Sunday 28 September 2014

Malignancy Series-3

MALIGNANCY (series 3)
Today, I will discuss Hamer’s Theory. But before let me tell you a story of Dr.Ryke Geerd Hamer and how he stumbled over it.
Dr. Ryke Hamer was once upon a time an allopathic physician in Germany. His life was smooth and steady with a good practice and devoted wife and lovely kids.
But suddenly an incident happened that turned his whole life upside down. His eighteen year old son got hit by a bullet in a shooting accident and was fatally injured. For five months, struggling and fighting for his life on life support system, he finally succumbed to his injuries. It was a major shock for Dr. Hamer and his family. But there was another road block that waited at next turn. Before the wounds of recent death of his son gone into time initiated healing, Dr.Hamer, who was so far into finest health, was suddenly diagnosed with Testicular Cancer.
Well, instead of being morose and being frightened of impending death that swayed like a naked sword over his head, it made him think what actually went wrong that suddenly his body responded so malignantly.
And within nick of time, after thoroughly assessing fifteen thousand cancer cases, he stated the Iron Rule of Cancer that all boils down to psyche.
It’s the expression of our psyche, in response to an external harming factor. Once our thresh-hold to soak bad effect of that external morbid factor is trespassed, there are certain derangement that occur in certain part of our brain in the form of concentric circles and same concentric circles or ripples effect could be synchronously seen on the organ or tissue of the body controlled by that affected part of the brain, as a reaction to the morbid situation. These concentric circles are substantiated on the CT
This whole process is called Dirk Hamer Syndrome [Dirk Hamer was the late son of Dr. Ryke Hamer]. Folliculated with such evidence Dr. Ryke Hamer proposed whole new criteria and protocol to treat cancer under this new methodology which he coined as New German Medicine and is, since then has been successful in treating cancer cases without surgery, chemo or radiation on these principles.
With all those accolades listed beneath its name, the new hypothesis has its own share of trail of controversies.
But whatever the scenario is, I bring forward few of his logical deduction about the damage incited by morbid factor on the target organ.
Adrenal Cortex: going astray from the path
Urinary Bladder: Being involved in ugly conflict, dirty trick
Bone: Lack of self-worth, inferiority feeling.
Breast milk grand: Involving excessive care or disharmony
Breast milk duct:  separation conflict from the loved ones
Breast, left (right handed women) – conflict concerning child, home, mother
Breast, right (right handed women) – conflict with partner or lover
Bronchioles {branches of air pipe in lungs} – territorial conflict
Cervix/ mouth of uterus – severe frustration in life
Colon/ large intestine – ugly indigestible conflict
Esophagus/ food pipe – cannot have it or swallow it
Gall bladder – rivalry conflict
Heart – perpetual conflict
Intestines – indigestible chunk of anger/ suppressed anger
Kidneys – not wanting to live, being deprived of basic necessities like water or fluid
Larynx/voice box – conflict of fear and fright
Liver- fear of starvation
Lung- fear of dying or suffocation
Lymph glands – Loss of self-worth
Middle ear- not being able to get some vital information
Pancreas- anxiety, anger conflicts with family members, conflict about inheritance
Prostate- ugly conflict of sexual connections or connotation
Rectum- fear of being useless
Spleen- shock of being physically or emotionally wounded
Stomach- Indigestible anger, swallowed too much
Testes and ovaries- loss of something important or loss of loved person
Thyroid- Feeling powerless
Uterus- Sexual conflict
All the answers lie buried in your psyche,
Be Careful!
What you want to vent down the pipe.

Thursday 25 September 2014


                                   STORY-C (continued)
INTRODUCTION: left-handed female, housewife.

LIFE SPACE: she had every credentials, valued in monotonous Indian household woman. She was a devoted wife, caring mother of eight kids and a very pious woman who from past twenty years have an unbreakable record to mark her attendance at Vrindavan every month.
Her life was more or less routines but the zest of living imbibed in her made it more worthy and adventurous that anyone else.
Five years back, she was approaching fifty and almost through with all her worldly responsibilities except one unmarried son. The journey for her has been monotonous but smooth till one road block that ultimately marked the end of the road.
It so happened, her eldest son was not the one with qualities of prodigal progeny and hence ditched the whole family. The shocker was too much for her husband to take and in no time he was bed ridden with diabetes mellitus neuropathies and rotten skin disorders with worse prognosis.
It took six or seven months of intense suffering before the line went completely flat and silent on the ECG.
And all that time, day in and day out, from dawn to dusk along with the man on the death bed, his wife stayed waking, attentive at toes renunciating every comfort. Even when her husband was completely compromised and crippled even for obvious daily stuff, she stood there as his only support system. But all her efforts went futile over the brutal truth which she couldn't accept and finally as the destiny had it, six months later, she fell sick, really very sick.

Died after 3 months of being diagnosed with left side breast cancer
Earlier completely clean health records, throughout life.

INTRODUCTION: right handed household.
LIFE SPACE: once upon a time she was very radiant lady, smart and employed. She was care free. One thing she loved was living life to fullest. And being the part and parcel of adventurous journey, she fell in love; married the man and bear two beautiful kids without any hustle and tussle until recently when her whole foundation was completely shaken from its axis.
The very husband, she supported with her salary and stayed like a backbone in his struggling phase with his business, has gone behind her back, being completely berserk adulterous. On day she caught him, red handed between his deeds. She tried to reason him, and after few days of belligerence, apologies were exchanged and things were settled. Life continued and in short span of time, she again started to trust her husband brushing his adultery as one random incident. It’s been 2 years since that incident until another lightening that hit her hard.
This time the scandal was not confined to four walls but went on for public display. The man was photographed with his alleged alliance by one of his neighbor and the pics went viral on the What’s App, covering the radius of four block across the street.
It was from one of the predacious so called friend of her, she came to know about the whole scenario.
The lady went into shock and instead of confronting her husband and having a well deserved fight, on contrary went into silence. She cut off from friends, family and acquaintances.
It’s been three months she has been brooding lonely with fake smile and hoax happiness. But the body followed the mental tension and one night she had to be rushed to an emergency when a lump that developed in fortnight in the right breast suddenly started to pain like inferno.

The lump could be benign malignant or non cancerous, case still under investigation.

              PART-2 ONE FATE
Every lady mentioned above had one fate, of being diagnosed with breast cancer.
But the question is WHY? So sudden and so fast?

In above stated examples, there have been husband related conflict and in those ladies there was a development of breast lump which in due course of time turned cancerous. Some malignant situation raised in their life turning their body tissues malignant.
Another peculiar thing about these women is that the lump developed on same side synchronies with her right handiness or left handiness.
NOTE: I am not the first one to notice it and definitely not the last one to draw conclusion out of it. The picture is broader than you can think. I was just pin pointing towards one of the observation.

Check out next week the last part of the series, ABSOLUTELY EYE OPENOR THEORY.

Thursday 11 September 2014

Malignancy {Series 1}


In today’s time this word ‘Malignant’ is the most God Forbid word. The word that shouldn’t be spoken thought or came across in the street. As soon as it makes its presence shown in the medical records, it means the obvious, imminent coming soon death.
According to medicine, a malignant state is the one which is progressive and resistant to treatment and tending to cause death.
The non medical meaning to the word is a quality of being disposed to evil, intense ill will. The two meanings looks so distinctive but if you see it with super magnifying glass, there is a link well, and the most frequently asked question is why does cancer happen?
And the most absurd answer given is, unknown etiology or “n” numbers of reason which we hypothetical think can make difference into our system and screw with our god made perfect cells. May be we are not looking closer enough; the answer is in the question itself.

2.      ONE FATE

Introduction: right handed female, talented, beautiful and into a government job.
LIFE SPACE: the inception of the story dates back to the third grade at school. The boy she sat with since then and thereafter all the junior and high school, was one with whom she sat with at her sib both.
”Cute story of childhood love affair materializing to life time commitment”
But, sometimes the fairy tales are just not meant for everyone knocking its door and the happily ever after is just another illusion.
In no time the man who swear on the holy book “Gurugranth Sahib” and took her as his lawfully wedded wife, found another beauty queen knocking his door. The lust took over the innocent childhood love and just in two years time he tried to erase the prior history of his life to start the new chapter and new life with another wife. The most beautiful lady of the clan was left heartbroken with a divorce.
It’s been a decade and a half since that lightening fell on her dreamy life, but she couldn’t bring herself to trust another man and all she lives is a lovely life.

Ca Right breast (cancer for right breast)

(She is on for right side mastectomy, followed by garrulous chemo therapies.)

INTRODUCTION: right handed female, teacher at the school.
LIFE SPACE: twenty five years back she was the most eligible damsel to nail but today her withered body shunts from hospitals to hospitals. She was married to a man who was a groom catch from her parents. Her dreams were limited. All she wanted from a life was a job, a house, a husband and one or two kids. Everything monotonously mandatory! Nothing else! But it didn’t take long for her normal dreams to turn into nightmares.
Eight months after the marriage when she was six months pregnant, her husband realized how much he missed her last girlfriend and this new girl was no match to his standards and needs.
Leaving his pregnant wife sleeping, one night, taking the shelter of darkness he disappeared in abyss just leaving a letter, not of an apology but bitterness and hatred.
The next thing in her life was struggle, a struggle to single handedly bring her baby boy up and to shape his future.
She did what needed to be done and epitomized a sacrificing mother. In all this haste, all she remembers was the part of being mommy, completely erasing all the wifely desire, needs and happiness. Whatever, the days in the calendars changed, so did the months and also the years and finally all her austerities beard fruit as his son turned out to be handsome, successful and gentlemen.
She wasted no time and found him the bride. The son and his wife were very devoted to the lady.
As for now she had no distress what so ever but a chapter buried deep in the hatchet suddenly begin to surface. Looking at her son’s happy married life, she begins to feel the void created and realized what part she missed in her struggle. She started to lose weight and started to become sick.

Past history of pulmonary tuberculosis (TB for lungs)
Treated with ATT for 9 months
Recently diagnosed with ca right breast

*Still under shock and in plea to chalk out the treatment.

Check out NEXT WEEK the rest of the series of MALIGNANCY

Monday 8 September 2014


Future is occulted in the time to come, absolutely bereft of our any vivid thinking process.  But what happen when our imagination dive in realms unknown and try to answer the unsolved queries?
Answer is ANXIETY.

This girl in her early twenties presented with worst case of drenching sweat that I have ever seen. You can’t shake hands with her without getting the droplets all over the palmer surface.
It started two years back all of a sudden. Should I believe it?
My science doesn’t allow me to swallow facts as served on the platter. There is always a story behind it and with pupils’ dilation and sympathetic warm smile you can dig it out from any grave.
So here is why, she is all sweaty and wetty that she can’t even grip the pen, before dapping clean her hands every second.
She belongs to an orthodox family of ‘JATS’. Being the youngest of all seven siblings she was running hot in the matrimonial market with just one more brother ahead of her, yet to get hitched.
Due to some screwed up stars in his horoscope his marriage is getting delayed and by default she follows the league.
Since 2 years there have been plenty choices for her. But she is still on hold. And since two years since she registered in for the pious act, she suffers from her problem.
It’s just a co-incidence or she’s having wet hand and feet just because it has ticked her nerve?
Nothing in the body happens  by default; there is always a fixed logic and a sequence that had to be deciphered.
It’s not that our protagonist doesn’t want to get married neither she have a love of her life demanding time to settle before he could go and ask for her hand. The whole thing boils down to that she doesn’t have a choice or doesn’t have a say in the most important decision of her life. Her parents are looking from a groom for her in their caste and that set. Nothing else they want to see apart from shiny cast. Nothing at all! No credentials like studies, ambition, open mind-ness, life style, nothing at all.
And since the boys of their type are very rare breed in the city, they are opinated to marry their girl in the village after giving her a city’s bringing and public school education.
They definitely don’t care as it’s all about the agricultural land in acres and the congenial surname, that over weighs everything in the balance. Her two older sisters have gone through same fate. The one with the strong stars stayed afloat as her husband turned out to be a gem and established himself in town abandoning the rural stretch, the other one is still dragging heels on the ratchet roads and dealing with day to day difficulties. She still has to find her exit gate which doesn’t seem as a possibility in near future.
The sweaty girl destiny osculates between her sister’s fates and worriedly thinking of it has done her nothing except to give her goose bumps. She vented her mind to her mother but words feel on deaf ears.
She can’t even go out and find her a boyfriend because the stigma of honor killing shadows her and could wet any eligible boyfriend pants. After all it’s not a joked to have four elder brothers and strict daddy and non co-operative mamma and two meek sisters, with no back up and exit, she is forced to live and re-live her situation again and again. And it has not only affected her physically but has created a mental block which showed in her report cards. Twice she flunked her graduation exams. It’s the last try with her back up studies or else this perk would also be ripped away from her.
But even with the whole story the destiny would have ways to happen irrespective of what so ever, her fates dwindle on principle of uncertainty and no one, not even she knows, what is going to happen NEXT.

Small and lean nose with small nostrils, not providing enough oxygen to lungs to help find a way out

“Even as the unborn baby in the womb of her mother, these five are fixed as her life destiny, his life span, his activities, and his acquisition of wealth and knowledge and his time of death.” CHANAKYA NEETI.