled to the last full stop.

His life was full of hardships and he never gave a damn about it. His father died when he was twelve. He was remorseful but not shattered. Skipping over adolescence, he worked his ass off, from doing the petty things to heavy task that not paid him in penny but also long lasting contracts. He didn't give up his studies. The lenient providence not only established him as a good lawyer but made him own a gym. He was twenty five years old, and a success story of rags to riches of town. At twenty seven he got hooked to the girl chosen by the mother. He was the most eligible bachelor and the prized catch. Things were going buttery smooth in life until one day, another woman entered.

One usual day, he was asked for a consult in a divorce case by his friend. They were supposed to represent from the side of a middle age woman. At first it was just another case from the stock but as the years went around the atmosphere started to change between the man and the woman who was almost ten years elder to him. He not only overtook the entire case but spend all the waking hours of the day with her. He was so enchanted by her sensuality that his other business and other cases and also his own wife and kids were pushed to the locked closet, whose key was deliberately thrown in ocean. Their courtship as well as lady’s divorce case was moving at its own pace until one day the things changed drastically because of one accident...

The woman’s husband met with an accident and died on the spot and since the case was not settled into divorce and there was no one to claim his huge property by default it all fell in her lap. Moreover she was free to public her affair with the lawyer.
On the other hand because of the ongoing, much talked and rumored fling of the man with his client had already distant his family and to freehold all relationship with legal formalities was piece of cake. In next months, the man finally hitched with the woman to live happily ever after for rest of his life.
But there are plans that never execute to their finest fabric. There are hearts broken in the process called life. The so called fairy tale of that man was short lived as he got to see the true flying colors of the woman after the honeymoon phase got over. They started to fight which would sometime end in violence. Their dealings were not bound in four walls but started to make headlines in the gossip column of neighborhood. But the man was so hell, head over heels in love with the lady that he carried or dragged the burden of their failing marriage for ten years.
In between they had a son, but even the prodigal birth couldn't bring colors to their black and white life. Everything suffered his health, his business and even his law practice but he was ready to pay the expenses even if it meant to save the marriage, until one day he confronted a betrayal.

The fateful night, he was early home, only to catch his beloved wife with a lover in his bedroom. All hell with his whole fury broke loose on his head. Everything seemed meaningless that very moment. And finally he came to terms that everything which he proudly possessed have been burn to ashes on the very ground.
That day after, his wife moved out of the house with her lover and applied for the divorce. She had no shame no regret nothing whole she walked out. He was heartbroken. Was it he karmic justice? Was it enough of the price paid or more was left to his ordeal?
He was still in love with that woman and was so addicted to her presence that even though there was a divorce case running in the court, he made the frequent trips to her house and apologized her and begged her to come back till the day he took his last breath.

The divorce case was still pending and would take years to settle until it closed abruptly. The man who was so zealous in his life and unfazed in all miseries has committed suicide at his wife’s house. That was sudden and unexpected, though the crime scene came clean for homicide.
Everyone was confused of what happened. No one was really coming terms to the condition that molded in.
The new case has started in the case, a wife fighting against her husband’s family over her right to her deceased husband property. Legally she was still his wife and had authority as well as right to do that.
There are many unsolved questions in the case about the woman’s both husbands but at the end it all settles for that both men paid with their life for loving that woman.

Well swollen, well colored central part of upper lip.


After all, karma without exception always comes into play in the playground of life.

Friday 2 January 2015


                                                (UNEXPECTED LIFE EXPECTANCY)
Even though we run as many as statistical numbers to calculate the expectancy of human life, we will end up with empirical answer for a population, which too with condition applied. But for an individual we are still clueless.
Library shelves are loaded with books, imparting the great wisdom to live and displaying with crystal clarity examples of history but still it doesn't hamper us to dig our own grave.

This man, in his early forties has been suffering from recurrent frequent apthous in his mouth and alimentary canal since couple of years. They fade away temporarily but reoccur with new found ferocity and velocity. All treatment available in healing books, fall flat on isometric line in his case. He can’t even eat bland food without screaming in pain and tears in his eyes.
Finally, one doctor suggested having a deeper check on his immunity and test results surprised everybody. The results showed him to be HIV reactive which caused non-healing ulcers in his mouth.

He was scoring good health points, once his treatment started but he was not ready to accept the most obvious cause to get mangled in spider web.
He never had any blood transfusion ever in his life and neither went outside his house seeking satiety on sexual sphere but then how in any reason of world he unlocked the doors of inferno. Even his wife shouldered his statement. His wife was also checked for the viral strain but she came out clean.
According to his wife, her husband is a spiritual devoted man who throughout life had very limited contact with her. Once their family was complete with one girl and a boy, he shut all doors of intimacy for her. Moreover he was not a great lover and always managed a below average performance with his wife. The question still lingers large, THEN HOW??

                                                     “THE TRUTH WE MORTALS NEED
                                                        TO BLESS AND MAKE US KEEP.
                                                     THE AL-WISE SLIGHTLY COVER YOUR
                                                             BUT DIDN'T BURY DEEP”
That means we need to dig more for answers. Though his treatment was working but to amusement of doctors, there were time his virus loads seemed roof high. Were they missing over something or they have stumble over a new found etiology for the viral loads. Some days seemed pretty normal like his other brethrens but others were like a flood in Nile as if he was drinking from the box of Pandora.

Answer this riddle first
“A man and his son had a road accident. The man died on the spot and he boy was rushed to the ER. The attending doctor as soon as looked at the boy, cried, “He is my son”
Explain the phenomenon?
I don’t have patience waiting for answers and therefore I’ll let the cat out of the bag, the man who died wasn’t fake he was his father and the attending doctor was his mother.
That’s common sense but rarely applied skipping the part where you would have come up with permutation and combination of wrong answers. The right answer once revealed seemed pretty simple and so was the case with HIV reactive patient. It took extra grey matter usage of one of the wise doctor to decode the anacoluthia.
Since the disease classify itself into the top most priority in STD’s and hence the answer must lie in the question itself. If it’s not the vanilla sex then it can be other way round or other side on!
Under the devotee thick skin, the man was all GAY inside and the reason he contracted this erroneous virus was his perverted ways of rectal sex or SODOMY. He has been in contact with male whores for years to find his gratification.
His secret was buried under shackles of paper work under doctor patient confidentiality act but at same time doctor confronted him to straighten his ways before it is too late. The consequences of his actions would sooner or later have full blossom canvas but as for now the medical mystery of his tapering life expectancy was solved with accurate proficiency.
Hence proving krsna’s theory, lust, anger and greed are three doors to hell.

Small almond shaped eyes.


Mankind is capable of digging their own grave with their own hands.