Friday 26 December 2014

Good Rice, Bad Rice!

                     “GOOD RICE, BAD RICE!”

Year is almost touching its finish line. New Year parties are being planned and the countdown to welcome another gleaming sun of next year is on.
As we sit, waiting to ‘cheers our glasses on the new year eve’ lot of introspection goes around. What we did, how we did, what it resulted and how differently we could do it are like all the mangled thoughts that stern the pot.
Then there are providence perpetuated things that came as bonanza in our lives or fell like hell in its full fiery on our head. And after the storm, all we search for is a justified answer to ‘how’, ‘what’ and ‘why’....
The universal law enforcement seems like an unsolved mystery for us, though the concept is explained with crystal clarity in scriptures. It all boils down to “GOOD RICE, BAD RICE!”
Once upon a time, there was this farmer, who worked really hard in his fields from day in and day out irrespective of sun, winds and rain. His hard work outshined in his over stretched paddy fields, and because of his “leaving no stone unturned” effort at the time of harvesting of crops scored him the winning point. His goodness was always flooded with best quality of rice almost throughout the year. And at the year end, when most of his rice was sold at good price, there was a good amount left which he used to conserve in the big tank for his personal use.
This tank was very peculiarly and conspicuously designed by the farmer, it was very huge. It had two openings, one big opening at the top from where all the left over rice was put and the other small, lidded opening at the bottom near the base, like a top from where the small amount of rice was drawn for day to day personal use.
For years he worked hard and filled the tank with good quality rice seeds. Meanwhile he was married and had kids.
One day out of sudden, the farmer thought that he have worked so hard now it is a time for him to pursue well deserved break and spend little quality time with his family as well on entertainment. That year he became very irregular to his fields, passed days dozing away at his home or hanging out with his friends. Even being lazy in his acts the storage camp provided him with quality rice to feed upon throughout the year and year end. Consequences of his actions were well evident. The crop quality dipped below average this year. Half his crop was destroyed by pesticides and the rest found no buyers because of its poor presentation, only the morsels could make into shelves.
To meet the expenses he had to rely upon the last year savings in the tank. He emptied his tank with all the shiny seeds for the sale and in return filled it with poor quality paddy of that year.
His storage tank saved him a day and he was able to ride on his losses. At same time he learned lesson from his mistake and started to be regular in the fields. He started work and sweat again and by the year end with his earnest effort he could harvest a bumper crop. While he worked his ass off, sweating day and night, his storage tanker provided him with the rotten deal. The rice that they ate that year was no comparison to the quality they had earlier. It was small, non shiny, irregular, brittle and not very palpable. But the farmer had no option; he had to survive on that even though he was working very hard. He knew it was result exponent of his lazy self.
But, at same time, it was all confusing for his five year old son. All he could perceive was that when his father enjoyed his life, they had good rice to eat and now when he is working like an ass in the fields giving up all bodily comfort, all they get in their plates are the bad rice. The boy totally failed to notice the concept of storage tank. And that’s we do too. We also, for our convince delete that part and perceive the picture from the eyes of five year old and end up blaming god, the fate and the destiny. All we have to do is to replace the ‘rice’ with ‘karma’. It always boils down to “good karma, bad karma” with the storage karma which we cashes on daily bases.
So while running an introspection scan, please take in consideration the stored in “Good rice Bad rice”

(Story picked from srimad bhagvatam)

With this note, wish you a very happy new year 2015. May it fill your life with all the well deserved happiness, see you next year!

Thursday 25 December 2014


Hypochondria isn’t a rare finding but you find it in diverse forms  and once when it crosses pathological threshold it presents in different forms like OCD, hysteria or mauchean’s, and sometimes being excessive vigilant smart ass ends up having the real ass red.(No pun intended).

                                                                        CASE 1
This patient once had a fractured hand. He went into shock that how in any possibility this could ever happen. As his argument, he always had balance diet and kept thorough score on his calcium supply. It was later explained to him that his vit D3 plunged and hence he ended up having a hairline fracture in his phalanges.
Though his middle finger fracture and his pain was under control but the curiosity to see his finger healed made him undergo various x-ray films from different radiology lab. He had at least 15 x-ray of that injured finger. He only stopped when his stomach snatched all the limelight for the little finger. His gut failed to digest anything. Everything that went in instantly reversed back.
Running from pillars to post different doctors took two months, no relief and five kg weight loss. Finally one wise doctor gave footage to his recent history and saw the pictorial display of his injured finger.
Now he is undergoing treatment for x-rays poisoning.

This particular 16year old boy was diagnosed with Urticaria. He become so disgusted with even a little scratching that he started popping anti- histamine as candy.
Though it put him under drug induced haze but put itching at bay. That was a done deal from him even when his doctors asked him to cut short his dosage.
Six months down the line, his GI tract revolted. Doctors were ‘on’ with another ‘irritable bowel syndrome’ diagnosis with is liver enzymes (SGOT, SGPT) going sky rocketing.
It was again drug induced. He was put under treatment. He was improving too but trust is not the word in his dictionary. Every fifteen days he got his blood investigated for SGOT and SGPT and once those numbers dips his confidence increases. He goes for repeated investigation against the advice of his doctors.

This woman is atypically well read, so proficient that she can read between sentences as well as spoken words. They say ignorance is bliss. But thanks to Google that bliss have long ago fainted away. It became very difficult for a doctor when Wikipedia trained patient contribute in DDX or ask you to pen few extra unwanted investigation. Belonging to such species, this woman came with prepared thesis on her symptoms as well as probable diagnoses. And any symptom that appears on the scanner is to be checked by doctor instantly and thoroughly or she loose sanity and become ICU hysterical.
Now here is the problem, when you drawn your doctor with symptoms it becomes difficult to fish out the genuine treatable one and authenticity of everything is lost in mid air.
So patients, be aware but beware of your idiosyncrasies.

They are high alert patients of Dengue, malaria and chickenguniya seasons because every mosquito bite makes them go into anaphylactic shock. The most shocking reaction to mosquito bite is about a patient, who after being hit by a random astray mosquito went into completely inconsolable state beyond any comprehension.
His blood sugar dipped and he almost fainted creating panic in household.
In the hospital, where each and every test known is med books was performed and all came under normalcy limits.
Three days after when he was discharged, he had a shameless grin on his face, ‘’Sorry False Alarm!’’, while his father was holding a fifty thousand bill.


Don’t be a boy who called fox. Because when the real fox come no one will believe you.  

Saturday 13 December 2014


HYPOCHONDRIA= Meaning chronic and abnormal anxiety about imaginary symptoms and ailments.
For a doctor, these cases are worse cases ever because these species of people bring the porridge of mingled symptomatology and it becomes as difficult as rocket science, to dart the real one, actual one, authentic and genuine one which require immediate attention.
Right to know is a privilege but partial knowledge gained from surfing search engines can be dangerous. Sometimes ignorance is bliss. Not every mosquito bite would drag you to dengue shock syndrome. Being vigilant is good, obsession is pathological.

MY HEART IS ON FIRE, Third degree burn!
It’s not a story of a cupid stuck, broken heart story neither it’s the rant about the great revenge; it’s just a functional symptom that a boy of 16 years complaint frequent. Without any clock linked specific aggravation time or any triggering agent his body used to present with great discomfort in epigastria region. Day in, day out, out of the blue, there used to be a screams of horror creating a whirlpool in his life as well as the lives of his near and dear ones. Five times he have been rushed to ER, Ten times he have been injected for relief, three times his body have been scanned from head to toe and he have consulted every doctor with above five star rating in yellow pages, for his ailments. But even after this expensive medical jaunt he ends up on square one.
Every passing day is the distressed for him because he have not stumble over the nomenclature of disease he is suffering from. His every prayer on lip seeks answers of his diagnoses. His imaginary fears are feeding his anxieties and worsening his problem as well as posing point for his studies, after all its a high school syllabus, he don’t have luxury of time to go on such a spree.
He is in anguish that his heart is burning on the stove and would rot up one day. And what makes it worse is that he is screaming for help and no one is able to chalk down the doable rescue mission for him. A doctor says, apart from his mind nothing requires to be fixed.

Mankind require hope to survive. For him his gross straw in flooded river was diagnosis and finally he was bestowed with it.
His chest was scanned under the PET scan {generally used to find a hidden tumour or cancerous growth} and in those shiny test results laid answers to his destiny. The anacoluthia of his life was caught red handed. Thank god, it was not his heart but the stomach that has trespassed in the neighbourhood of the beating box.
He was finally diagnosed with HITUS HERNIA, a condition in which the part of stomach skips from the hole of diaphragm (the hole through which the oesophagus passes) and lodges in the mediastinal region in vicinity of heart, one of the rare anomalies that form aetiology for heart burn.
In no time the treatment was started and in no time he laid back to the study table pacing his daily routine.
It was the perseverance that made boy to get his answers. That means hypochondriac trait is good. Is it?

    High placed eyebrows
    Excessively long nose
    Popped out ears
    Sliding downward angle of outer commeasure of eyes

His scans were basking in crystal clarity. There was no picture of stomach pouting to the cameras. Anatomy was normal in its borders and boundaries.
But still he was diagnosed and treated with unlabeled vitamin tabs and the best thing out of the whole case scenario was that he was getting all pink.


“Anticipation kills than a real thing.”

Tuesday 9 December 2014

The Fault In My Stars

                  THE FAULT IN MY STARS
The sparkling studs that beautify the moonless night, whether they are some astronomical wonder of milky way or have some astrological significance whether to blindly trust them or take it as the treat for eyes in delightful mood is the big question?

This man, who happen to be a protagonist of the story was born with the diamond studded golden spoon in the filthy rich family. He was reared with all tender care which helped shaping his delicate physique and at same time made him a lazy bone. He was diluted to fun life and hard work was the rare bird of endangered species. His father influence and the bank accounts were enough to sail down his ship through academic life.
But the real challenge started when he joined his father business.
The boy was a habitual lazy bone. Going to the office, scanning computer screens, reviewing the files and sighing checks were too much for his body to take in for day. It was under his father’s dictatorial pressure that he wake up at the ring of alarm and seated in the office hour by 9 am but he started to lose interest.
The monotonous mediocre life was not something he dream of himself. His air castles had adventures of Indian Jones, the showy money of Mr. Scrooges and the ‘notebook’ love life. But all of the sudden the real life was pouring hot boiling water over it, disfiguring it beyond reorganization. He can’t let it happen.

Finally one day, he found the way to balance his dream life with real early mediocre life. A friend of his, who shared the same lethargic genes with him, suffered from same diagnosis. He was remedied out of his problem by some esteemed astrologer, who did such serious calculations and manipulation with his friends’ stars that he got a jackpot contract that ensured a heavy paycheck for next five years and discounted free time for free will. Listening to marvel story, he was convinced to bet over his own stars, after all his luck was steamy hot and sexy. He met the man who vouched with such a linguistic precision that could make anyone enchanted. Our protagonist wasn't an exception.

One year later, he was almost the same man grossly but on microscopic examination few delineating details were revealed which are as follows:-
He added an extra alphabet in name as well as surname.
Each and every finger even the thumb adorned the colorful rock.
His right ear was pierced he wore a diamond stud into that.
There were at least six to eight charm necklaces hanging down his neck.
He had lost 10kg in last 12 months, given into religious fasting to make at least few demigods out of forty eight lakh, happy.

There wasn't any significant increase in his balance sheets other than the fact his bank accounts shown excessive expenses which he carried out in name of religious austere which on long run would not only fill in the craters created but put a surplus tags on it.
On the health front, apart from alarming ten kilogram loss he had an increment in ailment suffering column of medical records.
The weight of chains in his neck was too heavy and he was prohibited to take them out even while sleeping. Apart from few wear and tear rashes, he developed a constant pain in his neck, which on x-ray shown a popped C7 bone and hence bringing him under criteria of cervical pain.

·         Excessive big eyes which shows more sclera. There are very emotional people who believe things without considering the statistics.
·         Highly arched eyebrows.

The man expected a care free life with showering money from heaven but instead apart from his health and plenty currency from bank account, he also lost rights to the sole decision maker to his business as his father took reigns of the business in his hands.


There was, will or never be any shortcut to success.