Monday 24 February 2014


                    ONCE SMITTEN, TWICE SHY. . .

In blogs of last two week we talked about the Valentine Alerts, but now, since the Valentine time is just over, there is the residue of it left, whether the good memories or the bad shock or just the POST VALENTINE HANGOVER.
Today we will deduce through logic the revelation for the following song,
“Last Christmas, I gave you my heart. The very next day, you gave it away. This year, I’ll give it to special one. Once Smitten, Twice Shy…”

“He was too good to be true and I just feel for him. You know just slipping away, very very slippery. . .” These are the words of the Arts Post Graduate girl when she told me about her first love.
She met him through a common friend. He had all those traits that she ever desired in her guy to have. She chanted for all those qualities in her man and suddenly it seemed like all her prayers were getting answered.
One accidental brush with her dream boy lead to second rendezvous and then the third and finally ending up in, Courtship Ocean.
 “Every stolen moment seemed as adrenaline rush, straight from bottom of heart, it was butterflies all around and a pair of white dove beaming each other…”
She felt more responsible and caring for him as recently his mother died because of cancer.
The bliss run for six months and finally after running it course it faded away in oblivion. She came to know that her dream guy was not being exclusively her.
He was screwing around with three more girls. Not only that, he was sleeping with a divorced lady with a kid. She has been waiting like mad for him to take the relationship to next level.
My girl was heartbroken. It was all thanks to her brother who wore the cap of Sherlock Holmes, to dig deep and brought forward that revelation.
She indulged herself in work. Running from pillar to posts she tried very hard to shove of all the feelings for her “very first time” guy.
The fate had something gift wrapped for her. God bless Face-book, she met a guy, who happened to be two years junior at school but still honored a deep crush for her since then.
Again an accidental touch and go, at the face-book lead to second time abrupt talk and finally emptying into ocean of never ending fables from both sides. Her second guy didn’t wasted much time and skipping all levels of courtship went straight on his knees. She was speechless and he was splendid.
CREDENTIALS of SECOND GUY were absolute match to the matrimonial advertisements. He was absolutely not a guy to be refused, but the girl had doubts.
He was a family man with on expanding business, good money in his accounts, Rolex on his hands and Audi Q8 under his ass. Moreover he wanted to take girl to meet his family.
After all what a girl wants more?
But she has her own doubts… “Love is not an assets view form” It is…” she is still speechless.
To practical eyes like me or her parents or her Sherlock Holmes brother it is perfectly solved calculus.
But still she was taking her time to say “yes” or in case, come up with an answer.
Ref. by phrenological hints given in blogs “The Game Of Courtship” series.

‘You can’t live in your present with past shadowing around you.’  

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