Friday 4 January 2013



Every religion of the world propagate faith and belief in the hearts of its followers, which on other hand give us strength and hope to fight the complication and distress of the different perils of life and to come out victorious from it. The famous adage says, “God help those who help themselves first”, so with the prayers in our heart we make efforts to swim across the perils of life thinking that in midway, when we would be exhausted he will be there to hold our hand and make us swim across safely.

But what if we go into denial mode and plead him to do everything for us on pretext of being a surrender soul showing all faith and belief that he asks us to show to him? Then what? Whether he will still hold our hand or just abandoned us for our foolishness? 


There is this famous, big temple which conducted weekly kirtans {hymn singing gathering} and the star attraction of the kirtan that pulled a lot of crowd was this thirteen year old girl.

She sang so well for her age and she spell bound all the audience and surprisingly she had no formal training, it was like a god gift to her. Few people complimented her to this extent that Goddess Sarasvati herself resides in her vocal cords while she sang.

The swarthy lean girl enjoyed the fame she got and eagerly waited for Tuesday’s kirtans in the temple. But suddenly she started to feel sick and as the anti climax to her perfect life she was diagnosed with Pulmonary Tuberculosis {T.B of lungs}. The good news was that it was totally treatable disorder and since it is endemic disease of our country, the government have set up DOTS centre distributing free medicines for the treatment of disease.

It came as the shock to everyone when she refused the treatment and for the most wearied reason. According to her that she has served lord very well and without missing any rendezvous sang his praise, therefore it’s the payback time for him to cure him miraculously without her popping any of those pills.

Everyone tried to explain her consequence of her irrational step but her obstinate mind stood there firm on her demands. She strongly denied the treatment.

The night sweats, the low grade fever and the persistent weight loss along with the rattling cough and excessive sputum expectoration got more and more worst, but still she didn’t change her mind to seek medical assistance.

One day while singing with her hoarse voice, she started to cough incessantly and gasping for air, ultimately fainting. She was taken into emergency in the hospital and after the thorough MRI scanning showed that the bacteria had infected the hilar lymph nodes {lymph nodes of lungs} and still making inroads into the healthy lung tissues. The immediate surgery was done to remove the affected node and immediately after the surgery she was put on the more intensive tuberculosis treatment for one year.

The denial cost her life but it was the mercy of the god that she was saved and was able to sing again.


There is a very thin line difference between faith and blind faith, belief and superstition. The religion propagates faith not orthodox superstition. And once we start to decipher between them than we will find god very near to us, just like our best friend helping us always in our hour of need.


Raised eyebrows as if dividing the forehead equally in two parts

Scarce hair filling in the eyebrows

Big wide and protruding eyes as if always giving the expression of being astonished

Round and protruding ears


Faith heals but blind faith kills.

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