Tuesday 28 October 2014

Breakdown Part 1= mayday mayday

At certain point of life , there are some milestone that we nomenclature as turning points, stumbling point, boiling point or breaking point. Each and every epoch on the road map of destiny have following consequences while we live our life. Thereafter, is all about swimming through those after effects. They say, life is all about the way you design it. Is it true? Do we ever have choices to make?

Here is a story of two ladies stumbling over almost a same pebble and nicking the same artery leading to a major hemorrhagic draining out all what they once dream about the Rainbow Life.

With the awesome statistical figure, this lady stood almost 5 feet 7 inches above the ground level. She was pretty, smart, educated and domesticated. A complete cocktail for a prospectus bride. Girls with such credentials life move fast with them. One weekend she had her graduation degree and the following Sunday she had a grand photo shoot with the rock in her middle finger.
The guy was an engineer with well settled family background. The things were pretty colorful on the canvas and all those wedding bells ringing above the head. But sooner the colors start to fade away and her whole life got bleached when even after two years of marriage, the dowry demands from the so called well settled background family didn't get satiated.
Domestic violence, weepy eyes and broken heart all were delineated on her phizog
like a tell tail farce. When the water was neck high, the girl’s family finally intervened and cut off all the wear and tear ties of this burden relationship. The girl was back to square one from she started. Six months of wound healing and again she was up for matrimony. Though this time she really found her knight in shinning armor with whom she also have a baby girl, but the wounds of past have left deep scars that refuse to melt down with passing time and left her hurt deep.
Life is beautiful for her at the moment. Living a larger than canvas life in her love nest, she still fears a worse is yet to happen. Sometimes her anxieties are sky high.
In one case, her daughter had chicken pox and she went screaming on roof top. Her daughter healed in a week, but it took months for her nerves to settle.
She is not ready to shake hands with life and have become very suspicious of even good things knocking her door.
It’s been twenty years since her second marriage and still her status quo is maintained.

1.      Long and thin nose
2.      Small nostrils.

Check out next week a complete contrast, the story of lady number 2, in ‘HASTE LE VISTA’

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