Wednesday 23 January 2013


                      THE FALLEN SOUL

According to the Christian faith the doctrine of original sin tells us the fable that, Adam, the first man of the world lived happily with the god in his abode. One day he surreptitiously entered the forbidden garden and went near the forbidden tree and ate the forbidden apple, which lead to the fall of Adam from the heaven, ultimately leading to the fall of mankind. The first refusal to obey the order of god, the original sin lead to the fall of mankind and since then we the sons and daughter of Adam have become the fallen souls.


Millenniums have passed since the fall of Adam, but still we haven’t learned our lesions and we repeat the same mistake again and again.

He was a brilliant, young, vibrant young boy, good in studies and with a very promising future. He was in eighth standard that time. He was all rounder and instead of hanging out fruitlessly with his friends, in the free time, he used to go to his father shop and sit there learning the tricks of the trade. He used to befriend many customers and developed a very healthy rapport with them.

There was group of boys, just little older than him, were frequent visitors of the shop. The boy used to enjoy their company. But his dad always restricted him to talk to that group, as according to him they were the bad influence. But the boy argued that he was just paying interest just to maintain the good clientele and nothing beyond it. And every time his father forbids him to maintain closeness with the group and every time he got deaf ears as the response.

One day the boy was sitting alone in the shop when the same group of boys entered. They begin talking and those boys offered him an opportunity to join their group and they will reveal him the secrets of how to earn money fast and easy way.

The young boy he was, as soon as they talked about easy money, he came into their talks and thinking himself to big enough to decide what is right and wrong for him and he joined the group without telling his father.

Few months later the boy’s family found a drastic change in his attitude, his score dropped in school, he didn’t come to shop now and even didn’t stay home. The father was very worried but he thought to give his son little more space, may be its part of growing up.

Out of the blue, one day he received a call and what he heard from the speaker, he couldn’t believe. Without saying another word he rushed out of the shop with petrified emotions to the place from where the call was made.

It was a police station. His son has been arrested on the charge of being the member of the group of goons who created organised petty thefts in the area. Since the boys were young they were taken to juvenile home and after the guarantee and lot of assurance of the father he was released.

The boy cried and promised his father that he will never ever repeat his mistake. But as they say the shadows of the past do come to haunt the present. Couple of months later the boy’s family sold the property and received the huge amount of money which they decided to invest in the business and to expand it further, but the group of the goons, in which boy was once the member, came to know about the deal. The goons abducted the boy and demanded the ransom from his family and in case they took the matter to the cops they will kill him.

The terrified family subdued to their demands. The boy returned, this time with the self guilt, that how he has made his family to suffer. The father was determined not to lose hope on him and therefore send him to the hostel. There he studied well and completed his engineering degree and got a job in Bangalore.

The life seems to be shining again on them. The boy was send on the project to Singapore. While coming back from there he thought to take a detour to Delhi before returning to Bangalore. As he was nearing his home, the same goons, who have already created havoc in his life spotted him and mercilessly robbed him of his money, visa, passport and even the important documents of his company.

The company didn’t buy the story once they came to know he was in juvenile home for a while. He was fired and a penalty was paid by him to the company according to the court law.

One mistake to taste the forbidden fruit and he fell to the worst abyss.


Narrow eyes

Both eyebrows joining in the center

Small ears


Even if we are fallen souls, but the merciful father, the almighty is always there to hold our hand and guide us away from our miseries, all we have to do is follow his orders this time.

The boy lost all the hope and will. It was his father who again came up becoming his life support and puffing life back in him. He talked him out of it. It took quite a time, but he did.

The boy is 24 years old now, trying to crack some government job entrance exams. He has wasted lots of time but he is still making a move towards good life. to be rose from his fallen soul designation. May god help him in his endeavors? Amen!!


Even how adventurous we are, but there are few forbidden corridors that are just not for us.

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