Sunday 18 December 2016


Well these are the magical portions of prosperity, success and happiness.
It was first deciphered and procured by the wise man that walked the earth in 16 th century.
So here it is how, when and where it happened.....
Once upon a time, the great King Akbar started to have very weired dreams in which his late father Himayu recurrently appeared and said some very odd language, ‘ab-ka, tab-ka, na ab-ka, na tab-ka’. The King was very much disturbed and confused after all he couldn’t understand what his father wanted to convey to him. Therefore he took this enigma to his wise ministry and sought their help but to his disappointment no one could satisfy him.
So as his last hope he asked Raja Birbal, one of the smartest and the wittiest men of his council to help him to decode his father’s message. Birbal thought for a while and then said to the king that he should forget about it because these are quiet expensive things that his late father wanted him to have. But the king was quiet adamant and persistent and he even allowed Birbal to take as much money he wanted from the treasury. Birbal asked to king to give him three months time to procure these things that King wished. Akbar was happy to grant him the time in the lieu that he will finally be able to understand his father’s words.
Two months later, the finance minister came running to King Akbar and complained that Raja Birbal has emptied half of the treasury and is still asking more money to purchase those things that King’s late father said in his dream. Reluctantly Akbar asked the minister to give Birbal more money.
A fortnight later, the finance minister again came running to Akbar and again complained that Birbal sought more money for his purchases.
This time King Akbar became very suspicious and angry. He now himself went and confronted Birbal and asked him what he did of all the money and why he wanted more of it.
Birbal replied that he already told the king that these were very expensive things and he shouldn’t desire them but since he was insistent so here is the entire description of the entire money heused to procure these things.
So what Birbal did was that he divided the entire money that he took from the treasury into three equal parts, from the first part he build houses, roads, hospitals, wells, parks and library for the people of the kingdom. So he utilized that part of the money for the social welfare under the king’s name that earned the king the great regards and veneration among his subjects. So all that money was used to garner him a great name as a kind and good ruler, hence it became his ab-ka that is of present. {Ab-ka, the Hindi language words which translated in English means ‘of present’}
With the second part of the money he build temples, mosques, donated the money to saints and did charities, again under the name of the king and hence the king was bestowed with lots of blessings of the holy men, devout and poor people. Theses blessings of the collective good work from that second part of the money will help him in his future that is after life; hence it becomes tab-ka. {Tab-ka, the Hindi language words translated in English means ‘for the future’}
And with the third part of the money, Birbal squandered it on wine and woman and other things of entertainment and sensual gratification completely flushing it in drain. Because the money spent on these things neither helped now and neither would help in after life, making it a complete wastage of funds put it under the category of ‘na ab-ka, na tab-ka’ meaning not for present and neither for the future.
King Akbar was very much satisfied and happy with Birbal’s answer.
Similarly the same formula of this magical portion of the ‘ab-ka, tab-ka and na ab-ka, na tab-ka’ is valid in today’s time too.
For our ‘ab-ka’, our present, we should do our prescribed duty very diligently and perfectly without giving excuses and being lazy to have a good and better’ present’ life. For example it is expected out of the students to earnestly learn their lessons so that they excel in their examination, so that they have good careers, making their life smooth and tension free.
At the same time while thinking about present life time one should also plan for his afterlife too.  One should serve the god and do charities to make it secure. Only fools don’t believe in the life after death and are reluctant to do anything about it.
And the unnecessary sensual gratification like excessively engrossed in partying and social networking and ideally hanging out, etc leads nowhere, instead leads to the distraction from the actual righteous path of self realization. Hence should be completely abandoned.
These principles are simple but the magical mantra of the good and happy life.
Even in the words of the great King-maker, politician, Guru and economist that Indian soil ever saw, the Great Chanakya , one should always be satisfied with three things in his life to have a peaceful and happy life is, his lawfully wedded wife, food provided by the providence and his hard earned money. And the three things that he should never be satisfied with is; chanting the name of God, doing Charity and learning new knowledge and skills.
Hopefully we will learn how to use this magical spell correctly to make our life peaceful and happy.
With this resolution, let’s enter our new year.....
Hoping it to be more than a wistful thinking, let’s claim our happiness. Amen!
Hare krsna!

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