Tuesday 26 May 2015


a)      COMEDIAN

They are almost same as those of the dramatic actors of tragedians but they are used to as following:
1.       Vegetative system provide softer emotions such as amativeness, love of young, mirthfulness, approbativeness, friendship, patriotism and hospitality.
2.       Color sense for costume sense and make up
3.       Self esteem should not be large
4.       Secretiveness- to hide his individuality while impersonating a character
5.       Hope- to give new spirit and vivacity
6.       Analysis to comprehend the impersonations
7.       Mental imitation and human nature- comprehend the motive and character.
8.       Ideality for vivid imagination.
9.       Constructiveness- to builds a role.
10.   Self will- holds the character strongly.
11.   Credenciveness- comprehend and interpret awful and wonderful aspect of human nature.
12.   Form and size- aid verbal memory and memory of gestures.
13.   Locality, weight- to assist in pitch of voice and force of intonation and expression.

14.   Language, music and time- express fully the act.

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