Tuesday 11 November 2014


                                                 “HASTE LE VISTA”
                                            (PART 2 OF BREAKDOWN)
This lady born in the family of illiterate people had a humble education with no following big degree attached to her name. Though her beauty scored high on the board and as a consequence she was married early in her seventeenth year of life.
Her husband was a good man who kept her happy and even air the embers of her ambition. He got her into the college against the wishes of his stereotype family. His openness provided wings to the lady who started to think big. Oh! The life has bestowed utmost benevolence and over flowing out of the cup happiness in her life. She was in so much love with her husband and they had their first love child, a baby girl. But, as the fate had it, on brutal day, everything given to her just slipped away from her fingers.
Her child was in teething phase, her college education was in midway and her youthful life had just walked few steps from inception point, when the news of the sudden accidental death of her husband standstill everything, a  tragic tale causing a bleached life.
She went into depression because of the heartbreak but lessons of lively vivid life were so deep imbibed in her soul by her deceased husband that she survived across the pacific. Her broken heart which was wounded beyond repair could only be bandaged with the fancy that may be in next life she would meet the man of his dreams again. Haste-le-Vista, she will see him later, but when she meets him again, she needs to have trails of successful life behind her to show him that how much she treasured the small phase that they had together. She wiped her tears and was ready for the voyage. But there were perils in her path. Her in-laws family was not so keen to have her and her baby girl and so she was back to her parents’ house.
She couldn't have her foot hold there too as being the part of the big clan of seven sisters; she was supposed to find another nest.
Against her wishes, she was married again, this time to a widower with already two toddler boys. The second man in her life was quite a laid back one. He had no ideology and was happy to work like an ass in his mediocre settings.
The lady was not supposed to settle in for it. She had wings which were ready to spread. Hence breaking all household thresholds she went out, revolting and got herself a tag of professionalism. She found her way in the dark and started to walk alone and when it started to get sunny, the crowd joined her.
She was successful and started her own business enterprise. In no time the luck blessed her with one more child, a baby boy and riches again. Her husband followed her league.
It’s been twenty years since her second marriage and she is not ready to rest. She wants to fly far beyond the limits of the sky with only one wish in her heart that burns like aired ember “haste-le-vista”…

Life is never stagnant; it goes around in both cases. It is want you want and what you choose?
We always have a choice!

1.      The proper and full nasal septum that divides the nostril.
2.      Brightness of eyes.


Life is clay, mold it the way you want it.

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