Tuesday 28 October 2014

Breakdown Part 1= mayday mayday

At certain point of life , there are some milestone that we nomenclature as turning points, stumbling point, boiling point or breaking point. Each and every epoch on the road map of destiny have following consequences while we live our life. Thereafter, is all about swimming through those after effects. They say, life is all about the way you design it. Is it true? Do we ever have choices to make?

Here is a story of two ladies stumbling over almost a same pebble and nicking the same artery leading to a major hemorrhagic draining out all what they once dream about the Rainbow Life.

With the awesome statistical figure, this lady stood almost 5 feet 7 inches above the ground level. She was pretty, smart, educated and domesticated. A complete cocktail for a prospectus bride. Girls with such credentials life move fast with them. One weekend she had her graduation degree and the following Sunday she had a grand photo shoot with the rock in her middle finger.
The guy was an engineer with well settled family background. The things were pretty colorful on the canvas and all those wedding bells ringing above the head. But sooner the colors start to fade away and her whole life got bleached when even after two years of marriage, the dowry demands from the so called well settled background family didn't get satiated.
Domestic violence, weepy eyes and broken heart all were delineated on her phizog
like a tell tail farce. When the water was neck high, the girl’s family finally intervened and cut off all the wear and tear ties of this burden relationship. The girl was back to square one from she started. Six months of wound healing and again she was up for matrimony. Though this time she really found her knight in shinning armor with whom she also have a baby girl, but the wounds of past have left deep scars that refuse to melt down with passing time and left her hurt deep.
Life is beautiful for her at the moment. Living a larger than canvas life in her love nest, she still fears a worse is yet to happen. Sometimes her anxieties are sky high.
In one case, her daughter had chicken pox and she went screaming on roof top. Her daughter healed in a week, but it took months for her nerves to settle.
She is not ready to shake hands with life and have become very suspicious of even good things knocking her door.
It’s been twenty years since her second marriage and still her status quo is maintained.

1.      Long and thin nose
2.      Small nostrils.

Check out next week a complete contrast, the story of lady number 2, in ‘HASTE LE VISTA’

Saturday 18 October 2014



“Future” is the big business house. How many of us would be fantasized to know about the occult and it is because of our curiosity and financial contribution we give birth to the best con people and charlatan of society. Though this is the domain of astrologers but what happens when we blindly believe it.

She is a well qualified engineering teacher in one of the reputed college of Delhi. She is the only sister to her well settled brothers in Australia. Since her NRI brothers are financial contributor; she bears the burden of the responsibility of her parents in India.
She is 27 years old and ripened enough to get into matrimony but whenever you ask her about the life’s crucial decision she have just one blunt answer “I don’t want to get married.”
A logical understanding about her detailed family history can deduce since her elder brother had a fail marriage; it created fears in her heart and demyelinated her romantic synopsis of brain. But to the utter disbelief, this happens to be not the reason for her animosity towards the holy matrimony.
She says that her birth chart have such complex calculations that any relationship she enter would destine for a break up. And it is not just one astrologer that voiced for it but there is a unanimous chain of ten eminent prestigious scholars of society vouching in for same statement. Even though how hard you try to talk her out of her paranoid belief, she would counter exemplifying it as the similar birth chart matrix of her elder brother, who not only defied the words of wisdom and got married finally ending it an eminent break up. She is not in any position to take the dagger in her chest. She is happy and well-off without it.
She is so stuck up with this fevicol idea that no logical explanation could dare to move her from it.
Even though her elder brother has not given up over happiness and gearing up of second marriage and her younger brother who too suffer from the traces of worst birth chart scenario, is presently dating an Australian lady.

High arched eyebrows dividing the forehead in equally two parts.
Dropping of outer commeasure of eyes.


Irrespective of the fact what the changeable lines on the hand and numerical of stars says, the bridle of future is still held in hands of almighty and hence susceptible to variability.

Saturday 11 October 2014

the ticking time bomb {part -2}

The protagonist has well mastered the Brits stiff upper lip demure as the consequences of her eventful life!
She was just thirty and had developed thick medical records. From day in to day out she was popping pills for hypothyroidism diabetes mellitus and irregular menstrual cycle and frequent recurrent attack of IBS (irritable bowel syndrome)
Due to all these accumulated pathologies she couldn’t conceive again and had two failed IVF (In Verto Fertilization) procedures to her name. Her daughter was five by then and it was high time that she have sibling support. Every time her orthodox mother-in-law made trip to her city’s dwelling, she became death pale remembering all those tyrannous cannons. She would let loose her tongue on her for not giving a grandson to the family. She bugged her to try harder to have another baby. The lady was left with no choice except to swallow the lump and just stifle.
She turned to religious fast and austerities to find some tranquillity and miraculously she conceived, this time with twins. She was happy. Her fat medical history brought in few complications but her doctors were competent enough to not only accept the challenge but gave it a tooth and nail contest. Anyways, she need to have caesarean surgery to give birth to her twins, only to realize later that her new born girls shoulder got dislocated during the process.
Next six months were frustrating. Her days were spent worrying and caring about the new ones in her life. She didn’t took any big leaps in advice care for herself after the surgery, always settled for loop holes but for her kids she philandered with blood and sweat, year later her hard work finally paid off and her little girl shoulder was back to the pavilion but her body started to beep code red. Her condition declined with day’s pace. 
There was another addition to her medical records; she developed an intestinal polyp and crohn’s disease. The abdominal pain was crossing her tolerance threshold and all the pain killers were started becoming pain friendly. Her doctor husband took his wife case to his gastro-entrologist friends who unanimously vouched for a surgery. In no time, giving in consideration the lady’s condition, surgery was scheduled.
But irrespective of their hasty steps, the ticking time bomb exploded in her abdomen. Her intestine perforated a complication of crohn’s disease and she had all the mixing of poisonous fluid with her abdominal contents. She had peritonitis a worse medical emergency where the survival rates are valued in minuscule.
Immediately she went under back to back major laprotomy (open abdomen surgery) quinces of fluid was drained out of her gut. For days when breathing became strenuous she was put on ventilator inside the closed endeavour of ICU.

As for now...
She is partially out of danger. A food pipe is put down her throat to help her with food and another pipe connected to her abdomen that drains out the pus. She is breathing on her own.
Though she survived this one and it will take months to get back on her feet.
But the question lingers large, when will be the second ticking bomb set on.


Partially, we write own destiny. It totally depends upon what ink we use.

Thursday 2 October 2014

The ticking time bomb {part 1}

                   TICKING TIME BOMB
A scene before an ambushed bomb goes off is pretty much normal. People walk carefully to here and there, carrying out their errands, their brain loaded with their personal worries completely unaware of even the whence of impeding shadow of death. And then in that entire normalcy, there is a sudden blast, and then thereafter left is blood and mangled bodies all over. And nothing seemed normal.
Similarly there are many ticking bombs waiting to explode inside our bodies leading to massive destruction. Only difference being, they are triggered by our own rogue self, contrary to the terrorist motive.

She was the most beautiful girl of the locality. Once the eyes crosses her face, they were definitely bond to bounce back again on her god’s personally crafted phizog.
Though at a very tender age, she was exposed to custom made perils, the very first being, when her father deserted them and ran away to another town for a better life and for a new wife. It was her mother whose bold personality brought whole scenario under control and stood like a shield for her family. Though she provided them their basic needs but a missing father figure was constant thought that linger in her heart. This didn’t make her sad but only angry. Paradoxically there was no one to vent it out over. Hence she stiffed.
Years later she was moulded into a very pleasant damsel, studied hard and just after graduation landed into a job of receptionist at some random hospital.
Things were going pretty smooth, till one day she announced in her house that some new doctor has proposed to her. Her mother was ascetic, as she could sense a better life for her now.
She started dating that doctor, only to know after few months that he was married. She was heartbroken and more than sad, she was angry of being cheated again, first her father and now her lover. Again her introvert demure prevented her to vent out anger. SHE STIFLED.
Couple months of severance made the love smitten doctor realized that he couldn’t live without her and he traced back his steps towards her, after having a divorce and settled law suit.
She wasn’t ready to go back but her mother’s frequent regular persistence, she finally gave up to the building pressure, ended up marrying the doctor. She was, the lady luck in doctor’s life, in no time doctor had money raining from all side, that he brought a big house, own car and job at a very reputed hospital as a HOD to the department. But the only drawback was, he got busy and couldn’t give much deserved time to her new and beautiful wife. It won’t have mattered to the girl, if her in-laws won’t have went on her about the second wife tyrannies. She couldn’t revert; after all it was her choice to pick that kind of life. She stiffed another episode of suppressed anger.
A year later she was blessed with a baby girl. Finally there was something to smile about, something to feel worthy of being living. For a time being she locked that suppressed anger in a closet and savoured  the blessings showered over her, till one day, couple years later, it relapsed with much mutiny.

CHECK OUT NEXT WEEK, the rest of the story of her stiff stride and finally the great explosion.