Tuesday 9 December 2014

The Fault In My Stars

                  THE FAULT IN MY STARS
The sparkling studs that beautify the moonless night, whether they are some astronomical wonder of milky way or have some astrological significance whether to blindly trust them or take it as the treat for eyes in delightful mood is the big question?

This man, who happen to be a protagonist of the story was born with the diamond studded golden spoon in the filthy rich family. He was reared with all tender care which helped shaping his delicate physique and at same time made him a lazy bone. He was diluted to fun life and hard work was the rare bird of endangered species. His father influence and the bank accounts were enough to sail down his ship through academic life.
But the real challenge started when he joined his father business.
The boy was a habitual lazy bone. Going to the office, scanning computer screens, reviewing the files and sighing checks were too much for his body to take in for day. It was under his father’s dictatorial pressure that he wake up at the ring of alarm and seated in the office hour by 9 am but he started to lose interest.
The monotonous mediocre life was not something he dream of himself. His air castles had adventures of Indian Jones, the showy money of Mr. Scrooges and the ‘notebook’ love life. But all of the sudden the real life was pouring hot boiling water over it, disfiguring it beyond reorganization. He can’t let it happen.

Finally one day, he found the way to balance his dream life with real early mediocre life. A friend of his, who shared the same lethargic genes with him, suffered from same diagnosis. He was remedied out of his problem by some esteemed astrologer, who did such serious calculations and manipulation with his friends’ stars that he got a jackpot contract that ensured a heavy paycheck for next five years and discounted free time for free will. Listening to marvel story, he was convinced to bet over his own stars, after all his luck was steamy hot and sexy. He met the man who vouched with such a linguistic precision that could make anyone enchanted. Our protagonist wasn't an exception.

One year later, he was almost the same man grossly but on microscopic examination few delineating details were revealed which are as follows:-
He added an extra alphabet in name as well as surname.
Each and every finger even the thumb adorned the colorful rock.
His right ear was pierced he wore a diamond stud into that.
There were at least six to eight charm necklaces hanging down his neck.
He had lost 10kg in last 12 months, given into religious fasting to make at least few demigods out of forty eight lakh, happy.

There wasn't any significant increase in his balance sheets other than the fact his bank accounts shown excessive expenses which he carried out in name of religious austere which on long run would not only fill in the craters created but put a surplus tags on it.
On the health front, apart from alarming ten kilogram loss he had an increment in ailment suffering column of medical records.
The weight of chains in his neck was too heavy and he was prohibited to take them out even while sleeping. Apart from few wear and tear rashes, he developed a constant pain in his neck, which on x-ray shown a popped C7 bone and hence bringing him under criteria of cervical pain.

·         Excessive big eyes which shows more sclera. There are very emotional people who believe things without considering the statistics.
·         Highly arched eyebrows.

The man expected a care free life with showering money from heaven but instead apart from his health and plenty currency from bank account, he also lost rights to the sole decision maker to his business as his father took reigns of the business in his hands.


There was, will or never be any shortcut to success.

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