Wednesday 23 January 2013


                      THE FALLEN SOUL

According to the Christian faith the doctrine of original sin tells us the fable that, Adam, the first man of the world lived happily with the god in his abode. One day he surreptitiously entered the forbidden garden and went near the forbidden tree and ate the forbidden apple, which lead to the fall of Adam from the heaven, ultimately leading to the fall of mankind. The first refusal to obey the order of god, the original sin lead to the fall of mankind and since then we the sons and daughter of Adam have become the fallen souls.


Millenniums have passed since the fall of Adam, but still we haven’t learned our lesions and we repeat the same mistake again and again.

He was a brilliant, young, vibrant young boy, good in studies and with a very promising future. He was in eighth standard that time. He was all rounder and instead of hanging out fruitlessly with his friends, in the free time, he used to go to his father shop and sit there learning the tricks of the trade. He used to befriend many customers and developed a very healthy rapport with them.

There was group of boys, just little older than him, were frequent visitors of the shop. The boy used to enjoy their company. But his dad always restricted him to talk to that group, as according to him they were the bad influence. But the boy argued that he was just paying interest just to maintain the good clientele and nothing beyond it. And every time his father forbids him to maintain closeness with the group and every time he got deaf ears as the response.

One day the boy was sitting alone in the shop when the same group of boys entered. They begin talking and those boys offered him an opportunity to join their group and they will reveal him the secrets of how to earn money fast and easy way.

The young boy he was, as soon as they talked about easy money, he came into their talks and thinking himself to big enough to decide what is right and wrong for him and he joined the group without telling his father.

Few months later the boy’s family found a drastic change in his attitude, his score dropped in school, he didn’t come to shop now and even didn’t stay home. The father was very worried but he thought to give his son little more space, may be its part of growing up.

Out of the blue, one day he received a call and what he heard from the speaker, he couldn’t believe. Without saying another word he rushed out of the shop with petrified emotions to the place from where the call was made.

It was a police station. His son has been arrested on the charge of being the member of the group of goons who created organised petty thefts in the area. Since the boys were young they were taken to juvenile home and after the guarantee and lot of assurance of the father he was released.

The boy cried and promised his father that he will never ever repeat his mistake. But as they say the shadows of the past do come to haunt the present. Couple of months later the boy’s family sold the property and received the huge amount of money which they decided to invest in the business and to expand it further, but the group of the goons, in which boy was once the member, came to know about the deal. The goons abducted the boy and demanded the ransom from his family and in case they took the matter to the cops they will kill him.

The terrified family subdued to their demands. The boy returned, this time with the self guilt, that how he has made his family to suffer. The father was determined not to lose hope on him and therefore send him to the hostel. There he studied well and completed his engineering degree and got a job in Bangalore.

The life seems to be shining again on them. The boy was send on the project to Singapore. While coming back from there he thought to take a detour to Delhi before returning to Bangalore. As he was nearing his home, the same goons, who have already created havoc in his life spotted him and mercilessly robbed him of his money, visa, passport and even the important documents of his company.

The company didn’t buy the story once they came to know he was in juvenile home for a while. He was fired and a penalty was paid by him to the company according to the court law.

One mistake to taste the forbidden fruit and he fell to the worst abyss.


Narrow eyes

Both eyebrows joining in the center

Small ears


Even if we are fallen souls, but the merciful father, the almighty is always there to hold our hand and guide us away from our miseries, all we have to do is follow his orders this time.

The boy lost all the hope and will. It was his father who again came up becoming his life support and puffing life back in him. He talked him out of it. It took quite a time, but he did.

The boy is 24 years old now, trying to crack some government job entrance exams. He has wasted lots of time but he is still making a move towards good life. to be rose from his fallen soul designation. May god help him in his endeavors? Amen!!


Even how adventurous we are, but there are few forbidden corridors that are just not for us.

Tuesday 15 January 2013



There are so many books, self manuals or self guides which illustrate the blueprint to be successful. They claim if that if anyone who follow it word to word will definitely become successful. Well, they make it seem so easy and in case it was easy how is that not all of us have become successful till now? What in this whole world these people who have become overnight hero’s, who have come from humble origin, did so unique to be there?


In the small district of Orissa there lived a very pious man with his wife and nine kids. Although they possessed a large share of family land but the man was much into pious activities and therefore trusted his younger brother for family heritage. The younger brother took advantage of guileless nature and slowly took the possession of the whole land leaving him with a old and tattered home.

The eldest son of the pious man went to talk to his uncle to settle the matter, but his shrewd uncle didn’t give a damn to his plea, instead asked him to abandon his studies and do job as a labourer on his fields and this offer is also open for his younger brothers and sisters.

The elder brother was fifteen years old then.


“Well, this is the opening of my sixth eye hospital dad, I want you to grace the occasion by your presence at the inauguration”, said a man in his forty.

The man in the forty is none other than the fifteen year old boy, who was offered the job of laborer twenty five years back. His all brothers and sisters are well settled, one of his sisters is a gynecologist, one is the headmistress of a school, two are homemakers and two of his brothers are in government job and other two are good businessman.

The man had buyed back all the land from his uncle which in first place belonged to him. He have even buyed all the land around his shrewd uncle’s house as he once promised himself.


Well he didn’t find himself a magical lamp with a genie granting him wishes. So here it is what really happened.

That day when he went to meet his uncle, he promised himself that he will definitely settle scores with him and one day he would be very successful man.

He continued with his studies and along with that took part time jobs which provided him with minimal pocket money, which he collected earnestly. His brothers and sister followed his footsteps and never ever complained about anything to their parents. From his meager collection he got himself the forms of few entrance exams and second hand books to study from them.

With years of hard work and series of tries for government job, he was at end, able to find one for him.
He was the most earnest and promising person there and finally his work outshines and he was given promotions and salary hike in his job, which he used to settle his younger siblings.

It’s the famous adage, “those who help themselves, are personally helped by god.” It proved so right in his case.

He was a bright and youngest member in his department. During one annual inspection by the senior government officer, his work was very much praised. Not only that, the senior government officer liked him so much that he offered the hand of his only daughter in marriage to him.

The lady brought luck to him. His father-in-law after getting retired started a business with him, which flourished and poured money from all sides on him. His business became well established at international level. His main dealing now is with USA.

He have two daughters, both are studying to be doctors and dreaming to join his father’s eye hospitals.


Big and bright eyes

Convex nose

Broad forehead

Muscle filling between the two eyes, at root of nose

Broad ale-nasi {nostrils}

Remarkable length of upper lip

Broad chin, slightly protruding forward


This is what these genera of people do unique is,

“Always remember to cash their adversities”.

Friday 11 January 2013


            EGO – THE DARK ABYSS

The single letter in the English alphabet which would define the word “EGO” is “I” and beyond that no further explanation is required. Vanity and self esteem are its famous cousin brothers who would never ever leave it alone. And when the trios sit together they bring nothing but catastrophe. History books are filled with various examples, but still our mind is programmed into denial tom learn from them. 


He was born in the poor family of small village Jaghora, in Utter Pradesh; 250 km from Delhi. The boy was very beautiful just like a prince. But as the stars had it, he was not destined to live in the poverty. The deal was stuck with the boy’s parents by his maternal uncle to adopt him as he was childless, who happened to be the rich man of the town. Poverty and buried under the responsibility of five more children the parents agreed to give away their boy for the hope that he will have a better future over there. It was when LUCK shined over him.

The boy grew up in all the luxuries of life. Instead of being thankful he became a brat with pouring vanity. He was lazy, bunked school and just strayed in the streets with his bad companies. His foster father tried to warn him, but he paid no heed. And one day he spent all the money his father gave him to pay bills on watching movie with his loafer friends.

When confronted by his father, he didn’t even feel sorry for his deeds and stayed stubborn without even apologizing. That was much for his foster father to take and he shoved him outside of the home. His ego was too big for his age and with that he blindly decided to hell with the foster father, he have his own life and he is destined to live as a king and don’t want any one dictating terms to him. It was EGO that ruled him.

He went back to his birth mother and started to learn the family traditional business of woodwork and within no time he became the best artesian among his peers and was showered with lots of work. He shifted his base to the city and got married. But old habits die hard; he was indulged in drinking and smoking. Part of his income was wasted on his vices and part of it was saved by his wise wife for the future of their three children.

Though his work was flawless and students from different places came to learn from him, but his regular drinking habit made him more prone to accidents. Three times he had a near fatal accident and whatever money was in saving was drained out. Those accidents subsequently decreased his work caliber and made him more and more weak. Now once in blue moon he went for work.

It was his wise wife who took the bridle of whole family in her hand and started to teach sewing and earning money. She did well, till the tables turned again. Once she got sick and unexpectedly she was diagnosed with breast cancer. Again all the money saved went down the drain and she couldn’t make it either. Within two years of the diagnosis she died, suffering hell in those last two years of her life.

The big house they owned was sold and they were force to move in the smaller one. His elder son was a spoil brat like him and as soon as the house was sold, he took his share and fled away. The younger was much duty bound person and took care of his father.

Years passed, though the man lived but the life was too monotonous for what he has expected but it didn’t matter at that time because self loathing made him more and more lazy. And he lived the life of MISERY.

Last year January he became seriously ill and was admitted in the hospital with jaundice and anemia. The treatment went on for long time but his hemoglobin dipped regularly and ultimately he was diagnosed with bone marrow cancer. He refused treatment for it as he was scared, as he had already witnessed what his wife has gone through while undergoing treatment of cancer.

Refusal coasted him deteriorating health and ultimately painful end. He died November last year.

He was born with the golden spoon his mouth but his ego snatched it away and at the end what was left was only misery and nothing.


Pointed and protruding chin

Remarkable length of upper lip


Man’s doom is paved by his false ego.

Friday 4 January 2013



Every religion of the world propagate faith and belief in the hearts of its followers, which on other hand give us strength and hope to fight the complication and distress of the different perils of life and to come out victorious from it. The famous adage says, “God help those who help themselves first”, so with the prayers in our heart we make efforts to swim across the perils of life thinking that in midway, when we would be exhausted he will be there to hold our hand and make us swim across safely.

But what if we go into denial mode and plead him to do everything for us on pretext of being a surrender soul showing all faith and belief that he asks us to show to him? Then what? Whether he will still hold our hand or just abandoned us for our foolishness? 


There is this famous, big temple which conducted weekly kirtans {hymn singing gathering} and the star attraction of the kirtan that pulled a lot of crowd was this thirteen year old girl.

She sang so well for her age and she spell bound all the audience and surprisingly she had no formal training, it was like a god gift to her. Few people complimented her to this extent that Goddess Sarasvati herself resides in her vocal cords while she sang.

The swarthy lean girl enjoyed the fame she got and eagerly waited for Tuesday’s kirtans in the temple. But suddenly she started to feel sick and as the anti climax to her perfect life she was diagnosed with Pulmonary Tuberculosis {T.B of lungs}. The good news was that it was totally treatable disorder and since it is endemic disease of our country, the government have set up DOTS centre distributing free medicines for the treatment of disease.

It came as the shock to everyone when she refused the treatment and for the most wearied reason. According to her that she has served lord very well and without missing any rendezvous sang his praise, therefore it’s the payback time for him to cure him miraculously without her popping any of those pills.

Everyone tried to explain her consequence of her irrational step but her obstinate mind stood there firm on her demands. She strongly denied the treatment.

The night sweats, the low grade fever and the persistent weight loss along with the rattling cough and excessive sputum expectoration got more and more worst, but still she didn’t change her mind to seek medical assistance.

One day while singing with her hoarse voice, she started to cough incessantly and gasping for air, ultimately fainting. She was taken into emergency in the hospital and after the thorough MRI scanning showed that the bacteria had infected the hilar lymph nodes {lymph nodes of lungs} and still making inroads into the healthy lung tissues. The immediate surgery was done to remove the affected node and immediately after the surgery she was put on the more intensive tuberculosis treatment for one year.

The denial cost her life but it was the mercy of the god that she was saved and was able to sing again.


There is a very thin line difference between faith and blind faith, belief and superstition. The religion propagates faith not orthodox superstition. And once we start to decipher between them than we will find god very near to us, just like our best friend helping us always in our hour of need.


Raised eyebrows as if dividing the forehead equally in two parts

Scarce hair filling in the eyebrows

Big wide and protruding eyes as if always giving the expression of being astonished

Round and protruding ears


Faith heals but blind faith kills.