Saturday 13 December 2014


HYPOCHONDRIA= Meaning chronic and abnormal anxiety about imaginary symptoms and ailments.
For a doctor, these cases are worse cases ever because these species of people bring the porridge of mingled symptomatology and it becomes as difficult as rocket science, to dart the real one, actual one, authentic and genuine one which require immediate attention.
Right to know is a privilege but partial knowledge gained from surfing search engines can be dangerous. Sometimes ignorance is bliss. Not every mosquito bite would drag you to dengue shock syndrome. Being vigilant is good, obsession is pathological.

MY HEART IS ON FIRE, Third degree burn!
It’s not a story of a cupid stuck, broken heart story neither it’s the rant about the great revenge; it’s just a functional symptom that a boy of 16 years complaint frequent. Without any clock linked specific aggravation time or any triggering agent his body used to present with great discomfort in epigastria region. Day in, day out, out of the blue, there used to be a screams of horror creating a whirlpool in his life as well as the lives of his near and dear ones. Five times he have been rushed to ER, Ten times he have been injected for relief, three times his body have been scanned from head to toe and he have consulted every doctor with above five star rating in yellow pages, for his ailments. But even after this expensive medical jaunt he ends up on square one.
Every passing day is the distressed for him because he have not stumble over the nomenclature of disease he is suffering from. His every prayer on lip seeks answers of his diagnoses. His imaginary fears are feeding his anxieties and worsening his problem as well as posing point for his studies, after all its a high school syllabus, he don’t have luxury of time to go on such a spree.
He is in anguish that his heart is burning on the stove and would rot up one day. And what makes it worse is that he is screaming for help and no one is able to chalk down the doable rescue mission for him. A doctor says, apart from his mind nothing requires to be fixed.

Mankind require hope to survive. For him his gross straw in flooded river was diagnosis and finally he was bestowed with it.
His chest was scanned under the PET scan {generally used to find a hidden tumour or cancerous growth} and in those shiny test results laid answers to his destiny. The anacoluthia of his life was caught red handed. Thank god, it was not his heart but the stomach that has trespassed in the neighbourhood of the beating box.
He was finally diagnosed with HITUS HERNIA, a condition in which the part of stomach skips from the hole of diaphragm (the hole through which the oesophagus passes) and lodges in the mediastinal region in vicinity of heart, one of the rare anomalies that form aetiology for heart burn.
In no time the treatment was started and in no time he laid back to the study table pacing his daily routine.
It was the perseverance that made boy to get his answers. That means hypochondriac trait is good. Is it?

    High placed eyebrows
    Excessively long nose
    Popped out ears
    Sliding downward angle of outer commeasure of eyes

His scans were basking in crystal clarity. There was no picture of stomach pouting to the cameras. Anatomy was normal in its borders and boundaries.
But still he was diagnosed and treated with unlabeled vitamin tabs and the best thing out of the whole case scenario was that he was getting all pink.


“Anticipation kills than a real thing.”

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