Saturday 31 December 2016


YESthis is my new book.
And this is about this guy, KOCH, age SIXTEEN YEARS old.

In Case it has skipped your eyes, please count his fingers again.

YES he have an alien hand.

And YES YES he have a banging headache that is making his life miserable.

And YES YES YES, he have a devout mother who is willing to go to any extent to get it cured by the spiritual/ faith/ tantrik healers/ charlatan.

And YES YES YES YES, he have an atheist friend, son of the doctor parents, named VIKRAM KHATRI, who is willing to go to any extent to get his headache cured by the modern medical sciences.

And YES YES YES YES YES, he is entangled in this tug of war between his beloved MOTHER and his best friend VIKRAM KHATRI.

And YES YES YES YES YES YESthe cure he gets by medical science is to lose his virginity at the tender age of SIXTEEN.

And YES Please click on this link and know more about KOCHthe guy with alien hands and a headache and a prescription to lose VIRGINITY/ STAT!

MAN UP KOCH- for my headache my doctor prescribed me to lose my virginity.

The e-book available at amazon

The medical science can never get funnier than this.
FYI= ITS ALMOST A REAL DIAGNOSIS! His X-Rays of the hands!

And YES to the power of infinity, if you like it, please write a REVIEWLIKE IT  and REMEMBER TO SHARE it on your FACEBOOK, TWITTER, LINKED IN and other social networking channels.

Oh! And YES remember to click in here.



Sunday 18 December 2016


Well these are the magical portions of prosperity, success and happiness.
It was first deciphered and procured by the wise man that walked the earth in 16 th century.
So here it is how, when and where it happened.....
Once upon a time, the great King Akbar started to have very weired dreams in which his late father Himayu recurrently appeared and said some very odd language, ‘ab-ka, tab-ka, na ab-ka, na tab-ka’. The King was very much disturbed and confused after all he couldn’t understand what his father wanted to convey to him. Therefore he took this enigma to his wise ministry and sought their help but to his disappointment no one could satisfy him.
So as his last hope he asked Raja Birbal, one of the smartest and the wittiest men of his council to help him to decode his father’s message. Birbal thought for a while and then said to the king that he should forget about it because these are quiet expensive things that his late father wanted him to have. But the king was quiet adamant and persistent and he even allowed Birbal to take as much money he wanted from the treasury. Birbal asked to king to give him three months time to procure these things that King wished. Akbar was happy to grant him the time in the lieu that he will finally be able to understand his father’s words.
Two months later, the finance minister came running to King Akbar and complained that Raja Birbal has emptied half of the treasury and is still asking more money to purchase those things that King’s late father said in his dream. Reluctantly Akbar asked the minister to give Birbal more money.
A fortnight later, the finance minister again came running to Akbar and again complained that Birbal sought more money for his purchases.
This time King Akbar became very suspicious and angry. He now himself went and confronted Birbal and asked him what he did of all the money and why he wanted more of it.
Birbal replied that he already told the king that these were very expensive things and he shouldn’t desire them but since he was insistent so here is the entire description of the entire money heused to procure these things.
So what Birbal did was that he divided the entire money that he took from the treasury into three equal parts, from the first part he build houses, roads, hospitals, wells, parks and library for the people of the kingdom. So he utilized that part of the money for the social welfare under the king’s name that earned the king the great regards and veneration among his subjects. So all that money was used to garner him a great name as a kind and good ruler, hence it became his ab-ka that is of present. {Ab-ka, the Hindi language words which translated in English means ‘of present’}
With the second part of the money he build temples, mosques, donated the money to saints and did charities, again under the name of the king and hence the king was bestowed with lots of blessings of the holy men, devout and poor people. Theses blessings of the collective good work from that second part of the money will help him in his future that is after life; hence it becomes tab-ka. {Tab-ka, the Hindi language words translated in English means ‘for the future’}
And with the third part of the money, Birbal squandered it on wine and woman and other things of entertainment and sensual gratification completely flushing it in drain. Because the money spent on these things neither helped now and neither would help in after life, making it a complete wastage of funds put it under the category of ‘na ab-ka, na tab-ka’ meaning not for present and neither for the future.
King Akbar was very much satisfied and happy with Birbal’s answer.
Similarly the same formula of this magical portion of the ‘ab-ka, tab-ka and na ab-ka, na tab-ka’ is valid in today’s time too.
For our ‘ab-ka’, our present, we should do our prescribed duty very diligently and perfectly without giving excuses and being lazy to have a good and better’ present’ life. For example it is expected out of the students to earnestly learn their lessons so that they excel in their examination, so that they have good careers, making their life smooth and tension free.
At the same time while thinking about present life time one should also plan for his afterlife too.  One should serve the god and do charities to make it secure. Only fools don’t believe in the life after death and are reluctant to do anything about it.
And the unnecessary sensual gratification like excessively engrossed in partying and social networking and ideally hanging out, etc leads nowhere, instead leads to the distraction from the actual righteous path of self realization. Hence should be completely abandoned.
These principles are simple but the magical mantra of the good and happy life.
Even in the words of the great King-maker, politician, Guru and economist that Indian soil ever saw, the Great Chanakya , one should always be satisfied with three things in his life to have a peaceful and happy life is, his lawfully wedded wife, food provided by the providence and his hard earned money. And the three things that he should never be satisfied with is; chanting the name of God, doing Charity and learning new knowledge and skills.
Hopefully we will learn how to use this magical spell correctly to make our life peaceful and happy.
With this resolution, let’s enter our new year.....
Hoping it to be more than a wistful thinking, let’s claim our happiness. Amen!
Hare krsna!

Thursday 15 December 2016



Two negative always make a positive.....

It’s the basic mathematics rule, that two negative will always make a positive.

Today’s life is full of frustration, unfulfilled desires, intolerance and short temperament. Anger is lost at trifle or drop of hat and yet we vouch for our innocence, blaming the providence as the circumstantial culprit. And day in and day out, what so ever we do, party, dancing at disc, selfie time or ideally hanging out with friends nothing make us happy because at the end of the day we are dissatisfied, complaining and crying, more or less raged up and mostly depressed and hear ourselves quoting one or other idiom like, “hell man, I am destroying my life” or “my life is hell”.

Gratitude of the god given gift are unseen, the glorified warm winter sun is conveniently missed and so are the smiles on random faces because we are so good at dilly dallying happiness and busy blaming life and people around us and sometimes the benevolent poor god too.

But, this Christmas, let’s change the scenario..... Because two negative always make a positive.

For once, let’s do something different.

Rather than blaming the life, lets roar at life.

And that’s what we did when we took our Santa Claus brigade to the burned out houses of Rithala and distributed some warm clothes to them. It was not that we were condoling them of the disaster that just happened in their life but it was other way round that they taught us how to roar back at life, no matter what happen, how happened or when happened.

All it is required is to just roar back.

The best Christmas lesson ever learned,  JUST ROAR BACK AT LIFE!

So what are you waiting for?

Small act of kindness brings home basic life lessons of combat.

Pledge to be someone’s Santa Claus today, maybe someday, sometime, someone ends up being yours.
You never know, miracles do happens every day. All we need is the eyes to see them.
After all two negative, do make a positive, basic maths guys, basic maths.

PS=  if you carefully observe in above picture, the hands of the boy holding the kid, you will see the distorted anatomy of his hand. He has a genetic disorder called oligodactylism, meaning in English, born with lesser fingers in his hand. His entire life till now he was taunted for having no middle fingers in his hands. He had severe bursting headaches for that but he found himself a vent. But instead of giving out poison he received from the society and playing the blaming game, he went out to be a guardian angel to the less fortunate one. He is a super hit with the kids; all mothers association certified him the best baby sitter and is our front man of Santa Claus Brigade.  


He knows how to spread happiness, smiles and of course chocolates!
Proud of you brother!


Hare krsna

Saturday 10 December 2016

hey, do you want to be Santa Claus?

Santa Claus brigade 
Every year at this time of the year we are busy making a list of our wistful fancies, hoping with a childish desire, that Santa will fulfil it.
So lets do it again but this time little differently. For the first time as a starters lets us be on the other side of the table.
Let us all make the list but something different. Lets make a list of things not that what we want but what we can give this Christmas.
Are you ready?
Are you ready to be the first time Santa Claus and spread happiness.
So be the part of our Santa Claus brigade and  pledge to make happiness contagious, infectious and innocuous.
Well, That's our oath, say it by keeping hand on your heart.
So give us whatever you can, clothes, woollens, blankets, bed sheets, curtains, toys, shoes, food, anything or  better, come and distribute it with us.
So what are you waiting  Santa's.
Your magical Santa 🎅 cap is waiting for you and so are your reindeers.
Our first stop, 14 th December, Wednesday, JJ cluster of rithala, rohini, near rithala metro station which recently turned to ashes because of a sudden outbreak of fire. The entire colony got swallowed in fire. Nothing was left for them except their faith in god. Lets strengthen their faith.
For once in life time, lets be someone Santa for someday someone will become ours too.
Venue - rithala metro station, rohini
Timings. 12 noon
Day 14 December
Please mark it in your calendar, the day that will make history. The day that you first time became Santa.
Contact us at
Raunak helping hands
Hare krsna 😊

Wednesday 30 November 2016

24 carats gold standard way of speed learning

To remember and retain a thing in this magnanimous information filled encyclopedic world has become a hard task for everyone especially for the students who are burning candles for the competitive examinations.
So what can be crash course method to be ‘know it all’ or to actually learn a new thing?
Well I have one to share......
So this happened last year, when I thought to join some exercise regime to keep myself fit. Therefore after the suggestion of my wise advisory of friends, I joined a Latin American dance form of exercise regime called Zumba.
Well, it was all new to my hard core Punjabi mover and shaker type lithe but I enjoyed it.
It was new and every class was fun either it be salsa or cumbia or merhenge or reggeton. The lingo was also alien to my tongue but finally dissolved in due course of time leaving a spicy taste on my buds.
Everything was going fine till day of examination.
Yes, it came as a surprise for me too.
I joined it for one hour adrenaline pumping not seeking it as a career option or a degree fetching course. But it so happened that every year in the month of May there is a dance battle between the students of that academy and teams are divided for it.
It was whole new Hogwarts feeling as if gearing up for the battle of Quidditch. The jovial environment suddenly turned into shades of rivalry.
My, My, everyone took it seriously as if it was some kind of a qualifying match and one will end up with a world cup sort of thing. Nothing was fun anymore.
Every known finger of so called friend started to be raised on moves of your body. The teacher too became strict and once so funny man turned into a devil with a blazing trident in his hand poking your every step. Sarcasm, criticism and unworthy vocabulary rinsed the environment drape wet.
For Pete sake, I have a god given job of being a doctor and I have qualified all my examination with flying colors to be on the chair which I chair. In eighth year of my medical practice as a reputed doctor I am not keen of fanning embers of teenage whimsical fantasy of dancing in the streets on the rope for a god forbidden battle and hear shitty words. God, I am someone in society not a mere no one to be missed in a crowd.
Well I went to my wise advisory again seeking their opinion about it and as expected they parroted a yes in my favour and finally after the round table meeting it was decided I am going to leave this damn dance form after this battle was over.
Well, I didn’t left it then and there because I am not a quitter so it is best to go after the war of dance and as I was the team lead too and had the responsibility of my people, one and the second reason was that I have paid for the month from my hard earned currency. Why to get it waste?
So it be, once I started to take it little seriously those hand and feet moves for fifteen days and start to notice the intricate details of steps completion and dig in meanings from the animosity lingo of my teacher, we did score fairly in the battle of the dance. By the mercy of the God, we did not flunk. If I would have done what I did for past fifteen days for quiet a longer period I think we would be contesting in for winner position. But who the heck want to be the winner to a street dance competition, not a doctor in me.
Before I left the academy of Zumba, my teacher told me one thing, “Doc, you are a good dancer but not a good zumba dancer. You danced well but you didn’t do Zumba.”
I just wanted to reply him that I have much more important things to do in my life than doing Zumba but I stitched my lips. I didn’t even think him worthy for my decent words too and hence I left.
So what’s the moral of the story?
Well the moral of the story came to me after few months when my so called scholar self started reading a very famous book written on leadership quality which decoded the instructions of great king-maker Chanakya. If you personally ask me, I am the fan of that man.
So in one of the chapters it was written that a leader should not be confined to be learning one field of art or science but should have fair amount of information about the other sciences prevalent. One should always be the learner and the best possible way to learn is to first unlearn all your previous knowledge and then venture in to learn the new knowledge. So the process goes like first unlearn what you know and then learn new thing and when you have to learn another thing than unlearn again what you have known till date and learn new thing.
It’s like unlearn then learn and unlearn again and then learn again.
Its wad bewildering like some kind of the coded ancient words jumble, how can a person unlearn what is already hard wired in the grey cells and then be considered as a good disciple to learn new thing.
So here dropped in surprise entry of the wisdom of Bhagvad Gita to solve my enigma.
You see in the battle field of Kurekshetra, Five thousand years back, when Arjun had confusing thoughts about fighting his brother who did him gross wrong, Krsna told him that this is not the way the wise man think.
Arjun didn’t went hysterical on Krsna’s remark thinking himself to be the best bow-man in the world but instead rejecting his arrogance and prejudice, unlearning all the knowledge he already sheltered, went down to Krsna’s feet, accepting him as his teacher and asked him to guide him through the dark.
He wiped the slate clean so that he could write what was worthy under the guidance his master. That is what is meant by unlearn first and then learn ahead.
So in the entire year of my Zumba sessions all I learned was in those fifteen days when the noose was tightened on my neck and my teacher shrieked in my ear. What a waste of rest of the time I spend there.
So the moral is that to learn is to first unlearn everything previous.
I learned the lesson the hard way, by committing a blunder.
You be wise and learn from my mistake to not to have one par take.

Hare krsna

Wednesday 26 October 2016

SWAT analysis of woman by Vedic vectors part 3

SWAT analysis of woman by Vedic vectors part 3
An opportunity to strike for women
Hare krsna

Thursday 20 October 2016

SWAT analysis of the woman, Part 2

SWAT analysis of woman via Vedic vector, part 2
describing her weakness.
until and unless we know our weakness, how can we overcome them.
keep an open mind to read them, because only intelligent women can comprehend them.
hare krsna

Monday 17 October 2016



How good it would be if the weighing machine at your house suddenly drops the needle 10 kg less than your actual weight. At first you will have the perfect selfie ‘awe’ pose and soon when the realization starts to filter in, you would think for buying a new weighing machine. That’s the two best case scenarios how this sudden ’10 kg dip’ would have the climax.
Well in my case I am hanging on to the same faithful machine.
The reason why I started to doubt it’s loyalty towards me and then finally deciding against terminating it’s servility.
So here’s how the story goes.
One fine day, a monk came to my clinic for the treatment of a random rash that appeared on his face. Well during the course of our talk he suddenly wanted his weight to be checked. Well that’s not odd, people are curious to check their piling up adipose.
So he went on the weighing machine abandoning his padukas {the wooden slippers} but carried his chanting bag along with him. The needle of the weighing machine trembled for few seconds finally settling to the 73 kg, which I audibly pronounced as the final verdict.
First he smiled at me and then came down the weighing machine but another second, too my utter disbelief he went again on it, but this time without his chanting bag, which he carefully kept on my table.
What would be the weight of that humble chanting bag that carried the rosary beads in it, nothing more than a negligible fraction as compared to his giant curvature? But patients have their whims which we sometimes over look.
He asked me to check his weight again.
Mamma mia! This time the radar went and settled on 83 kg, sweeping ten kg more.
What an embarrassing moment for me if the simplest of the instrument in my clinic doesn’t work properly. I apologized to him and ask him to get down from the machine.
As the famous Indian ‘jugaur’ I kicked it twice with my feet and asked the monk to get on it again, hopefully this time it will not disappoint me. The monk was happy to do the needful but this time he chose to go up with his modest looking orange chanting bag. Readings was 73 kg again.
Before I could react, he gave me his chanting bag. As soon as he did, his weight went up ten kg. Reading was 83 kg.
I looked at his face all bewildered. But he kept smiling.
He did it two more times with and without his chanting bag and the weight went down and up respectively.
How was this possible, it went against the basic rules of class 2 maths?
The mystery was killing me and finally I garnered nerves and asked him.
“It’s your weighing machine, you tell?” he said simply.
“Well it’s something in your chanting bag that’s doing the trick; it takes away ten kg of your weight instantly. How could it? Is it magnet or something else, please sir, do tell.” I humbly and curiously asked him.
No magnets in it or anything of that kind in it, he showed me.
“I don’t know about weight but my beads do take away my ego, my anger, my obstinacy, my arrogance, my stubbornness. Well taking away that 10 kg load, that’s even new to me....” and then he smiled and walked away with his medicines.
That’s the most amazing life lesson I learned that day, we carry so much of added burden with us in the name of false ego and superior intelligence that weighs so much on our soul and we don’t even realize that. Are we ready to shed it away and pick up the rosary beads in our hand and chant the holy name of our lord?
As per the part my weighing machine going bananas, it turns out that it didn’t repeat it’s tantrum that day forth and has been back to its prior loyal self, accurately telling the weight of my patients irrespective of the fact as many times they step up on it. Well with no exceptions I am also weighing the same.
But the questions still linger large, well this holy month of Kartik, what do you decide to shed off from your added burdens as the austerity in the name of our lord?
Think about it and do enlighten me with your comments.....

Till then Happy Kartik to you all.

Sunday 9 October 2016


Shabri is a very humble character from Ramayana. The old ascetic woman who waited her entire life in the forest of Dankaranya for her lord Ram, so that she could serve him ‘ber’ fruits {Indian plum}.
For years she used to keep her hut neat and clean and used to diligently pluck those bers everyday from the forest. She used to taste them, running a quality check that they may not be affected by insects or be raw or over ripped to an extent of being spoiled.
For her entire years of living that was her daily routine. And when at the ripe old age when Lord Ram do came to her hut, she was more than delighted. Her patience has paid as she got to serve her Lord.
With motherly affection and altruistic love she served her lord, picking and tasting the ber fruits and then serving him. The lord took immense pleasure in eating shabri’s half eaten bers. He immortalized shabri’s affectionate bers forever. That even today they are talked in high regards.
That’s the story part of Ramayana.
The question is, do you find Shabri in real life, the lady so poor in finances but rich in heart to serve all?
Well I fortunately stumbled over the one and look at the co-incidence, the cute old lady plays the part of shabri in the local ram leela, though her professional credentials is of the vegetables vendor.
What so Shabri about her, apart from her acting skills?
So here her real life story goes. Once upon a time she was a very wealthy woman living in a very posh locality of Delhi. Her husband lost all their wealth in gambling and the poor lady and her entire family came to bare grounds of poverty. Her kids didn’t turn out to be brilliant and instead of supporting their mother became a parasite on her meager
Such hard reality check would break people and push them to cliff end of depression but this lady turned out to be a contrast. She didn’t have one freaking line of frown on her forehead but instead her phizog sketched out the laughter lines.
She is always ready and enthusiastic to take part in religious activities and surprisingly ready to donate a big part of her earnings too. She is ready to serve the people and sometimes give away her vegetables for free to those who couldn’t afford. Well such statistics with economy won’t have made her business last long but surprisingly she has been on the firm grounds since past twenty years.
Is she foolishly philanthropic?
I don’t know but when you ask her that, she would say, “it doesn’t matter you have big pocket or the small one but it does matter if you have a big heart or the small one.....”

Well what ever be her life philosophy, the lady is busy now-a-days with her role in the on-going ram leela, rehearsing her dialogues with her clients and working on her act to bring perfection to the shabri she plays on stage, though she had perfectly nailed it in real life.