Friday 11 January 2013


            EGO – THE DARK ABYSS

The single letter in the English alphabet which would define the word “EGO” is “I” and beyond that no further explanation is required. Vanity and self esteem are its famous cousin brothers who would never ever leave it alone. And when the trios sit together they bring nothing but catastrophe. History books are filled with various examples, but still our mind is programmed into denial tom learn from them. 


He was born in the poor family of small village Jaghora, in Utter Pradesh; 250 km from Delhi. The boy was very beautiful just like a prince. But as the stars had it, he was not destined to live in the poverty. The deal was stuck with the boy’s parents by his maternal uncle to adopt him as he was childless, who happened to be the rich man of the town. Poverty and buried under the responsibility of five more children the parents agreed to give away their boy for the hope that he will have a better future over there. It was when LUCK shined over him.

The boy grew up in all the luxuries of life. Instead of being thankful he became a brat with pouring vanity. He was lazy, bunked school and just strayed in the streets with his bad companies. His foster father tried to warn him, but he paid no heed. And one day he spent all the money his father gave him to pay bills on watching movie with his loafer friends.

When confronted by his father, he didn’t even feel sorry for his deeds and stayed stubborn without even apologizing. That was much for his foster father to take and he shoved him outside of the home. His ego was too big for his age and with that he blindly decided to hell with the foster father, he have his own life and he is destined to live as a king and don’t want any one dictating terms to him. It was EGO that ruled him.

He went back to his birth mother and started to learn the family traditional business of woodwork and within no time he became the best artesian among his peers and was showered with lots of work. He shifted his base to the city and got married. But old habits die hard; he was indulged in drinking and smoking. Part of his income was wasted on his vices and part of it was saved by his wise wife for the future of their three children.

Though his work was flawless and students from different places came to learn from him, but his regular drinking habit made him more prone to accidents. Three times he had a near fatal accident and whatever money was in saving was drained out. Those accidents subsequently decreased his work caliber and made him more and more weak. Now once in blue moon he went for work.

It was his wise wife who took the bridle of whole family in her hand and started to teach sewing and earning money. She did well, till the tables turned again. Once she got sick and unexpectedly she was diagnosed with breast cancer. Again all the money saved went down the drain and she couldn’t make it either. Within two years of the diagnosis she died, suffering hell in those last two years of her life.

The big house they owned was sold and they were force to move in the smaller one. His elder son was a spoil brat like him and as soon as the house was sold, he took his share and fled away. The younger was much duty bound person and took care of his father.

Years passed, though the man lived but the life was too monotonous for what he has expected but it didn’t matter at that time because self loathing made him more and more lazy. And he lived the life of MISERY.

Last year January he became seriously ill and was admitted in the hospital with jaundice and anemia. The treatment went on for long time but his hemoglobin dipped regularly and ultimately he was diagnosed with bone marrow cancer. He refused treatment for it as he was scared, as he had already witnessed what his wife has gone through while undergoing treatment of cancer.

Refusal coasted him deteriorating health and ultimately painful end. He died November last year.

He was born with the golden spoon his mouth but his ego snatched it away and at the end what was left was only misery and nothing.


Pointed and protruding chin

Remarkable length of upper lip


Man’s doom is paved by his false ego.

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