Sunday 31 May 2015

“An Indecent Proposal”

    “An Indecent Proposal”

There are many kinds of deals, Business deals, loan deals, mortgaged deal, a bet and so on and on. These are quiet common one. But then there are nefarious plots like signing a deal with devil. People get delusional that it would serve them great returns in future but even before they cash in the returns the damage becomes way beyond their pockets and in most cases there is no EXIT DOOR!

She was the girl from a big lineage of siblings. She had 3 elder sisters and 2 younger brothers. A mediocre family, a dead mother, humble income and stretched needs were the story of their life. Elder three girls of the family were married leaving her only lady of the house to get hitched.
Her modest education qualification got her a meagre income job in a private firm. She was satisfied with the currencies that stuffed her pockets. With no big wishes, she was walking the life in a usual manner that suddenly providence opened the gates for heaven for her. The company’s owner was so impressed by her simplicity that he choosed her to be his daughter –in- law.

The ecstasy took away the power of thinking and she instantly agreed. She met the boy. He was above average height, above average looks and above average style. Things seemed picture perfect in fact Cinderella perfect to her.

Cutting short all the broad details, she was married to the boy, who too showed interest in her while they were courting each other. But fate had something else locked for her in the closet. Her dream run which has just started suddenly received a dead end when on the first night of her matrimony the guy was unable to perform the needful.

He backed off and backfired!!!

He was gay and had no interest in her. To make her, his wife was just a social formality for him and his family to shut the babbling mouth. A perfect cover up ploy for a boy to ambush the imposter he was. He continued with his affair with his guy friends, going on trips , parties and night out.

She on other hand was fooled and baited into the trap, so meticulously planned by the boy’s family.

She wasn’t Cinderella, headed for happily even after but was cannoning towards the whirlpool where it was her sure end. She confronted her in –laws but they turned deaf ears to her. She cried her eyes out but they were indifferent to her miseries.

She warned them that she will knock the door of law and get herself the justice. They mocked at her. Gloat the power of money and influence they have over the society showed her the mirror where she stood before them. She had no chance, what so ever, even in million years to fight that high tide. In both cases she was destine to fail. She knew no amount of tears could help and getting weak is not at all go to emotion. This time she confronted them with a deal. For her sacrifice she wanted something in return. If they wanted her to be mascot of their perfect family picture, they have to fulfill her demands which included a good package job for her brothers and a good living condition for her entire family.

At first the rich party resisted to shell out dough for such petty things when they already knew that the ball was dangling in their court. But her adamantine self and supremacy of will to distraught their family in public eye made them go on their knees. After all it was a small amount to pay for.

Her maiden family become prosperous and sang like parrot the praises of the husband that the girl got. Completely unaware of the deal thumbed by their daughter, her father along with her other siblings lived in bliss. To add other magic integrant in their so called perfect family, they adopted an infant and presented him as their family’s perfect kid. The secret again went locked with shackles in her broken heart. But it brought her a fresh breeze to live in for in this miserable life. The baby made her happy but at same time the routine of her husband brought misery to her.

She tried to be indifferent but she couldn’t. For twenty five long years she lived the life getting rotted in hell with no decent relationship. Everything around her was plastic…She kept her patience…

      Finally the Patience Paid…..

A freak road accident took away her husband, his lover.

Her in laws were way dead before. She was left with her adopted son and the big property which by default fell under her name.
She was free, free to do whatever she wanted to.

She didn’t shed a single tear for her so called husband. She was calm, composed.

But the question is, is this is what is called justice? Will she get all those rainbow years of youth back that she deserved with the currency stocked in her safes now. She knew she had a deal and she kept her part but now she knows that she have a son that she loves and he loves her back too. She is no longer a woman she used to be but now have a role to play of a mother to the innocent child. Her priorities have changed, so her life and hence her decision for future too.


Tuesday 26 May 2015


a)      COMEDIAN

They are almost same as those of the dramatic actors of tragedians but they are used to as following:
1.       Vegetative system provide softer emotions such as amativeness, love of young, mirthfulness, approbativeness, friendship, patriotism and hospitality.
2.       Color sense for costume sense and make up
3.       Self esteem should not be large
4.       Secretiveness- to hide his individuality while impersonating a character
5.       Hope- to give new spirit and vivacity
6.       Analysis to comprehend the impersonations
7.       Mental imitation and human nature- comprehend the motive and character.
8.       Ideality for vivid imagination.
9.       Constructiveness- to builds a role.
10.   Self will- holds the character strongly.
11.   Credenciveness- comprehend and interpret awful and wonderful aspect of human nature.
12.   Form and size- aid verbal memory and memory of gestures.
13.   Locality, weight- to assist in pitch of voice and force of intonation and expression.

14.   Language, music and time- express fully the act.

Sunday 24 May 2015

“A Well kept Secret”

        “A Well kept Secret”

It is said everybody have a past. “But not everybody reveals that past and feels confident to divulge its intricate details in public. At same time it is very difficult to keep a lid on them and keep it away from the light of day. It requires great internal strength, mental calmness and in certain cases wits, per say.


Lady was in her late thirties, medium height, average build and the face easily missed in the crowd. Nothing was qualitative peculiar about her to divert anyone’s attention span for substantial amount her time.
Patience was one of her virtue that I appreciate in her which lacks in most of my patients.
She came in with her husband, talked in detail about her skin ailments went through an entire procedure of case taking protocol. Answered all my questions to desire level and that was it. All snowboarded calmly. One of my peculiar habits is to ask one last time, before writing a final prescription is, “Anything else!!” Maybe if she missed something, maybe patient need to add something as a foot note. It’s the last chance for them to tell any minute detail before I uncap my pen and do the needful. As with all patients, there is always something missed and remembered at eleventh hour.
This time, it was her husband who came up with an instant realisation, “Doc! She probably has some trouble in hearing in her left ear.”
“Since when?” I rightfully raised my eyebrows.
“Since that accident.”
“What Accident?” After divulging substantial amount of time with the patient and still there are unfilled blanks in her medical history, came as a real big disappointment.
I frowned, “Please, do tell me.”
It was her husband driving and they had a minor brush up with another vehicle on the highway year back. There were no external injuries though and not even any legal tangle (Relevant Information pointing towards the minor bang). But since than, may be due to screeching sound between the cars or god knows any other factors, she has suddenly stop hearing from that ear.
Plenty ENT doc’s unanimously sang the carol of dead nerve due to injury. But Surprise! Surprise! there was never any physical contact. That was something that didn’t go down my throat.
I prescribed anyways keeping up with the sunny side, because the incident was of recent occurrence and in certain cases this works as our walking advantage.
For months she walked in my clinic with her husband with a good prognosis of her skin but no ‘breaking good’ glory for her left ear. We only applauded the wonders on her skin. But it got me worried.
And one odd day when she walked in with the same repeated story but this time, alone, without her husband. Was it my guilty face or whether she was in the ultimate mood that she divulged the entire truth to my utmost surprise?
She was deaf in that ear since she was five years old. A weird accident took away her hearing power. A leather ball found her mark on her left ear, damaging her auditory canal and bursting away her tympanic membrane. The last thing that she ever heard from that ear was her own scream. Since then the world around, have been silent on left! No surgery could revive it back to being. It was dead. She grew up adapting to that abnormally. She was at peace with herself until she decided to marry this man, whom she fancied. The only peril on the path was that if the truth about her dead ear be revealed, she would miss this connubial bliss.
The woman was not ready to give up. She had a plan!!
For fifteen years of her marriage she faked it all. She was on her guards always protecting this dark secret of her past. She tried hard and became proficient in reading the movement of the lips without hearing the actual words. She was a genius born once in thousand years with such will power!
But the question arises, why is she killing her already dead ear, now in public eyes?? Answer is simple, she is done faking. She has been already married for fifteen years now. So a dead ear and hearing loss won’t affect her conjugal bliss anymore. But still she required an impromptu to stage its death. A husband initiated accident was more than wish fulfilled to do her act. No one would ever suspect it and the guilt will be carried on her husband shoulder. Wonderful thinking!
He may now live in the guilt of killing away his wife left ear but she found her freedom to be proudly, one sided deaf.

Amazingly Awesome!!!!

Saturday 23 May 2015

“Redemption of the Playboy”

“Redemption of the Playboy”
It’s the story of a man told by his rival. The narrator is 74 yrs old and the story dates back to their hay days. The story is in his words, as follows.
“He used to be my best friend. We grew up together in the murky land having nothing in our pockets but only dreams in our eyes. I wished to walk but he wanted to fly. It has always been difficult for me to sync feet with him and catch his pace. I had to force myself to run to catch him and give him the piece of my mind but he never listened to me, not then and not ever.
Our boyhood was fun even though we didn’t have two nickels to rub together, adolescence came up a hard but who was afraid to work hard. We shuttled studies with myriad work routine to burn candles at homes. It was a sheer luck or suddenly god remembered us that we were rich when we celebrate our twenty fifth birthday.
Our small scale business took off a good flight and the currency started to fall from the roof top. We were not same bloodline but we were more than brothers in arms. We did everything together even got married too on same date.
Through money brought stability in our life but with it, shadowed the vices, waiting in dark, lurking in the corner, for an unguarded moment of our defence to mutate itself into multiple hooded snake. I could sense it but my friend was blinded with speed. I told him life is the present and we got to preserve it. One is liable only to take calculative risks.
“You make life sound like Retirement plan”. He used to always say that. His roller coaster ride was always mayday warning for us and like fire fighters respond to a fire alarm, I have to always be ready with a backup plan. Pulling him out of the pit, had become my routine job, whether it was to drive him back home when his senses were Tequila ridden, paying off his debts  after he lose big in gambling , covering up for him in front of his wife when he was busy with his mistresses. From wiping his vomiting to hiding away his dirty linen, I did everything. His wife left him but I stayed little longer.
But when the water was hell high and beyond my human limits to drain, my patience finally gave up. We parted ways, life, business and everything material and immaterial. But in deepest corner of my chest, my heart still beat for him. I kept a close tab on him. He was indifferent, drowned in debauchery and all illicit pleasures known to mankind. He just wanted his life to be that way.
He married again. I was invited and I went too. Again tried to put wisdom in his ironclad head but futile, instead got embarrassed and insulted in front of a big gathering by his wasted self. That was the last straw. Our friendship broke. We turned into rivals.
It gave him a reason to get back to his work and earn more money though it was just to prove me wrong. He was sweating again. My ego too didn’t let him win the race. Our clashes became public and sometimes made headlines in local magazines. We were so head on.
But even in those bullying time, he never crossed boundaries. He wanted a competition but not to harm me in any way or other. When people approached him taking advantage of our enmity, he punched their faces right off. It was then I realised, he wasn’t indifferent. But it was too late to sew back all hanging threads.
It was for this reason probably his second marriage ran the track for 10 years, contrast to his previous one year matrimony. He had two children, pretty much grey hairs and a little pot belly. But he slipped on and off in his playboy avatar even while condescending horns with me. As a result his second marriage too doomed. A large share of his finances went in divorce settlement. But he was born to not worry at all with a devil may care attitude. He never cared if he lost everything; at least he lived his life according to his rules.
The love knocked his door again for the third time. But this was something different with him. The feeling was absolutely unexpected and a new. He wants to change for a change. He wanted to redeem himself.
He was getting sober, exercising, and sleeping at tine. The woman he was dating for past one year was turning him to a man, the one which I always wanted for him to be. It was good and I was happy for him.
He proposed her. She said yes. A playboy who was on the verge for complete redemption was dead after two days of proposing the girl, in whom he found his eternal love. In his entire life he challenged fate, destiny and his luck but finally providence had a last laugh.
Heart attack, died in the ambulance!!
wasn't surprise when he died at age of forty five but I was sad, very sad. Even now, when we didn't see eye to eye, his departure took away a large piece of me.
I wish now, that if I had stayed little longer with him, if I would have tried little more harder to change him, if I would have geared more patience to understand him, we would have lived like a big happy family, but now, as the sand skips out of my fingers, I am left with ‘if only’!!

I miss the man, who once used to be my friend and once used to be my sworn enemy. The man I respected hated and envied, but the only man that I ever loved.”

Sunday 3 May 2015

PROFESSION- dramatic profession

PROFESSION- dramatic profession
SYSTEM DOMINANCE- brain system + muscles along with thoracic and excellent vegetative not only to provide vitality but also domestic sentiments

1.       CONSCIENCE (honor, honesty, integrity, morality) - width of the chin along with general straightness.
2.       FIRMNESS- protrudence of chin slightly forward
3.       PATRIOTISM- fullness of chin under lower lip.
4.       BENOVALANCE- a full, rolling, red and moist lower lip.
5.       AMATIVENESS (procreative energy, physical passion)- fullness redness and moisture of center of upper lip, convex eyes, rounding muscular body, round limbs.
6.       LOVE OF YOUNG- scallops curving of upper lip like a bow of cupid.
7.       FRIENDSHIP- the fullness of upper and soft part of cheek over and below the malar bone.
8.       COLOR SENSE- clearness of skin, a good color of complexion, eyes, eyebrows and hair. The veins showing plainly through skin.
9.       HOPE- downward projection of septum of nose below the aloe or wings of nostrils. Brightness of eyes, bright clear colored and fresh complexion full cheeks, plump body.
10.   REASON/ ANALYSIS- septum of nose.
11.   ALIMENTIVENESS- a wide mouth, full red and moist lips, full red cheeks with plentiful supply of soft tissues about the chin along with fullness of paratoid glands.
12.   PNEUMATIVENESS - wide large nostrils, high and broad nose, breadth of face externally to eyes, red or pink ears, brightness of eyes, good fresh color complexion, clearness of skin, red lips and gums. Slightly receding forehead and sharply defined outlines of nose and chest.
13.   MIRTHFULLNESS- dimples and wrinkles at the corner of mouth, upward curving of corner of upper lip, full moist lips, large bright eyes and dimples in various parts of body, a rounding head and  forehead. Dimpled hands.
14.   APPROBATIVENESS- dimpled cheeks and dimpled chin
15.   SANATIVENESS- full temples, breadth of face outward from eyes, high and broad nose and nostrils, full cheeks, full lips, broad chin, healthy colour skin and arid bright eyes.
16.   IMITATION- downward projection of tip of nose.
17.   SUBLIMITY (sense of grandeur and magnificence) - rounding of outer corner of tip of nose, large and full eyes and symmetry of body parts.
18.   IDEALITY- width of tip of nose more appreciated in muscular system dominance.
19.   HUMAN NATURE (intuitive perception of human character) - height of tip of nose above the plane of face causing it to stand far out and above the surrounding part.
20.   CONSTRUCTIONS (ability to build) - rounded out at sides/ alae just below the bridge.
21.   CREDENCIVENESS (to have faith in mysteries) - high arched eyebrows as if dividing forehead into two parts.

22.   VENERATION- width and height of nasal bone below the bridge.
23.   EXECUTIVENESS- height and breadth of nasal bone and development of pyramidalis nasi muscle. The most executive nose are long broad as well as high with large nostrils, large mouth and large eyes
24.   SELF-WILL - Fullness of muscles at root of nose at its junction with forehead.
-          Fullness of muscles back to neck.
-          Curved lower jaw
-          Rounding out of sides of forehead
-          Large full convex eyes
-          Short rounding ear
-          Thick round nose
-          Short thick muscular hands with tapering finger
25.   FORM- width of bony structure between the eyes.
26.   SIZE- width of ethmoid bone which join nose with forehead forming a ‘V’ between the inner terminus of eyebrows and root of nose.
27.   WEIGHT (natural perception of the law of resistance, gravity, momentum, direction and balance) - fullness of supraciliary muscles at junction of this muscle with ethmoid bone or at inner terminus of eyebrows.
-          Rounding of sides of forehead, full convex eyes and curving lower jaw.
28.   LOCALITY (capacity of recollecting positions, direction, places once visited and relative position of objects to each other)- fullness of muscles around the eyes near the forehead.
29.   ORDER- bones of forehead exhibit square appearance at side.
30.   TIME- according to system providence.
31.   OBSERVATION (taking notice)- the middle of lower part of forehead, between inner terminus of eyebrows and above root of nose, when large filling out of muscles at this part and cause eyebrows to draw down in order to facilitate more accurate vision
32.   MEMORY OF EVENT – fullness of upper and middle portion of forehead.
33.   LANGUAGE- large full bright convex eyes, fullness under eyes, rounding out of head above the temples, full lips, full cheeks, full throat, wide mouth and chest, large nostrils, high and broad nose, wide nostrils and length from point of nose to tip of chin. Vertical, lateral, perpendicular width of concha of external ear, rounding head, jaws body and limbs, small joints and finger incline to taper.
34.   . INTUTION- fineness and clearness of skin
35.   MUSIC- large mouth with average width, full red lips, rounding cheeks, short, round, soft, muscular or cartilaginous nose, a chin well developed in regard to length, height of root of mouth, relative length of face from tip of nose to point of chin and fullness of forehead
36.   ACQUISITIVENESS (desire to obtain, gain, earn money) - thick, heavy upper eye lid which disclose a large surface while eye is open giving a sleepy look.
-          Fullness and breadth of side of nose just above the nostrils.
-          High arched convex nose
-          Head wide above the ears
-          Wide predaceous jaw and large mouth
b)      COMEDIAN
They are almost same as those of the dramatic actors of tragardians but they are used to as following:
1.       Vegetative system provide softer emotions such as amativeness, love of young, mirthfulness, approbativeness, friendship, patriotism and hospitality.
2.       Color sense for costume sense and make up
3.       Self esteem should not be large
4.       Secretiveness- to hide his individuality while impersonating a character
5.       Hope- to give new spirit and vivacity
6.       Analysis to comprehend the impersonations
7.       Mental imitation and human nature- comprehend the motive and character.
8.       Ideality for vivid imagination.
9.       Constructiveness- to builds a role.
10.   Self will- holds the character strongly.
11.   Credenciveness- comprehend and interpret awful and wonderful aspect of human nature.
12.   Form and size- aid verbal memory and memory of gestures.
13.   Locality, weight- to assist in pitch of voice and force of intonation and expression.

14.   Language, music and time- express fully the act.

Today is Narsimha Chaturthi= birthday of lord Narsingha