Tuesday 10 May 2016


Life gave her another chance and  SHE gave her best shot

Parineeta and her daughter Pari, have grown up before my eyes. Well, I call her Pari as she is the miniature form of Parineeta-same broad forehead, same eyes and loud voice, taking control of everything. Parineeta was my neighbour, we were not exactly friends as she was younger than me but we shared same wavelength and the connection was instant. She was very beautiful, had beautiful hair, intelligent and bold. Both her parents were working and were quite liberal. Parineeta and her brother Piyush got equal treatment and opportunities. A perfect example of upper middle class family. Life was going smoothly. Meanwhile, I got married and was busy settling in with my in-laws and we met rarely. I remember when she came to see my new born daughter. She was her usual self---chirpy, smiling , and curious with her endless questions about my pre and post pregnancy, my feelings and so on. I couldn’t satisfy her as I was myself at the learning stage. Then , I got busy with new responsibilities of motherhood and our communication snapped. Then I heard very unpleasant things about her—an affair with good for nothing neighbour, parents disapproval, her elopement and finally her marriage. Gossip mills were working round the clock and were churning out dirtiest of gossips. Her parents shifted to another city to avoid undue drama. I had no one to verify the facts .Soon Parineeta was blessed with a baby daughter. I too blessed her in my thoughts and prayers. Gradually things turned normal, parineeta reconciled her with her parents. But Luck had something else in store for her. Very soon she realized her mistake, the guy was actually good for nothing fellow. He was a drunkard surrounded by equally bad company as he was quite rich. Parineeta tried to make things work but she could sense what was in store for her. She talked with her parents, discussed her situation and walked out of the marriage.

She was at her parent’s house when I went to meet her with my mind full of questions. She opened the door with her million dollar smile which further confused if what all I had heard was actually right? But beneath her smile, her eyes spoke million things and I could see many emotions crossing her face. I couldn’t hold myself and asked her about the situation. She told me that her marriage was the biggest blunder of her life. She tried her best to settle down but except pair, not a single thing gave her hope to stay in her suffocating marriage. After discussing with her parents, she opted out of wedlock. During our talk, the bubbly girl Parineeta has changed to a mature woman and a concerned mother for her baby daughter but the praiseworthy thing was that she didn’t shed a single tear. She was ready to fight to get things back to normal. With her family unquestioned support, love and care she faced the real battles of Life- a messy divorce, legal custody of daughter, completing her MBA, fighting society’s stigma and never ending questions. Like good days, bad days too , shall pass . Eventually Problems sorted out. She got divorce and custody of her daughter.

Today, Parineeta is working in a reputed management school and doing her doctorate. She has added many feathers to her professional career and achieved many laurels. Pari is in middle school. Both picture perfect mother-daughter duos are the cynosure of all eyes with their fashion sense, their cool attitude towards life.

 Wish more parents come out in support of their daughters who are wasting themselves in meaningless marriage simply because of societal pressure. A single mistake should not let anyone waste the whole book. Life should be lived and it does gives another chance, only one should have the strength and will to grab it. Parineeta grabbed it and so could you.

Parineeta is a single mother and she is proud to be. Parineeta and Pari lives are inseparable and for them #EveryDayIsMothersDay and Contest 


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