Sunday 26 January 2014


                THE GREY MATTER

How common is that you detour your way as soon as you see a pit hole on road you are walking on. The process looks so effortlessly outwardly, but inside it is collaborative effort of millions of nerves, sparking one another to carry the impulses so the process could be carried out. It's the inborn duty of grey matter to process, assimilate and sieve out such coded transcription. What happens when this basic, not so noticed process, starts to fail?
Only the unexpected come forward.

Once upon a time, she was just another 23 years old having a life of a commoner, passed school and college in good grades and took out to become a teacher. Riding her white scooty from her house to school and then back forth was her day start and day end things. Assimilating her in attendance registers, checking assignments and preparation of mark sheets were her small feathers, that decor of her hat. It was when she turned 23 last year; a thrill came to her life. Her parents choose a guy for her to get hitched and through him springs return with full blossomed roses in the courtship period. She savour every second of her association with her fiancée.
The things, which once, were of least concerned, became her top priority which included her nail paint, hair bands, eyeliner, kajal, colorful dresses and the list goes on and on.
They were supposed to get hitched on December 5 last year. As the date neared the preparation went or in full swing. They got engaged in October.
But just after their engagement, things happened that jeopardized everything, engulfing away all the joy and liveliness from her and leaving nothing but dysfunctional and screwed up GREY matter.

Well what I am about to tell is something very unbelievable but this is the exact series of event that happened bereft everyone with any logical explanations to this course of its unfolding.
After her engagement in mid-October, her family decided to go for a laser surgery for her eyes, to go glass free. {Trust me many girls take up this decision as soon as their marriage gets fixed.} But at same time they decided to keep it a covert affair.
Three days after the engagement the surgery was conducted and it was successful one. She returned home the very same day.
But since then the things start to get reshuffle. The road that was running so smooth started to be bumpy. The difficulty with her was spinning lies about her whereabouts, whenever her fiancée called to meet.
To hide one fact, ten lies were spoken and to hide ten, millions followed the league. To tell lie was not her trait and this burned a hole in her conscience. [Totally ironic for any Delhites]
She started to become paranoid, everything became hazy and her judgment was clouded. She always had a fear that she would be caught red handed and which would devastate her image in front of her in- laws.
Brooding, loathing melancholy made marble roads into her psyche and corrupted her grey matter.
Within a month of the surgery, the covert feelings and suppressed emotions took a toll of her and not only she lost weight but also all the happiness which came with her short courtship. Her silence created a rift between her and her fiancĂ©e and made her in -laws worrisome. The charms that she felt at wavering thought of marriage and the blush on her cheeks while carrying the key chain of “so special” gifted by him, vanished in thin air.
Not only happiness was sucked out of her life but all the envious and detesting feeling filled the void.
Now, she didn't want to get married. The cell ring made her go into fits of horror. The name of her fiancée brought the nausea. She got entangled in webs of detest. Everyone tried to explain her with logical prudence but it was as impossible for her to understand like mixing oil and water. She wanted her prior life back, but the grey matter got the screwed up so badly, the happy memories of past were mere history. After this intense drama, her parents told her fiancée about her laser surgery revealing every truth, but the disaster had already happen. Nothing got reversed but worse.
The reality was losing meaning and then she was forced to get into holy matrimony.  She sat there at her wedding in complete silence, making all the guest wonder. Her paranoid has increased since then, once so lovely, lively, mundane girl have become entangled in the webs of distraught future. Her treatment has started. There is always a silver lining and I am just trying to catch one.
Some days turn out to be good, some bad and some not worth to be mentioned. This is one of the stories of unexpected human mind.

“A personality disorder which is marked by persistent indifference to social interaction and a limited range of emotional experience and expression. It begins in early adulthood. These persons neither seek nor enjoy close relationship and have no desire to be part of a family. They lead lonely lives and have no close friends or confidants, sexual interests and participation in pleasurable activities are almost nonexistent rarely do they experience strong emotions such as anger and joy. They appear cold and aloof and rarely reciprocate gestures or facial expressions such as smiles or nods” [TABER'S MEDICAL DICTIONARY]

“The unexpected journey of human mind,
 Unseen, unheard destination of unique kind”

Sunday 12 January 2014


                              BATTERED BABY SYNDROME
What can parents do to make sure for the success of their children? Answer is anything.
Now this word “Anything” is a two option process, one being they can get him best of school, best of education, take huge loans for him, give him a stress free emotion, be an epitome of sacrifice.
The other option can be…….

This boy had a whole scholarship to his foreign based post graduation course. One of the alumina of Delhi university, he credit all his success to his mother.
Any parent would be happy to hear that from their Kid, but…….
The script of his success started when he was five years old. His mother that time was teacher in an eminent school [now she is the principal of the same school] had a strict disciplinary regime in the house. Any default on their part was reverted by a strong reprimand. Each and every day, he and his sister faced the music of brutality on the name of demure.
It started with making them grounded, not allowing any amusement of any kind. As they grew up, she became abusive, first verbal and then physical and then to certain extent that they would land up in hospitals. Instead of love, fear developed in the young hearts and by the time they grew up they became very revolting. 
The abuse made their skin impervious to any kind of punishment.
Boy used to shut himself in room for hours and indulge himself into studies. His only aim was to get out of this house and away from his mother and his only escape route was scholarship outside the country. His sister had already revolted and moved out of the house to set her business. She didn’t return home thereafter. The rift between the kids and the mother has turned into dark abyss. Finally, he got what he wants.
Fifteen years later he is all packed to leave Indian soil and fly away, far away. Now his only dream is to never to return and work so hard that he could establish himself in the foreign land and brings his grandmother there.
After all she was the only source of maternal love he has received.
When the kids receive brutal treatment from their parents or guardians to such an extent that they land up in hospital, these kinds of injuries are classified under Battered Baby Syndrome. And this is a medico legal cases in which parents or guardians are liable for punishment under judicatory of the country.

Laurels of future should not hide beneath them bruises of the past.  

Sunday 5 January 2014


The whole management of respiratory disorder in winter depend upon the preventive measures. Awareness of few things can make big difference and can also help in chronic diseases like Asthma, COPD {Bronchiactesies, emphysema, and interstitial lung disease} and sinusitis.
Here are few tips that you can work out that you can do yourself:
First thing that you should do in the morning is check the levels of Percolate matter 2.5 {PM2.5}, Percolate matter 10 {PM10}, levels of Nitrogen oxide {NO2} and Sulphur dioxide levels {SO2} on the site
Normal values of PM2.5 and PM10 should be less than 60 and the normal levels of SO2 and NO2 should be less than 80.
Increased levels of PM2.5 in air, if inhaled increase pollution levels of blood   causing:
·         High pulse rate
·         Increased Blood Pressure
·         Increased attack of breathlessness in Asthma patients
·         Increased chances of heart attack
Increased levels of SO2 can also precipitate the attack of Asthma.
Increased levels of PM10 and NO2 can cause severe attack of cough, sinusitis and Aggravate symptoms of COPD.
Smoggy weather where the view becomes hazy is the indication of increased levels of the percolate matter and NO2 and SO2.
So plan your traveling plans accordingly, whether it’s the morning walk or your exercise or yoga sessions.
Additionally, Asthma attacks are aggravated in the weather were airflow increases and COPD aggravates in dry and humid weather.

·         Jal nattie or nasal wash is recommended to patients suffering from asthma as it helps to clear away all the sinuses, decreases discharges hence help in prevention of severe asthmatic attacks.
·         Forced breathing to exhale out the air after deep inspiration or forceful pranayam helps to improve the lung capacity and decrease the attacks of breathlessness in asthmatic patient, whereas slow puffing expiration or puffing pranayam helps the patient of COPD.
·         According to ayurvedic principles BITTER, ASTRINGENT AND PUNGENT food can precipitate asthmatic attack, hence should be avoided by patient suffering from asthma, where as SWEET, SOUR AND SALTY food to be avoided by patients of COPD.
·         Avoid pets in the house.
·         Bedding's and pillow should be kept in sun after every two days, requisite for all asthmatic or other respiratory disorder patients.
·         If sunny weather, keep your windows open and in case it’s foggy outside keep them shut.
·         There should be no wet cellars percolating fungus growth.
·         Allergies to certain food item can also cause a severe breathlessness; therefore strictly avoid such food stuff.