Sunday 31 May 2015

“An Indecent Proposal”

    “An Indecent Proposal”

There are many kinds of deals, Business deals, loan deals, mortgaged deal, a bet and so on and on. These are quiet common one. But then there are nefarious plots like signing a deal with devil. People get delusional that it would serve them great returns in future but even before they cash in the returns the damage becomes way beyond their pockets and in most cases there is no EXIT DOOR!

She was the girl from a big lineage of siblings. She had 3 elder sisters and 2 younger brothers. A mediocre family, a dead mother, humble income and stretched needs were the story of their life. Elder three girls of the family were married leaving her only lady of the house to get hitched.
Her modest education qualification got her a meagre income job in a private firm. She was satisfied with the currencies that stuffed her pockets. With no big wishes, she was walking the life in a usual manner that suddenly providence opened the gates for heaven for her. The company’s owner was so impressed by her simplicity that he choosed her to be his daughter –in- law.

The ecstasy took away the power of thinking and she instantly agreed. She met the boy. He was above average height, above average looks and above average style. Things seemed picture perfect in fact Cinderella perfect to her.

Cutting short all the broad details, she was married to the boy, who too showed interest in her while they were courting each other. But fate had something else locked for her in the closet. Her dream run which has just started suddenly received a dead end when on the first night of her matrimony the guy was unable to perform the needful.

He backed off and backfired!!!

He was gay and had no interest in her. To make her, his wife was just a social formality for him and his family to shut the babbling mouth. A perfect cover up ploy for a boy to ambush the imposter he was. He continued with his affair with his guy friends, going on trips , parties and night out.

She on other hand was fooled and baited into the trap, so meticulously planned by the boy’s family.

She wasn’t Cinderella, headed for happily even after but was cannoning towards the whirlpool where it was her sure end. She confronted her in –laws but they turned deaf ears to her. She cried her eyes out but they were indifferent to her miseries.

She warned them that she will knock the door of law and get herself the justice. They mocked at her. Gloat the power of money and influence they have over the society showed her the mirror where she stood before them. She had no chance, what so ever, even in million years to fight that high tide. In both cases she was destine to fail. She knew no amount of tears could help and getting weak is not at all go to emotion. This time she confronted them with a deal. For her sacrifice she wanted something in return. If they wanted her to be mascot of their perfect family picture, they have to fulfill her demands which included a good package job for her brothers and a good living condition for her entire family.

At first the rich party resisted to shell out dough for such petty things when they already knew that the ball was dangling in their court. But her adamantine self and supremacy of will to distraught their family in public eye made them go on their knees. After all it was a small amount to pay for.

Her maiden family become prosperous and sang like parrot the praises of the husband that the girl got. Completely unaware of the deal thumbed by their daughter, her father along with her other siblings lived in bliss. To add other magic integrant in their so called perfect family, they adopted an infant and presented him as their family’s perfect kid. The secret again went locked with shackles in her broken heart. But it brought her a fresh breeze to live in for in this miserable life. The baby made her happy but at same time the routine of her husband brought misery to her.

She tried to be indifferent but she couldn’t. For twenty five long years she lived the life getting rotted in hell with no decent relationship. Everything around her was plastic…She kept her patience…

      Finally the Patience Paid…..

A freak road accident took away her husband, his lover.

Her in laws were way dead before. She was left with her adopted son and the big property which by default fell under her name.
She was free, free to do whatever she wanted to.

She didn’t shed a single tear for her so called husband. She was calm, composed.

But the question is, is this is what is called justice? Will she get all those rainbow years of youth back that she deserved with the currency stocked in her safes now. She knew she had a deal and she kept her part but now she knows that she have a son that she loves and he loves her back too. She is no longer a woman she used to be but now have a role to play of a mother to the innocent child. Her priorities have changed, so her life and hence her decision for future too.


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