Thursday 25 December 2014


Hypochondria isn’t a rare finding but you find it in diverse forms  and once when it crosses pathological threshold it presents in different forms like OCD, hysteria or mauchean’s, and sometimes being excessive vigilant smart ass ends up having the real ass red.(No pun intended).

                                                                        CASE 1
This patient once had a fractured hand. He went into shock that how in any possibility this could ever happen. As his argument, he always had balance diet and kept thorough score on his calcium supply. It was later explained to him that his vit D3 plunged and hence he ended up having a hairline fracture in his phalanges.
Though his middle finger fracture and his pain was under control but the curiosity to see his finger healed made him undergo various x-ray films from different radiology lab. He had at least 15 x-ray of that injured finger. He only stopped when his stomach snatched all the limelight for the little finger. His gut failed to digest anything. Everything that went in instantly reversed back.
Running from pillars to post different doctors took two months, no relief and five kg weight loss. Finally one wise doctor gave footage to his recent history and saw the pictorial display of his injured finger.
Now he is undergoing treatment for x-rays poisoning.

This particular 16year old boy was diagnosed with Urticaria. He become so disgusted with even a little scratching that he started popping anti- histamine as candy.
Though it put him under drug induced haze but put itching at bay. That was a done deal from him even when his doctors asked him to cut short his dosage.
Six months down the line, his GI tract revolted. Doctors were ‘on’ with another ‘irritable bowel syndrome’ diagnosis with is liver enzymes (SGOT, SGPT) going sky rocketing.
It was again drug induced. He was put under treatment. He was improving too but trust is not the word in his dictionary. Every fifteen days he got his blood investigated for SGOT and SGPT and once those numbers dips his confidence increases. He goes for repeated investigation against the advice of his doctors.

This woman is atypically well read, so proficient that she can read between sentences as well as spoken words. They say ignorance is bliss. But thanks to Google that bliss have long ago fainted away. It became very difficult for a doctor when Wikipedia trained patient contribute in DDX or ask you to pen few extra unwanted investigation. Belonging to such species, this woman came with prepared thesis on her symptoms as well as probable diagnoses. And any symptom that appears on the scanner is to be checked by doctor instantly and thoroughly or she loose sanity and become ICU hysterical.
Now here is the problem, when you drawn your doctor with symptoms it becomes difficult to fish out the genuine treatable one and authenticity of everything is lost in mid air.
So patients, be aware but beware of your idiosyncrasies.

They are high alert patients of Dengue, malaria and chickenguniya seasons because every mosquito bite makes them go into anaphylactic shock. The most shocking reaction to mosquito bite is about a patient, who after being hit by a random astray mosquito went into completely inconsolable state beyond any comprehension.
His blood sugar dipped and he almost fainted creating panic in household.
In the hospital, where each and every test known is med books was performed and all came under normalcy limits.
Three days after when he was discharged, he had a shameless grin on his face, ‘’Sorry False Alarm!’’, while his father was holding a fifty thousand bill.


Don’t be a boy who called fox. Because when the real fox come no one will believe you.  

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