Monday 17 October 2016



How good it would be if the weighing machine at your house suddenly drops the needle 10 kg less than your actual weight. At first you will have the perfect selfie ‘awe’ pose and soon when the realization starts to filter in, you would think for buying a new weighing machine. That’s the two best case scenarios how this sudden ’10 kg dip’ would have the climax.
Well in my case I am hanging on to the same faithful machine.
The reason why I started to doubt it’s loyalty towards me and then finally deciding against terminating it’s servility.
So here’s how the story goes.
One fine day, a monk came to my clinic for the treatment of a random rash that appeared on his face. Well during the course of our talk he suddenly wanted his weight to be checked. Well that’s not odd, people are curious to check their piling up adipose.
So he went on the weighing machine abandoning his padukas {the wooden slippers} but carried his chanting bag along with him. The needle of the weighing machine trembled for few seconds finally settling to the 73 kg, which I audibly pronounced as the final verdict.
First he smiled at me and then came down the weighing machine but another second, too my utter disbelief he went again on it, but this time without his chanting bag, which he carefully kept on my table.
What would be the weight of that humble chanting bag that carried the rosary beads in it, nothing more than a negligible fraction as compared to his giant curvature? But patients have their whims which we sometimes over look.
He asked me to check his weight again.
Mamma mia! This time the radar went and settled on 83 kg, sweeping ten kg more.
What an embarrassing moment for me if the simplest of the instrument in my clinic doesn’t work properly. I apologized to him and ask him to get down from the machine.
As the famous Indian ‘jugaur’ I kicked it twice with my feet and asked the monk to get on it again, hopefully this time it will not disappoint me. The monk was happy to do the needful but this time he chose to go up with his modest looking orange chanting bag. Readings was 73 kg again.
Before I could react, he gave me his chanting bag. As soon as he did, his weight went up ten kg. Reading was 83 kg.
I looked at his face all bewildered. But he kept smiling.
He did it two more times with and without his chanting bag and the weight went down and up respectively.
How was this possible, it went against the basic rules of class 2 maths?
The mystery was killing me and finally I garnered nerves and asked him.
“It’s your weighing machine, you tell?” he said simply.
“Well it’s something in your chanting bag that’s doing the trick; it takes away ten kg of your weight instantly. How could it? Is it magnet or something else, please sir, do tell.” I humbly and curiously asked him.
No magnets in it or anything of that kind in it, he showed me.
“I don’t know about weight but my beads do take away my ego, my anger, my obstinacy, my arrogance, my stubbornness. Well taking away that 10 kg load, that’s even new to me....” and then he smiled and walked away with his medicines.
That’s the most amazing life lesson I learned that day, we carry so much of added burden with us in the name of false ego and superior intelligence that weighs so much on our soul and we don’t even realize that. Are we ready to shed it away and pick up the rosary beads in our hand and chant the holy name of our lord?
As per the part my weighing machine going bananas, it turns out that it didn’t repeat it’s tantrum that day forth and has been back to its prior loyal self, accurately telling the weight of my patients irrespective of the fact as many times they step up on it. Well with no exceptions I am also weighing the same.
But the questions still linger large, well this holy month of Kartik, what do you decide to shed off from your added burdens as the austerity in the name of our lord?
Think about it and do enlighten me with your comments.....

Till then Happy Kartik to you all.

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