Tuesday 22 July 2014

Want of Prodigal Son


We have stepped into 21st century and aged with its passing years but still our stingy mediocre thinking is glued to our social outlook having male child in the family who can be crowned as the prodigal son, who carries on the family genes into the new century. In past, we have seen under the pretext of having male child, there was increase number of female feticide. The advance medical test like ultrasonography and ammocentesies became the play cards in the hands of bigots of the society.
But these are the con old methods; the new to one in is SURROGACY.

The family was one of the nuclear family of Delhi with very well settled background but the only flaw that they think they had was that they have two daughters no son. Since the orthodoxy of gone ages ran in their blood. But when their two daughters were young and below ten years of age their financial condition didn't allow the burden of third. But with passing time, as wealth increased in their bank accounts, they were robbed of appropriate age to beget a child. But the dream to have a baby boy still lingers deep in their thoughts even though they were on the verge of getting their eldest daughter married.
It was the modern technology that opened doors for them to get their wish fulfilled.
They went and registered for surrogacy, nine months of wait, two lakh down the pipe, last moment of anxiety and definitely misuse of technology to know the gender of unborn finally bear them the fruit. They became the proud parents of the boy, delivered by the maid who worked in some remote sectors of suburb of the city. Poverty made her do that, money made them buy the son.
The two day old boy went under the gruesome scanning head to toe to rule out any organo-pathy or genetic disorder. Boy was young and healthy and his new mother was old with arthritic knee.
It seemed like a fairy tale, finally their patience paid and they bought their way changing the course of destiny.
But as they say, we should think before, what we wish for.

As the boy grew from infancy to toddlerhood under the care of his elder sister (or couple’s second daughter) the big smile and the puffed up pride of the couple started to faint away in oblivion. He started to show symptoms of hyperactivity and destruction. Doctors diagnosed the boy with ADHD= Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder.
Our diagnostic machines can pick up pathology or defect in chromosome but not the heredity or per se in this case hyperactivity or insanity running in the bloodline.
The body at present is undergoing super-expensive psychiatric help and is yet to take admission in school like his peers.
He was born to be a prodigal son to take the responsibility of his aging foster parents but he became the overgrowing liability for the oldies.

Stiffed upper lip
Pinched nose


Sometimes when we force god though we are delivered the package but the packing is not the same as we want it to be.

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