Friday 9 August 2013


 Do you have any idea, when was the first love letter written? Who wrote it and who was it address to?

It was not Romeo writing to Juliet, neither Ranjah smearing his blood on paper to Heer.
The first love letter that Hindu scriptures enumerate [Srimad Bhagvatam, 10th canto] dates back to five thousand years back, written by the delicate hands of Srimati Rukmani Devi to Lord Krsna.
It so happened, Srimati Rukmani Devi heard lot about the chivalrous king of Dwarka, Lord Krsna from the temple priest.
His might and his beauty was so subtly defined by the priest that Rukmani Devi fell truly, madly, deeply, heads over heels in love with him and in hearts of hearts she took Krsna as her lawfully wedded husband. But her plans came an abrupt end when her brother fixed her marriage with his friend.
Rukmani Devi was devastated, she pleaded, but her cries fell on the deaf ears. The date of the wedding was approaching. Rukmani Devi’s anxiety was increasing. What she could do, when a person she loves doesn’t even know she exists?
So, one fine morning she decided to leave all the shame, and wrote a pitied love letter to Krsna. She wrote that how much distress she was in after falling in love with him and how shamelessly she is confessing it to him, but she was left with no option. And finally if he doesn’t come and rescued her, from getting married to her brother’s friend, she would prefer dying by drinking poison. She pleaded to the temple’s priest to deliver the letter to Krsna and also detail him about her bleeding heart.
The priest took mercy on the princess and rode the fastest hoarse of the kingdom to reach to Lord Krsna.
Lord Krsna at that time was busy fighting a battle along with his brother Balbhadra. After two days of journey when priest reached Krsna and confronted him with the letter of Srimati Rukmani Devi, Krsna fell overwhelmed with emotions that tears start to shed from his eyes.
At very same moment he decided to leave the battle field, but was intervened by his elder brother. “Hey Krsna, don’t even think of it. Leaving the battle field would bring disgrace to you and you would be called “Ranacore” the one who flees from battle field. You will be called a coward.”
Krsna put his lovely, spell bound signature smile and respectfully said, “Dear brother, I know you care for me, but, what kind of knight in a shining armour I would be, if the woman who loves me so madly, requires rescuing and I stay in this worthless battle field.”
No one could interject Krsna, after the logistical and prodigious choice of words. Balbhadra gave a Sigh! And said, “Fine! Go bro, get the girl. I will mange”
And after that, it’s the same, as in all fairly tales, the knight in the shining armour, over his white stead rescues the distressed damsel and then lives happily ever after.
Well, the basic question arises, is this any other fable from Srimad Bhagvatam or it is practically possible to fall blindly in love with someone, just after explicitly listening about them?
Is love at first sight, ever possible when the other party don’t even know about your existence?


Listening to her, I would only concluded, “Temporary phase of feeling of love, is the primary stage of distress.”
But she would always interject me and say, “All blame goes to these Purkinje fibres of heart. Stimulation at one damn corner of heart and these fibres create a mess all over and then she would laugh away.  [“Purkinje system is responsible for transferring impulses from initiating nodes to whole heart leading to its contraction hence creates a HEART BEAT.] Although she is a very beautiful girl with a very logistically sane mind but at this point, I totally fail to understand her propositions.
Actually, she has fallen in love [that too at first sight] with a guy who is not aware of her existence leave aside knowing the feeling she harbours for him. June last year, she saw him for the first time and I seriously don’t know, why she fell for him as he is not a guy with some explicit handsomeness, instead have a big mark on his face, as she tells me. And this year’s June, she saw him for the second time.
Apart from his name she knew nothing, whether or not he is a bachelor, or any gross details of his background, but all she knows her Purkinje system get activated as soon as faintest memory of that guy is recreated from the locked doors of her sub-conscious mind. I always ask her to approach him, but she refute back in all miseries, “I can’t”
“You can’t or you won’t?”
Both!” and then there is a dead end to the conversation. I know, she can’t, because from past one year, once so influential family of her, are suffering from diabolical business losses and going through a phase of crisis, hampering her dreams about the future. There is already enough to occupy her mind.
But then that’s a phase, I argue, with time it is definitely going to wind away. But why she won’t approach him, I still fail to understand, as same as, why in first place she fell for him. The thing is that at this time of distress his only brother whom she consider her pillar of strength and who was the only remaining source of income, deserted the family and shifted his base to another city with his wife and little girl, cutting all bonds. Now she has trust issues but doesn’t make every man of the world unworthy. She says she needs to stand for the family and seriously my heart goes for her.
Another astonishing fact, about this no fact, purely one sided love affair is that, she suffers no anxieties, no miseries, contrary internal peace and sanity of mind on thinking of it. She explains it, that she never, before this time, used to believe in love or love at first sight and thought these anecdotes endorsing love, were the words of losers who have no business to do in this world.
But, now, she is thankful to God, that she herself feels such a divine feeling and doesn’t care how this all will end, whether her knight in shining armour comes galloping to rescue her or whether he is left unaware whole of his life about her existence, she maintains her decorum of serenity.
She have, with all her faith, left the decision in hands of God, and now waiting patiently for it’s execution of (as I always call it) GOD’S  BEST  PLAN.


If you have got an opportunity to visit Lord Jagarnath temple, you will notice a peculiarity about him, when he stand there among Lord Balbhadra and Subhadra Rani. It’s his eyes, bulging, as if overwhelmed with emotions and still his face have his lovely signature smile. So, I took an extra step to decipher the phrenology of Lord Jagarnath, this is what my research shows. Once upon a time there held an annual fare in Kurukshetra, and the great kings of all over the word were due to attend it and so was the mighty king of Dwarka, Lord Krsna. When the Locals of Gokula and Vrindaven [the native place of Lord] heard that Krsna was coming there, they became ecstatic and the whole village made a sojourn to Kurukshetra. The Cowherd boys Cowherd girls, the elders and the young made their presence at the holy place and soon as the chariot of Krsna arrived, they surrounded it. They tried to shake hand with him, kiss him, embrace him, and touch his feet, fiddled with his parenaphalia and Krsna maintained his killing smile, but still in the crowd, his eyes were searching for Srimati Radha Rani.
And when she confronted him, his happiness had no bounds and he started to rush towards his childhood sweetheart.
But too his, utter dismay, Srimati Radha rani didn’t even acknowledge his presence. When Krsna left Vrindavan, to go to Mathura to his Uncle Kansa, he was a small twelve year old cowherd boy and Srimati Radha Rani recalled him in that attribute. She plainly refuses acknowledge him as her Krsna,My Krsna, is a very young boy with a Naughty smile, and peacock feather in his head and the beautiful sleek flute kissing his lotus petal lips. He is very very simple not like these strange men, that foolish people, hear are calling Krsna. This stranger is dressed so formerly, like a king with a golden crown over his head and rare stone studded jewellery, more over he is too old to be my Krsna.”

These words went as the poisonous arrows, injuring Lord’s heart [and may be again this Purkinje system of heart spread the poison all over] and he became so over whelmed with emotions which his eyes showed so explicitly. Since he is not a teenager anymore and since he is the mighty king so a proper decorum is expected by the people who look up towards him as an inspiration, he got to ambush the feeling of his bleeding heart, so he pressed the tight smile over his lips mirage  the happiness.
What a plight, Lord Jagarnath suffered. There is big price to be paid, when one fall in love; even the God is also not immune to it.


“Yeh isshq nahee Asan,
Itna samaj ligiyee.
Ek Aag Ka Dariya hai,
Aur doub ke jane hai.”

Just keep in mind, to fall in love is not an easy task. It’s like an ocean of fire and the only way out is to swim across it.









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