Sunday 15 November 2015

PROFESSION- commander

PROFESSION- commander
SYSTEM DOMINENCE- brain for comprehensiveness
                                        Bone and muscles for stability and aggression
                                           Thoracic for clarity and mind
                                           Vegetative which nourish and sustain mental efforts

1.       CONSCIENCE (honour, honesty, integrity, morality)- width of the chin along with general straightness.
2.       FIRMNESS- protrudence of chin slightly forward
3.       PATROTISM- fullness of chin under lower lip
4.       AMATIVENESS (procreative energy, physical passion) - fullness redness and moisture of centre of upper lip, convex eyes, rounding muscular body, round limbs.
5.       PNEUMATIVENESS (the one who desire open fresh air. More supply of pure air to system bring on traits of morality, leadership, command, power and desire to travel in high places like mountains and lofty scenery)- wide large nostrils, high and broad nose, breadth of face externally to eyes, red or pink ears, brightness of eyes, good fresh colour complexion, clearness of skin, red lips and gums. Slightly receding forehead and sharply defined outlines of nose and chest.
6.       COLOUR SENSE- clearness of skin, a good colour of complexion, eyes, eyebrows and hair. The veins showing plainly through skin.
7.       SECRETIVENESS- compressed thin lips, small mouth; half closed peeping eyes, very small eyes, and long lashes. Flat nostril is a sign seen in Negros. Subdued tone of voice.
8.       CAUTION- length and breadth of nose. Length of the nose only indicates caution manifested in timid people. Long and thin ears, long and thin neck and long and thin legs are secondary signs.
9.       SELF-ESTEEM- length of upper lip
10.   FORCE- large convex eyes, round or oval face, large mouth, heavy and wide lower jaw, wide nostrils, square jaws, strong and square bones, low, broad forehead, round head, heavy eyebrows, an abundance of coarse hair and round muscular ears setting well out from head.
11.   FORM- width of bony structure between the eyes.
12.   HUMAN NATURE (intuitive perception of human character) - height of tip of nose above the plane of face causing it to stand far out and above the surrounding part.
13.   CONSTRUCTIONS (ability to build) - rounded out at sides/ alae just below the bridge.
14.   SIZE- width of ethmoid bone which join nose with forehead forming a ‘V’ between the inner terminus of eyebrows and root of nose.
15.   CALCULATION- pronounced by the space between the outer terminus of eyebrow and outer angle of the eye. The formation causes eyebrows to flex upward.
16.   REASON- septum of nose
17.   LOCALITY (capacity of recollecting positions, direction, places once visited and relative position of objects to each other)- fullness of muscles around the eyes near the forehead.
18.   ORDER- bones of forehead exhibit square appearance at side.
19.   OBSERVATION (taking notice)- the middle of lower part of forehead, between inner terminus of eyebrows and above root of nose, when large filling out of muscles at this part and cause eyebrows to draw down in order to facilitate more accurate vision
20.   EXECUTIVENESS- height and breadth of nasal bone and development of pyramidalis nasi muscle. The most executive nose is long broad as well as high with large nostrils, large mouth and large eyes (not projecting).
21.   SELF-WILL - Fullness of muscles at root of nose at its junction with forehead.
-          Fullness of muscles back to neck.
-          Curved lower jaw
-          Rounding out of sides of forehead
-          Large full convex eyes
-          Short rounding ear
-          Thick round nose

-          Short thick muscular hands with tapering finger

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